Your House Helper Korean Drama Recap: Episodes 11-12

In the 11-12th episodes of Your House Helper Korean Drama, Ji Woon kisses Da Young after he is drunk, because she poured half a bottle of wine to the dish. Jin Kook drives Sang A crazy, because he keeps mention the jacket in front of her.

Your House Helper Korean Drama Recap: Episode 11

Your House Helper

Note: These are specific plot spoilers for Your House Helper Korean Drama Episodes 11-12.

Da Young is scared after Ji Woon tells her to pay $100,000 to be her model, but he says that he was just kidding. Tae Soo thinks Ji Woon changed, because he didn’t joke before.

Ji Woon recalls So Hee liked to use book as pot stand, while reading the book “Precise Test of Love”. He puts the book into drawer then.

Hye Joo scolds Chul Soo for washing her clothes, because it should be dry cleaned. He asks her how much is the clothes, wants to get her a new one. She says he is a fool.

SEE ALSO: Your House Helper Korean Drama Recap: Episodes 1-2

Da Young asks Sang A, “Did Jin Kook call you?” Sang A says that they are over after buying him meal. Jin Kook wakes up in his room, and wants to but next meal. But he doesn’t know how to make up a excuse.

Ga Ram runs into So Mi at the theater while watching horrible movie. He guesses she is a fan of the movie, and points the Toshio icon on her nails. He asks her to do it for him, she nods.

Da Young tells Na Ri that Ji Woon cleans her house, after Na Ri asked her how she knew him. Jin Hong asks Da Young to check where he is, Da Young is nervous after knowing he left, but Ji Woon shows up in time.

Ji Woon claims he won’t do a rough cleanup, after knowing Mr. Jo just wants him to play as a house help. Mr. Jo thinks Ji Woon is teaching him how to do, and wants to replace him with another model. But Jin Hong thinks it’s great idea to shoot real cleanup.

SEE ALSO: Your House Helper Korean Drama Recap: Episodes 3-4

Jang Mi thinks Da Young’s house is very dirty since she hired Ji Woon, but Na Ri says that Da Young is busy as intern. Jang Mi tells Na Ri to be in charge of the project, instead of helping Da Young. She is embarrassed when Da Young and Ji Woon show up.

Ji Woon asks Da Young if she likes the company, she isn’t sure. He thinks the elevator wasn’t cleaned with right detergent after brushing it. The cleaner shows up, and asks them if they smell something weird. She goes to clean the elevator again, but Ji Woon stops her, and tells the cleaner to use vinegar and dishwashing liquid to clean. The cleaner asks him to shake hand after knowing he is a cleaner as well.

Chul Soo gets food for Hye Joo, but she doesn’t want to eat. He thinks she is anger of him because of the dress. She gets a message from him that he will eat with her once she comes back.

Hye Joo wears the dress to see Chul Soo, when she has long hair. But he tells her that he likes men. She comforts him when he is tearing up. He laughs, and says she is pretty. She takes drunk Chul Soo out of restaurant while carrying him.

SEE ALSO: Your House Helper Korean Drama Recap: Episodes 7-8

Da Young notices Ji Woon’s birthday is upcoming when looking at the new contract. He gives her the application, and tells her which house he wants to clean. Sang A shows up, and says that something is boiling in the kitchen. He teaches them how to boil wash dishcloths then. Sang A wants to tell something about Hye Joo to housemates, but Hye Joo stops her.

Tae Hee thinks Jin Kook is stupid after knowing they parted after dinner, and reveals he did it on her as well. She tells him to buy Sang A jacket with flowers. Sang A thinks she shouldn’t think about stupid things after seeing Jin Kook’s messages.

Tae Soo wants to go to the shoot as Ji Woon’s manager, but Ji Woon rejects. Jin Kook is excited about something after getting a call, and calls Sang A. But she is walking her dog. He notices she didn’t pick up the phone, and texts her that he will come to her office. She doesn’t know what the message meant, and calls him. He finds out her voice is weird, she actually is eating bread, and tells him she is working outside. She quickly dresses up, he recalls Tae Hee told him to be simple.

Ji Woon asks the house owner to see her house after arriving the shooting place, the kids follow him while he looks around.

Your House Helper Korean Drama Recap: Episode 12

Ji Woon discovers the fridge is mess, and asks Jin Hong and Da Young to help him to clean up. But the kid yells at him when he wants to throw out the expired food.

Sang A is startled after Jin Kook told her he found the jacket in Busan. The kid rushes to Ji Woon when he is cooking seafood, he hurts himself for protecting the kid. Da Young comes to see Ji Woon’s condition, he says he is fine, and continues his works. The house owner tells Jin Hong that it’s her and her ex’s faults, and tells her son to be brave boy. But the kid doesn’t want to throw away his dad’s dumpling, because he thinks they will eat together. Jin Hong hugs the kid, and tells him it’s ok. But the kid disappears, Ji Woon finds him, and tells him the rotten food will make him sick. The kid tears up, and wants to make it again. Ji Woon promises him that they will make delicious dumplings again, and wipes his tears.

Ji Woon takes the kid Min Ho back, and asks the house owner if she was intention to make dumplings with her children. She admits, and says that she didn’t have time to make it. Min Ji teaches Da Young how to make it after seeing her dumpling bursting. Ji Woon mocks Da Young by asking the kid Min Ji to teach her how to make it.

Da Young is envy of Min Ho because he has family, while walking Ji Woon. She asks him about his parents, he says that his mother was dead when he was a kid like Min Ho, and reveals she reminds him of his mother. He asks her why she is worse at making dumplings than a kid. She is embarrassed, and reveals her father did it for her.

Tae worries about Ji Woon after he returned, and finds out he hurt his arm. Da Young asks Tae Soo what Ji Woon likes most, Tae Soo is shocked.

Da Young asks So Mi what the matter is, after seeing Sang A sigh. So Mi tells Da Young that Jin Kook is so slow-witted to find the jacket. Da Young wants to tell Jin Kook the truth, but Sang A says that she will handle it herself. Da Young recalls something, and reveals tomorrow is Ji Woon’s birthday. The girls are shocked.

Gun Jang thinks it’s a great idea, and promises to send Ji Woon to Da Young’s house. But he worries about the girl’s cooking skills.

Hye Soo thinks it’s not a good idea, and takes tomato away. Da Young takes it back, and claims it’s an ingredient of her dish. Hye Joo says that she will stay there to see their failure.

Gun Jang asks Ji Woon to rearrange the clothes in the closet, and says that he made a huge mess while looking for something. He laughs while thinking about something.

Hyo Soo thinks Da Young’s dish looks like witch’s soup while she is cooking. Da Young reveals it’s special chicken soup, and relizes she forgot the wine after checking the recipe.

Gun Jang asks Ji Woon to return Da Young dad’s chess desk to her, and claims he cannot move it because it’s too heavy. Ji Woon arrives with the chess desk when girls are talking about how to give him a big surprised. They are congratulations on his birthday, while Da Young carries a birthday cake walking to him. He is shy when Da Young drops a cream on his nose. But he is drunk after eating up Da Young’s dish, she realizes she used about half a bottle of wine.

Gun Jang wonders if Ji Woon’s birthday went well, and returns home taking a box of keys and watches. He thinks he won’t find the owners, if he doesn’t clean up his room. Ji Woon kisses Da Young when she is checking if his wound of arm goes well.

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