Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 8 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 8. Ye Xiwu asks Tantai Jin if he hurt Ying Xin. He thinks he should fight it back because Ying Xin worked with Tantai Minglang to hurt him. It flashes back. The eunuch hands over the poison to Ying Xin. He tells her that Tantai Minglang didn’t wish Tantai Jin to leave the palace.

Who Helps Ye Xiwu Escape from the Cell?

Till the End of the Moon

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 8.

Ying Xin learns that Tantai Minglang wishes her to kill Tantai Jin. Tantai Jin tells Ying Xin to go to dig out the wine. He learns that she dropped the drug into his rice. She intends to let the follower of Tantai Minglan kill him when he’s in a coma.

Ying Xin apologizes to Tantai Jin. But she doesn’t know he exchanged to rice. She passes out. Eunuch Wu passes by. He hurts Ying Xin. Tantai Jin tells Ye Xiwu that he intended to let Ying Xin eat the fruit. But Ying Xin had a mercy of women.

SEE ALSO: Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 7 Recap & Ending

Tantan Jin thinks Ying Xin didn’t have the suffer it if she didn’t replace the poison with the the drug. Ye Xiwu is surprised that Tantai Jin was heartless to Ying Xin even if the girl had the bad intention. She wonders if Devil God cannot be saved.

Ye Xiwu tells Tantai Jin that she regrets for saving him. He tells her that he won’t forgive the people who intend to kill him. He’s confident to leave the cell. Emperor Sheng throws a fit to Ye Xiao. He blames him for letting Tantai Jin flee.

Ye Xiao tells Emperor Sheng to punish him. Emperor Sheng mentions Ye Xiao helped him get the kingdom. He sneers at him that he cannot say anything when he wants to release Tantai Jin. Ye Xiao tells Emperor Sheng that he didn’t intend to release Tantai Jin. He asks him to look into it.

Emperor Sheng tells Ye Xiao to go to the jail on his own. Ye Qingyu volunteers to accept the punishment for his father. Emperor Sheng tells Ye Qingyu to go to look for Tantai Jin if he doesn’t wish his father to suffer. He tells him that he doesn’t wish Tantai Jin to return to Jing Kingdom.

The follower hands over the beast pill to Tantai Jin. He tells him to enjoy it. Nian Baiyu brings the food to Ye Xiwu. He tells her that the food was given by Tantai Jin. But she worries that Tantai Jin dropped poison into the food.

Nian Baiwu doesn’t believe Tantai Jin would poison Ye Xiwu because Tantai Jin is a honest person in his mind. Ye Xiwu agrees to what Nian Baiyu said when she shows that she’s tied up. She knocks over the food and stuns him when he picks up the food.

The bodyguard wonders how did Ye Xiwu flee since she was tied up by Weakness Water Rope. It flashes back. Jing Lanan gives the spell to Ye Xiwu. She tells her to untie Weakness Water Rope with the spell. Ye Xiwu wonders why Jing Lanan helped her. Jing Lanan tells Ye Xiwu that she just helped herself.

Ye Xiwu wonders what Jing Lanan wants to do. Jing Lanan wipes off Tantai Jin’s sweat. He puts the hairpin on her hair. He wonders if Tantai Minglang will be surprised when he sees him. Fu Yu reports to Tantai Minglang that she has killed Tantai Minghan and his followers.

Tantai Minglang praises Fu Yu when he hands over the wine to her. She tells him that it’s her honor to be liked by him. He drinks with her and tells her that he misses Tantai Jin. Jing Lanan tells Tantai Jin that she asked the chef to cook some hometown dishes. She reveals the new emperor is Tantai Minglang after Emperor Jing passed away.

Jing Lanan mentions Ye Xiwu is Tantai Jin’s wife. But Tantai Jin tells Jing Lanan that he doesn’t treat Ye Xiwu as his wife. She tells him to watch the dance of the beauties. Ye Xiwu sneaks into the dancer’s room. The dancer asks Zi Ling if her younger brother told her about Tantai Jin’s looks.

Zi Ling leaks that Nian Baiyu told nothing to her. She wonders what kind of girls Tantai Jin likes. Ye Xiwu tries to leave. But she hears the bodyguard looking for her. She wears the dancer’s clothes. The bodyguard search the room. They don’t recognize Ye Xiwu because she wears the dancer’s clothes. The bodyguard tells Zi Ling that Jing Lanan asked them to perform.

Tantai Jin recognizes Ye Xiwu from the dancers. He wonders how did she leave the cell. Nian Baiyu reports to Tantai Jin that Ye Xiwu escaped from the cell. He asks him to give the order to search the ship. But Tantai Jin rejects it because he thinks Ye Xiwu cannot run away.

Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 8 Ending – Does Tantai Jin Kill Jing Lanan?

Episode 8 of Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama ends with Jing Lanan mentioning she used her blood to save Tantai Jin. She tells him that she chose the path for him. He praises her when he steps back. He kills her with the spider.

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