The Love You Give Me Chinese Drama: Episode 1 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for The Love You Give Me Chinese Drama: Episode 1. Cheng Qirang and his wife Zheng Yiting arrive at the party. The assistant thinks Cheng Qirang threw the party for Xin Qi. He brings up the director of Baian.

The Truth Behind the Flirt

The Love You Give Me

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for The Love You Give Me Chinese Drama: Episode 1.

Xin Qi learns that the director is Min Hui. Min Hui dresses up. She shows up at the party with the red dress. Cheng Qirang smiles when he sees Min Hui. He tells his wife to go to join her friends. Mike greets Min Hui. He drinks with her.

The secretary is waiting for Xin Qi. She mistakes the assistant Hardy as Xin Qi after she saw him getting off Xin Qi’s car. He tells her that he’s just the assistant of Xin Qi. He reveals Xin Qi has gotten into the hotel. Min Hui walks to Cheng Qirang. She greets him and drinks with him.

Min Hui tries to leave. But Cheng Qirang stops her. He thinks she drank too fast. She shakes off his hand. He tells her that it’s not enough to drink with him because she made him lose his face five years ago. He reminds her that she’s begging him.

Min Hui sits on Cheng Qirang’s knee. She asks him if it’s enough. Zheng Yiting pours her wine to Min Hui’s head. She thinks she didn’t respect herself. Min Hui explains to Zheng Yiting that she didn’t expect that she’s at the party.

Min Hui tries to leave. But Zheng Yiting holds Min Hui’s hand. Min Hui tells Zheng Yiting not to do it too much. She shakes her hand. Zheng Yiting pours the wine to Min Hui’s back. Xin Qi blocks the wine with his body. Min Hui turns around. She has an eye contact with Xin Qi.

Min Hui remembers she broke up with Xin Qi. She’s shocked to look at him. Cheng Qirang recognizes Xin Qi. He thinks he just saved a beauty. He thinks Min Hui is drunk. He tells the secretary Lin Xiyue to take Min Hui home. But Xin Qi rejects it because he wants to take Min Hui home.

Xin Qi takes Min Hui to leave the party. He wipes the wine off her face. She grabs his hand and asks him about his illness. He thinks she did it for money again. He blames her for not forgiving the married man. He mentions she fooled him.

Min Hui tells Xin Qi to forget the past because it has been five years. He tells her that the heaven doesn’t wish him to do that. He walks away. She tears up and smiles. She’s surprised that he still hates her. She calls Cheng Qirang. She asks him to do something because she has done the things he asked her to do.

But Cheng Qirang is interested in Min Hui and Xin Qi’s relationship. Min Hui tells Cheng Qirang that it’s not his business. She mentions he promised to help her if she became a bad woman in front of the people. He tells her that he will let his father prepare the operation.

Zheng Yiting calls Cheng Qirang. He explains to her that he didn’t expect Min Hui would do it in front of the people. But she tells him that she doesn’t care for the relationship of him and Min Hui. She adds that she doesn’t wish her father to hear the rumor. She tells him that Zheng family needs the face.

Zheng Yiting leaves with the dog. Cheng Qirang sees his wife off. He thinks he’s not better than a dog in Zheng Yiting’s eyes. Min Hui walks into her son’s ward. The kid Quan Quan pretends to sleep. She wakes him up because she knows he pretended to sleep.

Quan Quan complains to Min Hui that he fell asleep if he didn’t wait for her. He wonders why she was so late. She tells him that she had something importantly. He thinks she was tired because he heard her sigh. She reminds him that she’s a superwoman. She tells him to go to sleep.

Min Hui walks out of Quan Quan’s ward. She runs into the doctor Zhou Ruji. She feels guilty for always letting him worry about her. She thinks he did something bad in his previous life so that he made the friend of her. She reveals Doctor Cheng agreed to operate on Quan Quan.

Zhou Ruqi wonders how Min Hui convinced Doctor Cheng. Xin Qi takes a shower. He remembers Min Hui flirted with Cheng Qirang. Hardy reports to Xin Qi that Min Hui was fired. He wonders why Min Hui attended the party because she never did so.

Zhou Ruqi thinks Cheng Qirang is a bad person after knowing Cheng Qirang used Quan Quan to let Min Hui give in. Min Hui tells Zhou Ruqi that she only cares for Quan Quan. Hardy tells Xin Qi that Min Hui’s goal was Cheng Qirang. Xin Qi stops Hardy. He tells Hardy to leave his room.

Xin Qi takes a look at Min Hui’s photo. He wonders why she let him see her. Hardy takes Xin Qi to the hospital. He tells him to let the doctor see his heart so that he can give the explanation to the chairman. Xin Xi walks into the restroom. He runs into Quan Quan.

Quan Quan hands over the tissue to Xin Qi. He’s happy to run away. Min Hui looks for Quan Quan. She sees Xin Qi. She avoids him. She grabs him and takes him to avoid the stretcher. He mistakes that she did it for hugging him. She wonders why he came to the hospital.

Min Hui thinks Xin Qi’s illness had an attack again. He thinks she pretended to care for him. He tells her that he won’t be soft-hearted. He adds that he wouldn’t step in the city if he knew she’s there. She tells him to forgive each other since he gives out the ending to their relationship.

The Love You Give Me Chinese Drama: Episode 1 Ending

Episode 1 of The Love You Give Me Chinese Drama ends with Xin Qi going on a blind date with the girl he doesn’t like. Min Hui decides to go to help her ex-boyfriend. She shows up and blames Xin Qi for not coming to her. The girl wonders who Min Hui is. Min Hui asks Xin Qi for ten minutes if she helps him.

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