You Are Desire: Episodes 1-13 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for You Are Desire: Episodes 1-13. Lin Yujing blames her father Master Lin for not let her gather with her classmates when he’s on the way to driver her home. He mentions he hasn’t seen her for two years after he got a divorce with her mother.

What Happens In You Are Desire: Episode 1?

You Are Desire

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for You Are Desire: Episodes 1-13.

Master Lin asks Lin Yujing about what her mother said to her. She tells him that her mother just let her come to know his new family. She mentions she hasn’t seen them if he gotten married. He thinks Aunt Guan is a good person. But he tells her to control her temper.

Master Lin tells Lin Yujing not to bring him trouble. He asks her if she heard what he said. She laughs because she thinks his head is like a dog head. He tells her to leave a good impression to Aunt Guan because Aunt Guan is her elder.

Master Lin tells Lin Yujing not to be like her mother who doesn’t like everyone. She comforts him that she will leave the day after tomorrow. She looks at the outside when Shen Juan bikes by. He turns around and stares at her. She avoids his staring because she’s shy.

Master Lin almost hits Shen Juan. Shen Juan is furious to block Master Lin’s car. He bikes away. Lin Yujing sees Shen Juan off. She smiles. Aunt Guan mentions Master Lin’s book is going to be published when she eats with Lin Yujing.

Lin Yujing congratulates her father. Aunt Guan tells Lin Yujing to taste the dish. Lin Yujing’s smiling is frozen when she sees the live shrimp. Master Lin thinks Aunt Guan is good at choosing dishes. He puts the live shrimp into Lin Yujing’s bowl. He thinks the drunk shrimp is the best.

Episode 1 of You Are Desire ends with Shen Juan walking into the classroom. He sees Lin Yujing. He explains to the teacher that he’s late because he has completed his homework all night. The teacher forgives Shen Juan because it’s the first day of the school. He asks him about his homework.

Does Shen Juan’s Uncle Wish Shen Juan to Give Up Him?

Shen Juan meets the the man. The man tells Shen Juan that it’s a miracle that his uncle can live. Shen Juan asks the man if he plans to sign the paper of giving up treatment. He admits it and thinks Shen Juan’s uncle Qing He has same idea.

The man tells Shen Juan that he can know his feelings because he knows he loves his uncle very much. But he reminds him that he has grown up. He lets him make the decision because he knows it’s what Qing He wants to see. He hands over the paper to him. He walks away.

It flashes back. Shen Juan breaks Qing He’s cup. He tries to fix it. But Qing He tells Shen Juan not to do that. He reminds him that everything will take the life and the death. He believes the cup has received Shen Juan’s apology. He tells him to let the cup go.

Shen Juan tears up when he’s in Qing He’s ward. He tells Qing He if he wishes him to give up him when he’s in a coma. Lin Yujing tells her mother that she left something in Pu City. She asks her to contact her father. But Madam Lin wants to buy a new one for Lin Yujing.

Lin Yujing tells her mother that it’s a class notebook. But Madam Lin that the high school in Huai City is better than Lin Yujing’s previous high school. She tells her to put her mind into her current studying. She wonders why she thinks of Pu City since she came back for a long time.

Episode 12 of You Are Desire ends with Shen Juan visiting Qing He’s grave. He tells Qing He that he worries that he cannot tell a lie to him that he’s accompanying him if he closes the shop. Shen Juan’s friends come back when Shen Juan is working in his silver shop.

Which University Lin Yujing Chooses?

Lin Yujing gets a good score after the test. Madam Lin is happy to praise Lin Yujing. She thinks she did a great job to let Lin Yujing come back to study. She applies the finance department of Beijing University for her. Lin Yujing meets with the guy. She asks him if he decides to go abroad to study.

The guy admits it. He tells Lin Yujing that he wishes to taste the coffee of Seine. She wishes to be free like him. He thinks she cannot decide the major because she had a great score. But she tells him that the major was decided by her mother.

The guy asks Lin Yujing about what she thinks. But she thinks it’s not important. He tells her to think about what she wants to do. He reminds her that her mother cannot take her life. Madam Lin is furious to let Lin Yujing come to her.

Madam Lin yells at Lin Yujing. She asks her why she didn’t choose Beijing University. Lin Yujing tells her mother that she thinks Pu University is suitable for her more than Beijing University. Madam Lin learns that Lin Yujing wishes to return to Pu City.

Madam Lin tells Lin Yujing to go abroad to study. But Lin Yujing points out that she has grown up. She thinks she can decide where she’s going to study. She tells her mother that it’s her decision. She claims that she will take the duty. She tells her mother that she won’t change her decision.

Lin Yujing arrives at the airport. She gets in the cab and tells the driver to take her to Pu City University. He praise her. She smiles. She looks at outside. The guy bikes by. She mistakes that he’s Shen Juan. But she finds out that he isn’t Shen Juan after he turned around.

Lin Yujing is lost. She arrives at Pu City University. She walks into the school and reaches the register place. The guy calls Shen Juan. He asks him where he is. Shen Juan reveals he’s at the gym. The guy is excited. He thinks Shen Juan is going to encounter Lin Yujing.

But Shen Juan isn’t surprised. The guy realizes that Shen Juan knew Lin Yujing came back. Shen Juan goes to the register place to look for Lin Yujing. But he misses her. The teacher tells Shen Juan that Lin Yujing has left. Lin Yujing goes to the dormitory to look for Lin Yujing.

Episode 13 of You Are Desire ends with Lin Yujing going to Shen Juan’s house to look for him after she drank. He runs home and finds out that the gate was opened. He calls Lin Yujing. But she doesn’t pick up his phone. He runs into his house and finds out that she’s drinking in his yard.

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