The Last Immortal: Episode 29 Recap

This is the recap for The Last Immortal Episode 29. Feng Yin returns home. Feng Ming is waiting for her. He apologizes to her for the case of Ling Feng. But he thinks she didn’t have to beat Ling Feng. He tells her that it hurt the pride of Wutong Island.

Episode 29

Feng Yin learns that Feng Ming came for asking for her sin. He reminds her that it’s not simple to get along with immortals. He persuades her to go to see other immortals. She wonders if he wants to marry her off. She tells him not to say that he did it for Phoenix Clan.

She thinks Phoenix Clan’s glory relies on themselves. She tells him that her marriage isn’t the tool he clings to Immortal Sects. She thinks nobody can manage her marriage. She lets him go to marry since he’s interested in it. She returns to her house.

Wu Gui visits Feng Yin. He mentions she had a bad temper. Feng Yin remembers Wu Gui recognized her when she was A Yin. Wu Gui tells Feng Yin that he came to see his Ancient Tree Brother when he saw her fighting with Yuan Qi and Ling Feng.

She explains it to him that she rejected the two guys because she couldn’t shoulder the love. He thinks she hasn’t changed. He mentions Yuan Qi when the guy visits. Yuan Qi tries to ask Feng Yin about the Thunder and Fire Spell. But he sees Wu Gui.

Feng Yin tells Yuan Qi to leave. She leaves with Wu Gui. Yuan Qi wonders how did Feng Yin know Wu Gui. Feng Yin and Wu Gui drink tea in the yard. Wu Gui tells Feng Yin that he’s very happy that she came back. He mentions he and Yuan Qi convinced him and they made him return Feng Yin’s soul. Feng Chi achieved her dream as well.

He mentions she came back as the second Phoenix Queen. He thinks Fire Phoenix’s fate has been ended. Feng Yin learns that Wu Gui knew one of her souls in A Yin’s body when the water beast visited him. He admits it because he worried that the life hope Yuan Qi exchanged with his disaster would be gone.

Feng Yin doesn’t expect that A Yin was Yuan Qi’s disaster. Wu Gui learns that she doesn’t want to recognize Yuan Qi. She claims that she’s not A Yin. But he points out that she remembers everything about A Yin. He mentions A Yin was the main nature. He thinks she’s A Yin.

She claims that she has forgotten the love. But he thinks she didn’t want to admit it so that she avoided Yuan Qi. She mentions Yuan Qi forgot the love as well. She doesn’t want to get involved in the love. He decides to go to see the world for Feng Chi. He wishes Feng Yin to drop the love when he comes back.

Feng Yin tastes the soup. She thinks the soup is too sweet. The maid Feng Ge explains it to Feng Yin that the previous soup was made by the servant Feng Yuan brought. They didn’t know how to cook it after the servant left. She decides to go to the kitchen to cook a soup.

Feng Yin rejects it. She asks Feng Ge to prepare the incense. But Feng Ge reveals the incense was made by the servant as well. Feng Yin falls asleep. She has a dream. She remembers Gu Jin used Yuanshen Sword to kill her. She wakes up.

She goes to Ningyun Mountain. She sees a girl who’s happy to run out of the house. The girl A Yu claims that she’s the master there. She tries to hand over the fruits to Feng Yin. Someone attacks A Yu. Feng Yin’s hand is hurt for protecting A Yu.

A Yu heals Feng Yin’s wound. Feng Yin finds out that A Yu is a water beast. A Yu summons Yuan Qi. He walks out of the house and he sees Feng Yin. He wonders why she came to his Ningyun Mountain. She learns that the girl is A Yu. She wonders why the water beast egg turned into a human since the Mysterious Lake was ruined.

Yuan Qi asks Feng Yin why she knew A Yu since she just came to Immortal Realm. She claims that she was just interested in it. She wonders why there was monster. She thinks it wasn’t the first time. He admits it but he tells her that the monster was disguised by the immortal.

He mentions the traces. She looks into the traces and she finds out that the traces were left by immortal powers. He mentions they cannot know the immortal sect because the traces were interfered by monster poison. She remembers Fuchen Sword has a tracker which can enlarge the magical power.

SEE ALSO: The Last Immortal Episode 28 Recap

She decides to let the immortal look into it. Yuan Qi wonders why Feng Yin knows the weapon in Weapon Palace so well. She claims that she read some books about it.

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