Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 6 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 6. Tantai Jin asks Ye Xiwu to teach him the charm which can drive crows away. She rejects it because she worries that he will ruin the house. She teaches him how to draw a scenery charm. She leaks that the scenery charm was taught by an immortal.

Does Ye Xiwu Teach Tantai Jin to Draw Charm?

Till the End of the Moon

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 6.

Tantai Jin thinks the immortals are boring to waste their time to draw the scenery charms. Ye Xiwu disagrees to what he said. She draws a beautiful scenery and takes him out of the house. She introduces Heartless Path to him. He agrees to learn the immortal art.

But Ye Xiwu knows Tantai Jin doesn’t have any immortal bone. She thinks he won’t be related to immortal path even if he works hard on immortal art. She thinks it’s good that he doesn’t fall into demon path. He draws the charm. But he finds out that he cannot make it. He shows the charm he just drew to her.

SEE ALSO: Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 5 Recap & Ending

Ye Xiwu tells Tantai Jin that he can only make it when he’s not distraction. She falls asleep. He wakes her up and tells her to teach him before she sleeps. But she draws a new charm to tie him up. She leans on his chest to fall asleep again.

Tantai Jin remembers what Ye Xiwu told him that she likes him. Emperor Sheng asks Eunuch if there was any person of Jing Kingdom at the wedding. Eunuch leaks that Tantai Jin was at the wedding. Emperor Sheng remembers the people of Moon Clan can control birds.

Emperor Sheng thinks he shouldn’t keep Tantai Jin since he concealed himself for many years. He tells Eunuch to kill Tantai Jin. Eunuch mentions Ye Qingyu came back from the pass. Emperor Sheng remembers Ye Qingyu is an outstanding hero like Xiao Lin.

Eunuch reveals the people welcomed Ye Qingyu. Emperor Sheng thinks Ye Qingyu is better than his father. Ye Qingyu returns home. He greets Ye Xiao and Old Madam Ye. Old Madam Ye tells Ye Qingyu to eat the food. He wonders why Ye Xiwu isn’t at the family banquet.

Ye Xiao leaks that Ye Xiwu was in the loft last night. Old Madam Ye coughs. She explains to Ye Qingyu that Ye Xiwu has studied these days. She thinks her granddaughter just forgot the meal time. She intends to let the maid deliver some dishes to Ye Xiwu.

Ye Qingyu is against it. He thinks Ye Xiwu shouldn’t be absent the banquet since the elders are at there. Old Madam Ye explains that Ye Xiwu is just a kid. But Ye Qingyu points out that Ye Xiwu has gotten married. He thinks what Ye Xiwu does represents the family style of Ye family.

Ye Qingyu reveals he heard Ye Xiwu did many bad things even if he was in the pass. Ye Zeyu agrees to what Ye Qingyu said. He tells him to manage Ye Xiwu. He complains to him that Ye Xiwu ignored him and went to save her husband. But Ye Qingyu blames Ye Zeyu for badmouthing his older sister since he didn’t save any person.

Ye Qingyu asks Ye Zeyu if he was hurt because of saving someone. Ye Zeyu pretends not to hear what Ye Qingyu said. Ye Qingyu thinks nobody will correct Ye Xiwu’s mistakes after he leaves. He decides to go to see her. He breaks into the loft. He sees her sleeping with Tantai Jin. He’s furious to leave the loft.

Chun Tao wakes Ye Xiwu up. Ye Xiwu wonders who came to her. Tantai Jin leaks that it was Ye Qingyu. Chun Tao thinks Ye Xiwu shouldn’t continue to sleep. But Ye Xiwu thinks it’s not her business. She’s forced to get on knees. Ye Qingyu hits her hand with the ruler.

Ye Xiwu thinks she cannot avoid the hit no matter how she avoids it. Ye Qingyu mentions the bad things Ye Xiwu made. She tells him that she knows what she did weren’t right. He tells her to get on knees for a while. He hands over the ruler to Chun Tao before he leaves.

Chun Tao tells Ye Xiwu to get on knees well. Ye Xiwu complains to Chun Tao that it’s unreasonable the younger brother scolded the older sister. She mentions the elder brother fears her in the family. Chun Tao leaks that Ye Qingyu is the family supervisor of Ye family.

Ye Xiwu thinks the family supervisor is her father when she points the ruler at Chun Tao. Chun Tao leaks that Ye Xiao didn’t like the rules. So he gave the position to Ye Qingyu. Ye Xiwu thinks her father did a terrible job so that the clansmen let Ye Qingyu be the family supervisor.

Chun Tao reminds Ye Xiwu that she will be punished by Ye Qingyu if she badmouths Ye Xiao. Ye Xiwu wonders when Ye Qingyu will leave. Chun Tao tells Ye Xiwu that Ye Qingyu will leave after New Year. She reports to her that Ye Qingyu went to see Tantai Jin.

Ye Xiwu worries about Tantai Jin because she knows he’s a bad person. Ye Qingyu tells Tantai Jin not to play with Ye Xiwu. He thinks it’s not good for Ye family and Tantai Jin if the shame thing gets spread. He asks him if he was chanting a spell.

Tantai Jin denies it. Ye Qingyu asks Tantai Jin if Ye Xiwu knows what he did. Tantai Jin tells Ye Qingyu to ask Ye Xiwu on his own. Ye Qingyu mentions Ye Xiwu is very easy to be fooled by people. He adds that there were monsters appearing in the capital.

Ye Qingyu mentions Tantai Jin wasn’t hurt at the wedding. He adds that the emblem of Jing Kingdom is a three eyes crow. He mentions the monster who broke into Xiao Lin’s house was a crow. He tells Tantai Jin that he’s good at watching people’s bone. He wants to watch his bone.

Ye Qingyu thinks Tantai Jin won’t fear it if he’s innocent. He stares at him. Ye Xiwu runs to Tantai Jin and Ye Qingyu. She parts the two. She tells Ye Qingyu that he misunderstood her husband. He asks her if the time of an incense stick is up.

Ye Xiwu denies it. She promises to return to the ancestral hall. She tells Ye Qingyu that she stayed with Tantai Jin when the crow hurt people. He asks Tantai Jin if he learned spell. Ye Xiwu explains to Ye Qingyu that she studied the spell with Tantai Jin. She adds that Tantai Jin practiced the spell on his own because he couldn’t learn it.

Ye Qingyu wonders where Ye Xiwu learned the spell. She leaks that she asked Pang Yizhi to teach her some spells because there were monsters in the capital. Ye Qingyu apologizes to Tantai Jin. He mentions what he told Tantai Jin to have meal together since they’re families. Ye Xiwu agrees to Ye Qingyu’s plan. She smiles at him.

Ye Xiwu takes a look at Tantai Jin. She finds out that he’s eating. She thinks he would be killed if she didn’t come to save him. She follows Ye Qingyu and asks him if he knows how to watch bone. He tells her that he just scared Tantai Jin.

Ye Qingyu meets with Xiao Lin. Pang Yizhi is surprised that Ye Qingyu is the disciple of No Night Mountain. Ye Qingyu mentions he heard Emperor Jing passed away. He worries about Sheng Kingdom. Xiao Lin comforts Ye Qingyu that the new emperor Tantai Minglang is paranoid. He thinks Jing Kingdom should worry about themselves.

Ye Qingyu reminds Xiao Lin that the people of Jing Kingdom are like them. He wishes him to be the new emperor of Sheng Kingdom. But Xiao Lin scolds Ye Qingyu because Emperor Sheng is alive. Pang Yizhi tells the two that the one who will rule the world is in the capital.

Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 6 Ending

Episode 6 of Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama ends with Ye Xiwu seeing the woman selling fireworks on the street. Tantai Jin mentions Chun Tao bought fireworks. Ye Xiwu thinks it’s fine that they buy more fireworks. She buys all of the fireworks from the woman.

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