You Are Desire: Episode 14 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for You Are Desire: Episode 14. Lin Yujing wakes up. She asks for Xiao Mogu for some water. Xiao Mogu hands over the honey water to Lin Yujing. She asks her about the process of her and Shen Juan. She wonders why there was Shen Juan since they went to Karaoke Club.

What Happens In You Are Desire Episode 14?

You Are Desire

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for You Are Desire: Episode 14.

Xiao Mogu realizes that Lin Yujing didn’t remember it. She reveals Lin Yujing disappeared when she took care of the drunk Gu Xia. She adds that Shen Juan took Lin Yujing back. Lin Yujing remembers she was drunk to call Shen Juan. She asked him why he ignored her. Gu Jia told Shen Juan to come fast because Lin Yujing is drunk.

Xiao Mogu tells Lin Yujing that Gu Xia scolded Shen Juan for her when she called Shen Juan. Gu Xia is surprised that she helped Lin Yujing. She remembers she told Shen Juan that she was going to choose a song “Are You a Man” for him.

Gu Xia explains to Xiao Mogu that she did it just for the case. Xiao Mogu thinks it’s not the point. She asks Lin Yujing where she went with Shen Juan. Lin Yujing remembers she cried to tell Shen Juan that she misses him very much.

Lin Yujing asks Xiao Mogu about Shen Juan’s looks when he took her home. But Xiao Mogu tells Lin Yujing that she didn’t see it because it was too dark. She asks her if she actually doesn’t remember anything. Lin Yujing shakes her head.

Xiao Mogu runs out of the dormitory because she needs to take class. Gu Xia calls Lin Yujing. She smiles. Lin Yujing gets a message from her older brother. She goes to see him. He blames her for not calling him older brother. She calls him older brother and asks him why he came to her school.

The older brother asks Lin Yujing why she didn’t tell it to him since she came back. She explains to him that she didn’t get a chance to tell it to him because he was very busy. He gives the oranges to her. She sees Shen Jun. She avoids him.

Lin Yujing tells her older brother that she wants to buy him a meal. But he tells her that he’s very busy. So she runs away. Shen Juan calls Lin Yujing. He asks her where she is. She reveals she’s outside. She intends to hang up because she cannot talk.

But Shen Juan shows up behind Lin Yujing. He asks her to turn around. She turns around and thinks it’s a coincidence. But he tells her that he came to see her. She hands over the stuff to her. He tells her that it’s good for hangover.

Lin Yujing mentions what Xiao Mogu told her that Shen Juan took her back. She asks him if she did something bad. He reveals she beat him. But she doesn’t believe it. She tries to walk away because she has a business. He tells her to hide well next time.

Will Lin Yujing Be Happy If Shen Juan Has A Girlfriend?

Xiao Mogu eats with Lin Yujing at the restaurant. She thinks the restaurant is very good. She wonders how did Lin Yujing find the restaurant. Lin Yujing leaks that her high school classmate Wang Yiyang posted the restaurant so that she took them to taste the food.

Xiao Mogu is interested in Wang Yiyang. She asks Shen Juan if Wang Yiyang belongs to their school as well. Gu Xia denies it. She reveals Wang Yiyang couldn’t get into the college because of his bad score. Xiao Mogu wonders why she never heard Wang Yiyang from Lin Yujing.

Xiao Mogu realizes that she only heard Lin Yujing mentioned Shen Juan. Lin Yujing points out that Gu Xia didn’t mention Wang Yiyang as well. Gu Xia tells Lin Yujing not to use her. Xiao Mogu wonders if Shen Juan has a girlfriend or not.

Lin Yujing denies it. Xiao Mogu smiles to ask Lin Yujing why she knows Shen Juan doesn’t have a girlfriend. Xiao Mogu tells Lin Yujing not to regret if Shen Juan has a girlfriend. She wonder who is Shen Juan’s type. She believes that Shen Juan will show his love if he has a girlfriend.

Lin Yujing doesn’t think Shen Juan will do that. She explains to Gu Xia and Xiao Mogu that Shen Juan isn’t that kind of person. Gu Xia asks Lin Yujing if she will upset when Shen Juan is in love. Lin Yujing claims that she will be happy. Shen Juan hears what Lin Yujing said. He laughs.

Why Lin Yujing Wishes to Know Shen Juan’s Type?

Lin Yujing texts Shen Juan. She asks him about his type. He laughs. He Songnan wonders who offended Shen Juan. Shen Juan asks He Songnan about the meaning that the girl asked him about his type after she told him that she doesn’t like him.

He Songnan thinks the girl doesn’t like Shen Juan since she has told it to him. But he thinks the girl wouldn’t ask Shen Juan about his type if she doesn’t like him. He thinks the girl wished to keep her pride. Lin Yujing regrets for asking Shen Juan about the question.

SEE ALSO: You Are Desire: Episodes 1-13 Recap & Ending

Xiao Mogu books the steak restaurant. She tells Lin Yujing to go to the restaurant with her. Lin Yujing remembers Shen Juan told her to hide well when she eats the corn. Xiao Mogu intends to bring a serving of meat to Lin Yujing. Gu Xia is against it because she worries that they will be indigestion.

Lin Yujing tells Gu Xia that she’s going to buy her a yogurt to help her digest. She goes to take meat with Xiao Mogu. Lin Yujing stares at the man. Shen Juan shows up behind Lin Yujing. He asks her if the man is her type. She denies it.

Shen Juan goes to take the food. Lin Yujing realizes that he didn’t have lunch. She claims that she didn’t have lunch as well. She takes the food. He tells her that he thought she’s full after she watched the handsome guy. She’s furious to put back the food.

Shen Juan stops Lin Yujing. He tells her that it’s his treat. She smiles. She asks him if he received her message when he’s eating. He admits it. She asks him if he knows what it meant. He asks her why it meant. She tells him to treat it that she didn’t ask him the question since he doesn’t want answer her question.

Episode 14 of You Are Desire ends with Lin Yujing promising to accompany Shen Juan to make up the time he lost. He tries to record what she says because he intends to take it out when they have a fight. She asks him if he wants to have a fight. She thinks she won’t have a fight with him if he doesn’t provoke her.

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