The Last Immortal: Episodes 17-18 Recap

This is the recap for The Last Immortal: Episodes 17-18. Lan Feng is going to hold the Lingyao Meeting. He mentions the finger bone of Monster Emperor. Yu Feng reveals the late heavenly emperor made an enchantment to keep the finger bone.

The Last Immortal Episode 17 Recap

The Last Immortal

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for The Last Immortal: Episodes 17-18.

Lan Feng plans to return the finger bone to Monster Realm. He wishes those monsters can feel his sincerity. Yu Feng thinks it’s a good idea. But he points out that it will be hard to achieve. The immortal worries that the finger bone will be hurt by immortal powers before they give it to Monster Clan.

Another immortal agrees to what the immortal said. Lan Feng decides to make a Soul Arrow to protect the finer bone. A Yin volunteers to make Soul Arrow after knowing she will have a chance to be close to Gu Jin. Yan Shuang reminds A Yin that she will make a mistake if something bad happened.

A Yin admits that she wants to make the arrow for Gu Jin. She promises to do a good job. Yan Shuang agrees to A Yin’s plan. But she asks her to see Gu Jin’s feelings clearly. She tells her not to break the heart herself. Hua Shu reports to Hong Chou that Gu Jin will design Soul Arrow.

She mentions Sibing Palace is going to send an immortal to work with Gu Jin. She thinks Yan Shuang will let A Yin do the job. Hong Chou gets angry. She takes Hua Shu to Gu Jin’s palace. She persuades Gu Jin to let Hua Shu make Soul Sword with him. She leaves.

Hong Chou walks out of Gu Jin’s palace. She locks the door with her god power. Hua Shu tries to talk about the love with Gu Jin. But he only wants to discuss the Soul Sword with her. She takes a look at the sample. She likes the sample.

But he reveals the sample was made by A Yin. He mentions A Yin liked to use pear flower. He plans to go to work since Hua Shu agreed to the plan. But he finds out that he cannot leave the room because of the enchantment. She believes that the enchantment was set up by the workers. She persuades him to wait for a while.

She sees the battle gown. She asks him about the gown. He reveals the gown was made by A Yin. Hua Shu lets Gu Jin wear the gown. He finds out that he cannot untie the gown. She volunteers to untie the gown for him. A Yin visits the Gu Jin with the mung bean cake. Hong Chou sees A Yin.

A Yin sees Hua Shu being close to Gu Jin. Her mung bean cake drops. She runs away. Hong Chou smiles because the result is what she wants to see. Gu Jin finds out that the gown unties on its own. Hua Shu’s finger is hurt when she hangs the gown for Gu Jin.

Gu Jin hands over the ointment to Hua Shu. He lets her apply it on her own. She wonders who will be his girlfriend in the future. But he thinks she’s match for Lan Feng. She reveals she didn’t accept Lan Feng’s proposal. She tries to confess her feelings to him. But she’s stopped by Yuanshen Jian.

Yuanshen Jian breaks the enchantment. He flies away. Gu Jin walks out of the room. He says goodbye to Hua Shu. Feng Ming watches the secret bank. He decides to steal the demon flower seed from the bank for making Feng Yin not come back.

Zhuo Ying meets with Hong Ruo. He wonders why she wants to go to the Lingyao Conference. She reveals she plans to go to bring trouble. He reports to her that Feng Ming needs Lan Feng and Yu Feng’s keys to open the Secret Bank. She believes that they need another helper.

Hua Mo tries to fix his broken immortal soul in Wuji Cave. But he fails. Someone sends a present to Hua Mo. He opens the present and he sees the ring. He reveals he dropped the ring after he killed Eagle King. He remembers someone carried away Eagle King’s body before Yan Shuang came. He opens another box. He sees the pill. He learns that the pill was given by Hong Ruo.

Hua Mo meets with Hong Ruo. He knows she’s not Hong Ruo because Hong Ruo fought with him ever. Qing Lin laughs to show her real looks. She promises to help his sect be a famous sect if he helps her rule the Three Realms. But he wishes to rule the Immortal Realm.

She agrees to it. She volunteers to help his daughter be the lord of Immortal Realm. But she asks him to let his daughter work for her. A Yin carries the books in Sibing Palace. But the book drops. Gu Jin picks up the book for her.

The Last Immortal Episode 18 Recap

Hong Yi uses the sleeping mosquito to let Gu Jin fall asleep. A Yin collects the dream from Gu Jin. Because the matchmaker god told her that he can find the love thread from the dream. A Yin tries to leave. But Gu Jin wakes up. He’s startled when he sees her.

SEE ALSO: The Last Immortal: Episode 19 Recap & Ending Explained

He wonders why the people are in his room. The people flee. Gu Jin wonders why A Yin puts a gourd on her head. She explains it to him that the people told her that she’s pretty if she does so. She runs out of his room. It makes him believe that the people concealed something from him.

SEE ALSO: The Last Immortal: Episode 16 Recap

The maid walks the bodyguard. She tells him to go to inform Peacock King that Hua Shu went to Flame Sea for Gu Jin. Gu Jin hears the talk. He asks the maid Hong Que to explain it. She reveals Hua Shu went to Flame Sea to look for Wutong tree.

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