Your House Helper Korean Drama Recap: Episodes 7-8

In the 7-8th episode of Your House Helper Korean Drama, Da Young misunderstands that Ji Woon threw away her ticket, and finds it under the shelf. She thinks he is angry, and fears he rejects to be model of handsome house helper ad. She takes Jin Hoon to visit his cafe.

Your House Helper Korean Drama Recap: Episode 7

Your House Helper

Note: These are specific plot spoilers for Your House Helper Korean Drama Episodes 7-8.

Ji Woon stops Jin Kook from wiping Sang A’s clothes with napkin, and takes her to the bathroom. She grumbles to Ji Woon in the bathroom, and thinks she was out of mind. He thinks she should help him instead of grumble, and pours wine on the clothes. She is startled, and asks him why he did it. He reveals grape juice in the wine can remove those stains, she thinks he is right after the stains were disappeared, and finds out he hung his suit on the wall of the bathroom, and recalls that he told her he won’t take responsibility even if she looks pathetic.

Sang A cries out that she won’t get a refund, Ji Woon tells her to asks the guy to pay for it, but she doesn’t want to look poor, and leans her head on the mirror.

Tae Hee and Jin Kook argue to pay for Sang A’s suit, Tae Hee tells Sang A that Jin Kook is her fiance’s best friend, and introduces Sang A as the head designer. Jin Kook asks Sang A to call him, and claims he will pay for the coat. But Sang A is embarrassed, and claims he doesn’t have to, Ji Woon shoots an angry eyes to her. Jin Kook asks for Sang A’s name card, and claims he will call her first. She gives her, he thinks her name card is fancy after peeking at Tae Hee. Then Tae Tee takes Jin Kook away.

SEE ALSO: Your House Helper Korean Drama Recap: Episodes 1-2

Sang A’s friends show up, and asks her why she bumped into Jin Kook, revealing that he is Tae Hee’s first love.

Ji Woon walks Sang A, asking if she is satisfied to be center. She laughs and thanks him while seeing him off, but he claims he is waiting for her payment. She grumbles that he didn’t take her home after he left, and thinks he is cheap.

Da Young lines up outside for the kindergarten with blanket, she thinks she is so desperate. Ji Woon runs into a crude outside his shop, and asks Ga Ram where Tae Soo is. Ga Ram says that he was talking to the customer. Ji Woon finds out Tae Soo occupies his chair, and asks him what he is doing. Tae Soo claims he is being Ji Woon, and wants to know if he wants to see the woman after five years. Ji Woon asks Tae Soo to clean the cafe tomorrow before he leaves.

SEE ALSO: Your House Helper Korean Drama Recap: Episodes 3-4

Da Young comes outside, and calls Mr. Jo that she got number eight. He praises her, and asks her to give him the ticket tomorrow.

She returns home with tired, Sang A asks Da Young if she got off work. Da Young says that she was on field work, and rejects it when So Mi wants to cook beansprouts soup for her, and asks Sang A why she is so tired. Sang A sighs.

Da Young thinks dry cleaner cannot solve it after seeing Sang A’s coat. Sang A puts her head in arms, and doesn’t know how to do. So Mi asks her to give up, and thinks Sang A will embarrass herself. Da Young persuades Sang A to asks the guy to pay, but Sang A fears Tae Hee finds it.

Da Young is curious why Ji Woon went to the party with Sang A, while she is in her room, and thinks he won’t reject her offer. She puts the ticket on the table, and turns on electric fan which blows the ticket away.

Jin Kook hesitates to call Sang A or not while taking her name card, and cannot make decision. Sang A sighs when taking her coat, and is startled because her phone number is on the business card.

Jin Kook finds out Sang A’s office is empty, after coming in. He thinks she is a sly liar, and calls Tae Hee.

Sang A asks herself to calm down, and thinks he won’t call her office. She decides to contact him to prevent it, but she texts him asking him to pay for the jacket. She screams about what she did, and wants to text him to explain it. But Jin Kook calls her, she is hopeless to pick up, and apologizes. He says she doesn’t have to, and asks for her bank account number. She is embarrassed because of the price, he claims he knows the price through her friends, and thinks it’s a precious jacket, and wants to apologize to her boyfriend. She realizes he means Ji Woon, and reveals he is just her business partner.

Sang A feels bag for letting him pay for the coat, Jin Kook asks her to buy him dinner. She accepts it, and is curious why he is so nice to her. Ji Woon visits, and gives the suit to her, and asks her if she will refund her coat. She denies, and says the Jin Kook will pay for it. Meanwhile Da Young takes photos of Ji Woon, he notices it, and asks her what she did on him. She denies, but takes the photos of him again while he is in kitchen, and praises his cleaning. Just then Ddobok is barking, Sang A decides to take him for a walk.

Gun Jang is shocked after knowing Sang A moved in Da Young’s house with her dog, and thinks the dog is smelly.

Mr. Jo is excited after returning to the office, and asks Da Young for ticket. But she finds out she lost his ticket, while he is telling his wife about the good news. She tells him that she left the ticket at home, he asks her to bring it to him tomorrow. Jin Hong asks Da Young to see her in the meeting room, Na Ri is curious why Jin Hong looks for Da Young so often.

Da Young cannot explain why she visits Ji Woon to Jin Hong after giving her the photos of him, and is very nervous.

Tae Soo comes to So Mi’s shop, and acts a monkey to asks her to work with his nails. But she is scared, and runs away.

So Mi runs into a drunk man who asks her to do inside, Tae Soo comes outside, and tells the drunk man that what he saw isn’t a lady but a ghost. The drunk man is scared, and runs away.

Da Young returns home, and asks Sang A where Ji Woon is, Sang A tells her that he left, after cleaning up her room. Da Young sighs, and thinks she should ask for his phone number. She finds out her room is very clean, but the ticket is disappeared, he thinks Ji Woon threw it out with the trash.

Your House Helper Korean Drama Recap: Episode 8

Da Young bangs the table, and thinks Ji Woon threw out her ticket. But he claims he only saw trash on her table, she reveals she got the ticket after standing in line from 10pm to 9am, and tears up. Sang A comes to Da Young’s room, and asks her to look for it with her while Da Young leans her head on the desk. But Da Young reveals she looked everywhere.

So Mi comes to Tae’s cafe, and returns his pocket to Ga Ram. She is scared after finding out someone is chasing her in the evening. Ji Woon shows up, and says it’s him, and wants to walk her home. But she rejects, he takes out a electric torch to light her way.

Da Young finds the ticket, when she is going to write resignation letter. She is excited to tell Sang A and So Mi the good news, Sang A reminds Da Young that Ji Woon didn’t throw away her ticket, So Mi reveals he is at the grabage dump.

Da Young rushes to Ji Woon when he is looking for the ticket from grabage with his electric torch. She tells him that she found it beneath the shelf, and feels sorry. He thinks it fine, and walks away. She thinks he gets angry while looking at his back, and realizes she need him to be in the commercial, when Sang A thinks he won’t come to her house.

Mr. Jo is excited, because his son can go to the kindergarten, but Da Young doesn’t feel well around her belly, and takes medicine. Jin Hong scolds Da Young in the meeting room, because she still didn’t ask Ji Woon, and tells her not to make mistake again. Da Young takes out Tae Soo’s business card, and calls her to ask Ji Woon’s phone number. But Tae Soo claims he cannot give her because Ji Woon didn’t her the phone number, and asks her what her intention is. She reveals she wants Ji Woon to be the model for a commercial, But Tae Soo thinks Ji Woon will rejects it, and asks Da Young to persuade him herself.

Chul Soo blames Hye Joo because she ate his tune and mayonnaise, and thinks Gi Seok looks good after Gi Seok got them drinks. Hye Joo is jealousy, and takes pearls to Sang A.

Hye Joo asks Sang A if she met up with Jin Kook, Sang A denies, and says that she is embarrassed to give her bank account number. Hye Joo persuades Sang A not to act pride, and accept the money. Just then Jin Kook texts Sang A, and tells her not to feel about about getting payment from him. Hye Joo thinks Jin Kook is sensible, and wants to send it to him herself. Jin Kook is excited after getting the bank account number from Sang A.

Jin Hong presents Da Young’s proposal in the meeting room, and introduces Ji Woon as handsome house helper, Da Young leaves because she doesn’t feel well, and goes to the restroom, tearing up.

Jang Mi tells Da Young that her handsome house helper idea is great, after she returns. Da Young doesn’t know what she means.

Mr. Jo praises Jin Hong because chairman likes the idea, but she points out the idea comes from Da Young, and thinks Mr. Jo never read an intern’s proposal. Jang Mi wants to do the work, but Jin Hong thinks it’s not fair to Da Young, and reveals she is in contact with Ji Woon.

Da Young thanks Jin Hong for telling others it’s her idea, Jin Hong claims she isn’t intention to help her, but save the project, and wants to go with Da Young to persuade Ji Woon.

Jin Hong blames Da Young for didn’t do research, after knowing Ji Woon’s office is in a cafe.

Ji Woon rejects Jin Hong’s off after knowing her intention, and worries about Da Young when Jin Hong persuades him. He blames Jin Hong for didn’t take care of Da Young as her senior, when Da Young is in the rest room. But Jin Hong thinks workplace isn’t a school to work around personal matters, and picks up a call. Ji Woon carries Da Young, and runs at street after she passed out.

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