Time Korean Drama Recap: Episodes 3-4

In the 3-4th episodes of Time Korean Drama, Ji Hyun doesn’t believe Ji Eun would kill herself. But her boyfriend Min Seok wants to cover the truth, because he thinks poor people cannot win richer. But Soo Ho wants to help her, because he doesn’t have too much time.

Time Korean Drama Recap: Episode 3


Note: These are specific plot spoilers for Time Korean Drama Episodes 3-4.

Soo Ho is shocked that the police officer tells him he can go home, when he is sitting in the back seat of the police car. Chairman Cheon asks Soo Ho if he killed Ji Eun, but Soo Ho thinks it won’t change anything no matter he killed or not. He runs into the Dae Chul and Min Seok, he thinks Min Seok reported him, and bumps while walking through. Chairman Cheon asks Min Seok what he thinks about his son’s case. Min Seok reminds Chae A is Soo Ho’s fiance, and tells Chairman Cheon that his son hit the woman pushing her into the pool. Chairman Cheon takes out blank check, and asks Dae Chul and Min Seok to write down the amounts in their minds.

Soo Ho asks his driver Bok Kyu if he thinks he did it, Bok Kyu doesn’t think he is such kind of person. But Soo Ho isn’t sure about it.

Ji Hyun tears to tell her mom Ji Eun is dead on the phone, when Young Hee is setting up Ji Eun’s photo at home. Young Hee thinks Min Seok should come no matter how busy he is. Min Seok holds the pen, and sits in office. He recalls Ji Hyun gave him the pen with the words “Justice will prevail”, and kissed him. He isn’t aware that his sleeve is inked. Dae Chul calls him to his office, and tells him to process the case as suicide. He tells Min Seok that gray never goes back to white, while pointing the stain on his sleeve.

Ji Hyun meets up with Ji Eun’s classmates, they tells her Ji Eun left from the party because she had to pay someone back. Ji Hyun recalls she argued with her sister because of money, and tells Young Hee that Ji Eun died because of her.

Soo Ho tells police officer that he didn’t know anything because he slept in his room. The police officer asks him if he called someone else, Soo Ho recalls he called Chae A, but he didn’t tell the police about it. Soo Ho thinks Min Seok tried to protect him at the police station, but Min Seok denies.

Min Seok meets up with Chae A, and asks her if she went to at Soo Ho’s room with the pen. She thinks he threatens, but he claims he just wants to know what happened last night, and tells her someone died because of her, when she wants to leave. She tells him that she just hit her head with bad, and asks him if Ji Eun’s death was because of her. He doesn’t know, and gives her the file of evidence to let her make the decision herself.

Min Seok shows up at the funeral, and runs into the loan shark who is calculating how many money he got. Young Hee mocks at Min Seok after seeing him, and tells Ji Hyun his coming. He tells Ji Hyun that there is an accident of her sister’s death. Chae A takes the USB file thinking about for a while, and inserts it into her computer. Ji Hyun can accepts her sister died because of drinking, but Min Seok tells her there wasn’t anybody with her last night.

Soo Ho comes to Chae A’s office to visit her, but he is blocked her colleague. She shows up, and tells him to follow her. He asks her if she came to the hotel last night, she asks him why he called her, and changes her mind. He says that he cannot marry her, because he hates being with her. She says he needs to grow up, and tells him she was with someone else last night.

Soo Ho tells Bok Kyu to wait until police report comes out, but Bok Kyu think he should meet the bereaved first, and gives him the paper with her information. Soo Ho find out she is the girl knelt to him, and sighs. Min Seok peeks through the window, two guys ask Ji Hyun to pay the funeral, but she doesn’t have money.

Soo Chul meets up with Dae Chul, and asks him to tell him what happened on Soo Ho. Dae Chul claims he doesn’t want to betray chairman, but Soo Chul tells him he can get the message from someone else as well. Soo Chul tells his mom that Soo Ho killed someone, and says that his mouth is itching. Ok Soon laughs because she has same feeling to him.

Ji Hyun comes to police station, and tells the the detective that she cannot believe her sister would’ve killed herself. But the detective shows her Ji Eun’s last will. She cannot accept it, and looks for help to the senior detective. But the senior detective says that he has a meeting. She cries out since nobody wants to help her. Soo Ho just passes by, and recalls he cried out at his mother’s funeral. He visits his mom at the graveyard then.

Time Korean Drama Recap: Episode 4

Soo Chul comes to Soo Ho’s hotel, and harasses the waitress. Soo Ho wants to call police, but his brother says that he knew what he did at the hotel, and throws off the tissue on the ground, telling him to wipe his shoes with the tissue. Soo Ho takes the pan from chef, and wants to hit him. Soo Chul runs away, and tells Soo Ho that he made a big mistake.

Ji Hyun visits Min Seok’s office, and stares at him, while he is working. She asks for his advise about Ji Eun’s autopsy, he persuades her not to do it, as it will kill Ji Eun again. He gives her In Beom’s business card, and asks her to see him. Ji Hyun arrives at In Beom’s place where girls come and go. He tells her Ji Eun talked about drowning herself more often, and reveals nobody called her. Ji Hyun leaves with tears, as she thinks he talked nonsense.

Soo Ho sees Chae A in his dream, and asks someone to find where she was that day while walking through the lobby. He shows up at the CCTV room, and yells at the person who is siting in front of monitor. He tells everybody to restore the lost security footage. Ji Hyun tears up while looking at Ji Eun’s photo, and calls the detective to do the autopsy. Min Seok tells the detective to do it to, otherwise she will suspect it. Ji Hyun falls down while Ji Eun’s death body is moved to the ambulance. The doctor tells Ji Hyun that her sister’s death is because of drowning after doing autopsy. Chae A throws the file into river when it rains, she recalls Min Seok told her that it’s the only copy left. Soo Hoo asks Min Seok how Ji Eun died at the hotel, after checking the footage himself. Min Seok thinks Soo Ho should asks it himself.

Chairman Cheon thinks Min Seok dared to ask for $10,000,000, Dae Chul mocks him as well. Min Seok tells his boss that he can only give the amount he deserves. Ji Hyun asks the guy who work for Ji Eun’s funeral to delay the funeral fees, but he says that someone paid it for her. She runs outside, and calls Min Seok. But he doesn’t pick up.

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Min Seok has a drink with Chae A in the bar, he tells her poor person never wins rich person, it’s justice for everybody.

Ji Hyun sees Ji Eun getting burned up, she cannot accept it, and cries out desperately. She returns home, and finds out Tae Sung is making noodles at her house. Soo Ho asks Bok Kyu if Ji Hyun went home safely, while they’re standing outside. Bok Kyu tells his boss that she isn’t alone. Tae Sung takes out the file which proves he is the house owner, and asks her to live together. She returns her room with anger, and finds the birthday present Ji Eun left. She tells Tae Sung that she will be back, and asks him to not touch anything in her house. But he blocks her way, and asks her where she goes. She kicks him, and flees. Soo Ho runs into her in the hallway, and stops Tae Sung who is trying to chase Ji Hyun.

Ji Hyun sits in front of a clothes shop, and takes out the present which is a watch. She tears up, while grasping it tightly, and wears the watch herself. Soo Ho is curious where she goes. Just then Min Seok calls him, and reveals his brother is going to announce something to reporters. Soo Ho ignores it.

He sees she is standing in the middle of the road, and goes to protect her. He asks her if she wants to die, she isn’t sure about it after falling down. He carries her, and walks across the street.

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