The Last Immortal Episode 28 Recap: Lies Can’t Be Hidden

This is the recap for The Last Immortal Episode 28. Feng Yin is in her room. We see the chess game Feng Yin and Feng Yuan left. It flashes back. Feng Yin tells Feng Yuan that she doesn’t know how to face her new life. But she wants to use her new identity to know some things.

The Last Immortal Episode 28

Feng Yin asks Feng Yuan for some time. Feng Yuan agrees to manager Phoenix Clan for Feng Yin. But she thinks she should be fast. She mentions the people of Three Realms will come to congratulate. She worries that she will lose the manner if she doesn’t welcome the guests.

Feng Yuan finds out that she and Feng Yin had a fit. She thinks it’s not funny. She wonders why she knew the rules of Heavenly Palace since she has never been there. Feng Yin explains it to Feng Yuan that she remembered the rules because she and the elders kept talking about it in front of her when she was a kid. Feng Yuan is surprised that Feng Yin remembered it clear when she was in Phoenix Egg.

We return to the present. Feng Yin reveals she set up an enchantment. It makes her old friends see different looks if they see her. She goes to heavenly palace in the evening. She remembered A Yin buried the pear flower wine under the tree. A Yin offered to dig out the wine when Gu Jin finds his love thread. Fuchen Sword complained that he cannot drink the wine if Gu Jin fails. Yan Shuang believed that Gu Jin will find it. She promised to share her wine with Fuchen Sword.

Feng Yin digs out the wine. She carries the wine and she thinks she’s not related to Gu Jin if she drinks up the wine. Fuchen Sword is furious to show up. He blames Feng Yin for stealing his wine when he tries to grab the wine back.

But he gets pushed away. He finds out that she used demigod power. He realizes that she’s the little girl of Phoenix Clan who was just born. He thinks she made a mistake to steal his wine. But she asks him if the wine actually belongs to him.

He admits it that the wine doesn’t belong to him. But he thinks she shouldn’t steal A Yin’s wine. He threatens her that A Yin will come back to take revenge for her. She mentions the water beast who was killed by Yuanshen Sword after she worked with Demon Clan.

She thinks A Yin cannot take revenge for her because she knows the water beast’s immortal soul is gone. Fuchen Sword yells at Feng Yin. He tells her that A Yin was wronged. He claims that A Yin wasn’t a mole of Demon Clan. He sighs and he thinks nobody cares for the wronged of a water beast.

Feng Yin agrees to what Fuchen Sword said. She returns the wine to him. He’s happy to drink the wine. She disappears. He finds out that she left. He wonders how did she know the wine place of A Yin. Hua Shu is in her room. She mentions Feng Yuan came back after Feng Yin woke up.

She mentions Feng Yuan let her be the Heavenly Queen. But Feng Yuan planned to choose new Heavenly Queen. Lin Mo takes Hong Yi to visit Hong Ruo’s grave. He thinks he can go to look for Purple Moon since he came back. Hong Yi mentions Lin Mo has looked for Purple Moon for one thousand year.

He thinks he should take a break and he persuades him to leave the task to him. He swears to catch the demons. Lin Mo reminds Hong Yi that he’s a ten-tailed fox of Monster Clan. He believes that other two realms will get rid of him if he’s in danger.

But anyone will think about it before he takes action if Hong Yi is Monster Emperor. Lin Mo thinks nobody can be Monster Emperor except Hong Yi. Hong Yi takes a look at Hong Ruo. He mentions he kept letting his aunt down. He decides to guard the land his aunt cared for.

Hong Yi agrees to be Monster Emperor. Lin Mo feels happy for Hong Ruo. He sighs and he mentions Hong Ruo wished to fix the relationship with Immortal Realm. He mentions Hong Ruo took Hong Yi to Wutong Island for marriage. He offers the marriage since Feng Yin woke up.

But Hong Yi rejects it. He claims that he doesn’t want to marry the little girl. He thinks he doesn’t have time to manage Monster Clan if he takes care of Feng Yin each day. He’s not against the marriage of Immortal Clan and Monster Clan. But he’s not interested in Feng Yin.

Lin Mo knows Hong Yi only has A Yin in his heart. He tells him not to regret. Yan Shuang returns to Eagle Clan. Eagle King persuades Yan Shuang to be the next eagle king. He mentions she’s outstanding. She thinks it’s too early.

It makes him realize that she does it because of the guy in Monster Clan. He mentions she has waited for Hong Yi for one thousand years. But the guy never replied to her. He tries to go to ask the guy for an answer. But Yan Shuang stops her father.

She reveals Hong Yi has someone in his heart. He yells at her and he asks her why she waits for Hong Yi since she knows Hong Yi loves another girl. He doesn’t wish his daughter to delay her youth. He persuades Yan Shuang to make a decision.

Hua Shu holds a meeting in Heavenly Palace. She sits on her throne. The new lord Xin Yanhuo asks Hua Shu if Feng Yan plans to stay long. Hua Shu reveals Feng Yuan let her manage the heavenly palace because Feng Yuan is going to go to God Realm.

The new lord Xin Lingdian reports to Hua Shu that Hong Yi became Monster Emperor. Xin Yanhuo plans to prepare a present for Feng Yin. But Hua Shu mentions Wutong Island doesn’t send out the invitations. She decides to talk about it once she gets the invitation.

The maid and Hua Shu are in the yard. The maid complains it to Hua Shu that Xin Yanhuo thought Phoenix is the head of birds since Hua Shu promoted Xin Yanhuo. Hua Shu mentions Feng Yuan decided to elect the new Heavenly Queen after Feng Yin was born. She believes that Feng Yuan wanted to give the position to Feng Yin. She mentions the five lords had different ideas. She thinks they won’t support her. She believes that she won’t fail the election if she gets the support from True God.

The maid reports to Feng Ming that Feng Huan is looking for the key of the treasure warehouse. She reveals Feng Yin wanted to send a present to the new Monster Emperor. Feng Ming visits Feng Yin. He mentions Hong Yi killed all of the immortals in Great Lake Mountain. He blames her for getting along with Monster Clan.

She agrees to what he said. But it reminds her that it’s the birthday of Eagle Clan Princess. She thinks she should prepare a present. Feng Ming leaves. Feng Huan mentions Feng Yin announced not to accept the position of Phoenix Queen. She thinks Feng Ming shouldn’t manage Feng Yin because Feng Yin is the head.

But Feng Yin thinks Feng Ming did nothing wrong as a chief. She thinks monsters aren’t evil. She remembers Gu Jin’s words. She finds out that she didn’t forget him and he affected her so much. Feng Ming complains that Feng Yin embarrassed him when he arrives at the palace.

He sees Hong Chou and he walks into the palace. He sees the presents. He asks her about it. She reveals she plans to let Yuan Qi marry Feng Yin. She hands over the engagement contract to him. He thinks he cannot manage Wutong Island as long as Feng Yin is there. He decides to marry Feng Yin to Clean Pool Palace. He accepts the engagement contract with the identity of the chief of Phoenix Clan.

The monster reports to Hong Yi that Wutong Island sent a present to him. Another monster thinks Feng Yin did it for show off. But the monster disagrees. He mentions Feng Yin sent the present in her own name. He thinks Feng Yin wanted to thank Hong Yi for helping Yuan Qi gather her immortal souls.

Lin Mo thinks they should accept the present when he walks into the palace. He reveals Clean Pool Palace announced that they’re going to have a marriage with Wutong Island. He thinks they slap God Realm if they offend Feng Yin. He thinks they cannot get any benefit from it.

Hong Yi is surprised that Yuan Qi is going to marry Feng Yin. He’s furious to leave his place when he blames Yuan Qi. The monster mentions Hong Yi went to have a fight with Yuan Qi. He worries about it. Lin Mo comforts him that some friendships won’t be broken so easily.

Hong Yi arrives at Clean Pool Palace. He asks Yuan Qi to come out when he tries to break the enchantment. Hong Chou blames Hong Yi for being rude to Yuan Qi. Yuan Qi shows up. He saves Hong Chou. Yuan Qi scolds Hong Yi for hurting the person of Clean Pool Palace.

Hong Yi thought Yuan Qi has feelings for A Yin. But he finds out that he’s preparing for marrying Feng Yin. Yuan Qi denies it. But Hong Yi thinks Yuan Qi is acting in front of him. He mentions he sent the wedding present to Wutong Island.

He tells him that the whole world knew he’s going to marry Feng Yin. Yuan Qi asks Hong Chou about what happened. She reminds him that he failed to find the water beast. She mentions Feng Yin was born. She thinks he should know who’s the right girl.

He gets angry and he tries to go to break off the engagement. She stops him and she reminds him that Feng Yin will lose her face if he does so. She thinks Feng Yuan will get angry even if she cares for him. Yuan Qi disagrees to what Hong Chou said. He thinks they shouldn’t sacrifice a person’s happiness for the face.

He claims that he only loves A Yin. He thinks Feng Yin shouldn’t be the sacrifice of the marriage. He goes to Wutong Island. Feng Yin is in her palace. Feng Huan reports to Feng Yin that Feng Ming accepted the engagement contract of Yuan Qi.

The maid reports to Feng Yin that Yuan Qi is visiting Feng Yuan. Feng Huan believes that Yuan Qi came for the marriage. The maid mentions Huan Qi is very handsome. But Feng Yin claims that she won’t take a look at Yuan Qi because she knows he’s a heartless person.

She thinks he won’t give any feelings to her because he’s a chaos. She thinks he loves her just like he loves a cat or a dog. Yuan Qi meets with Feng Yuan. He tells her that he wants to break off the marriage. He explains it to her that he didn’t see Feng Yin. He mentions he has other things to do.

She understands his feelings that he wants to take revenge for his sect. But she mentions the immortals will mock Feng Yin if he breaks off the engagement. She tells him that she won’t forgive him if he doesn’t take out the sincerity.

She offers to announce the breaking off the engagement. She thinks Feng Yin won’t lose her face. She asks him to be Feng Yin’s personal servant for one month. He agrees to it. Feng Huan reports to Feng Yuan that Feng Yin didn’t want to marry Yuan Qi.

Feng Yuan lets Feng Huan do the plan. Feng Yin is surprised that Feng Yuan agreed to it. She asks Feng Huan about what the God Lord said. Feng Huan worries that Feng Yin will lose face if she knows she got rejected by Yuan Qi. She tells Feng Yin that Yuan Qi regretted and he begged Feng Yuan.

She adds that Yuan Qi agreed to break off the engagement after he heard the elder mentioned the past of him and Hua Shu. Feng Yin is surprised that Yuan Qi acted so. Feng Huan walks out of Feng Yin’s palace. She tells Yuan Qi that Feng Yuan asked her not to give any special treatment to him.

She tells him to go to clean the yard. Yuan Qi is going to clean the yard. He sees Feng Yin who’s drinking tea in the house. He tries to leave. But he senses A Yin’s soul mark from Feng Yin. He mistakes Feng Yin for A Yin. Feng Huan scolds the maids for using the ordinary flowers. She thinks it’s not match for Feng Yin.

But Feng Yin keeps the elegant flowers. She takes a look at the white flower. She returns to her room. Feng Huan asks Feng Ning who bought the flowers. Feng Ning reveals Yuan Qi told them to buy the flowers. Feng Huan visits Yuan Qi when he’s cleaning the yard.

She asks him to go to the kitchen. He goes to the kitchen when the chefs are cooking. He takes a look at the dishes. The chef reveals Feng Yin likes the cake of mortal world. He complains it to him that he needed to study the recipes of mortal world. Yuan Qi smiles.

The maid brings the cakes to Feng Yin. Feng Yin tastes the cake. She asks the maid Feng Ning who made the cake. Feng Ning reveals it was cooked by the chef. Feng Yin goes to the kitchen. She runs into the chef. She asks him why he could cook the mortal world food.

He confesses it to her that the new servant taught him about it. He leaves. She sees Yuan Qi cooking in the kitchen. She walks into the kitchen. She thinks Yuan Qi’s hobby is very special. He’s surprised that she knew him. She tells him that she remembers him because he was the one who killed her one thousand years ago.

He apologizes to her. She accepts his apology. She asks him to leave because she knows he’s very busy. But he reveals he promised Feng Yuan to be a servant of Feng Yin for one month for making up for his breaking off the engagement.

Feng Yin tells Yuan Qi that she doesn’t like the food he cooked. She adds that she doesn’t like the garden he fixed as well. She wonders why she needs to accept his mistakes. He promises to do a better job. But she rejects it and she asks him to return to his Clean Pool Palace.

He claims that he promised Feng Yuan. He thinks he should keep the promise. She thinks he only cares for his righteousness. She asks him not to show up in front of her. She leaves the kitchen. Yuanshen Sword shows up. He tastes the cake and he thinks Feng Yin had a high standard.

But Yuan Qi thinks it’s reasonable that Feng Yin didn’t like him because he hurt her one thousand years ago. He grabs the cake back and he tells Yuanshen Sword that he cooked the cake for Feng Yin. Hua Shu is in her room. She asks the maid to prepare the birthday party according to the drawing.

The maid mentions Hua Shu worked hard on Yuan Qi’s birthday party. But they don’t know Yuan Qi’s feelings. She worries that Hua Shu will lose her face if Yuan Qi doesn’t attend the birthday party. Hua Shu swears to let Yuan Qi attend the party.

She wonders if Yuan Qi returned to Clean Pool Palace. The maid reveals Yuan Qi is still staying on Wutong Island. Feng Yin receives Hua Shu’s invitation. She learns that Hua Shu is the Heavenly Queen. Feng Huan explains it to Feng Yin that the Heavenly Palace let Hua Shu be the Heavenly Queen for making up for the death of Lan Feng.

Hua Shu thought the immortal beast and Monster Clan killed her husband. But Yuan Qi thought it was Demon Clan. Peacock Clan wanted to take revenge. But Immortal Clan didn’t support Hua Shu because Yuan Qi wished Immortal Clan and Monster Clan to end the battle.

Feng Yin remembers Hua Shu gave her the punishment. She thinks she cannot go to see Hua Shu. She asks Feng Huan to go to see Hua Shu for her. Feng Huan persuades Feng Yin to take a break. She tries to leave. Feng Yin stops her. She thinks Hua Shu was hard. She asks Feng Huan to prepare a present for Hua Shu.

Feng Huan takes the presents to see Hua Shu. Hua Shu complains it to Feng Hua that she cannot see Feng Yin. Feng Huan reveals Feng Yin picked the present in person. Feng Yuan shows up when she takes Feng Yin’s side. She asks Hua Shu to forgive Feng Yin.

Hua Shu greets Feng Yuan. Feng Yuan asks Hua Shu to let her know if she needs her help. Hua Shu reveals she wants to see Yuan Qi. She mentions it’s Yuan Qi’s birthday party next month. Feng Yuan reveals Yuan Qi is in the garden. Hua Shu finds Yuan Qi in the garden when he’s taking care of the flower.

She thinks Phoenix Clan bullied him. But he mentions he ruined some flowers on Wutong Island when he came to have fun. She reveals the immortals wanted to hold the birthday party for him. He rejects it. But she thinks they should hold the party.

Hua Shu looks around. She mentions she encountered Yuan Qi on the island for Feng Yin’s birth. He agrees to what she said. He mentions she helped him. She offers to send out the invitations. But he wants to talk about it later. She leaves the garden.

Feng Yuan shows up. She mentions Yuan Qi would talk back if there was a person trying to read his mind. She reveals she didn’t eavesdrop on the conversation. She tells Yuan Qi that she heard A Yin suffered because of Hua Shu. She thought he wouldn’t endure Hua Shu.

She didn’t expect that Yuan Qi didn’t get angry when Hua Shu used the grace to force him. Gu Jin thinks he’s not qualified to scold Hua Shu. He thinks the one who should do so is A Yin. He wants to repay A Yin for what he owed her.

Feng Yuan persuades Yuan Qi not to lock himself in the guilt. She decides not to stop him since he has made the decision. She reveals she let him be the servant for letting him and Feng Yin together. But he thinks it’s impossible.

She reveals she’s interested in his true god body. She mentions Feng Yin became demigod after she didn’t take thunder punishment. She worries that there will be a huge disaster waiting for Feng Yin. He promises to help Feng Yin if he has the power.

She notes that he’s weird. She tries to touch his hand. But he avoids her. He explains it to her that he just mowed. He worries that he will get her dirty. He leaves the garden. Yuan Qi takes a look at his hand. He finds out that his hand is going to disappear.

Yuanshen Sword shows up. He fixes Yuan Qi’s hand. He persuades him to return to Clean Pool Palace. He finds he almost got caught by Feng Yuan. He mentions Feng Yuan is a top demigod. He thinks the lady will know it if she touches Yuan Qi.

Yuan Qi thinks it’s fine even if Feng Yuan knows it. He reveals he just doesn’t wish his aunt to worry about him. He lets Yuanshen Sword leave. He turns around and he sees Ling Feng. He mentions Feng Yin is practicing under the Wutong Tree. He worries that Ling Feng will disturb Feng Yin.

Ling Feng finds Feng Yin when she’s practicing. He thinks it was the fate that he encountered her. But she thinks he has no shame. He tries to be close to her. She uses the thunder and fire spell to attack him. Yuan Qi sees it. He remembers A Yin used the spell.

He wonders why Feng Yin knew how to use his spell. Feng Yin walks to Ling Feng. She wonders who gave him the guts to pretend to encounter her. He explains it to her that he asked Feng Ming to do so after he adored her. She points out that he didn’t know her.

She wonders if he thinks she will have feelings for him after he flattered her. She mentions he bullied True God and she gave him a lesson. She finds out that he hasn’t changed. He’s surprised that the one who helped Gu Jin was her. He leaves.

Feng Yin notes that there’s another guest. Yuan Qi shows up. He flies to her and he learns that the one who helped him was her. But she tells him that it’s not important to her. She claims that she would help anyone no matter who he was.

SEE ALSO: The Last Immortal Episode 27 Recap: Death and Rebirth

She asks him to return to Clean Pool Palace since he has completed his job. She flies away. Yuanshen Sword shows up. He finds out that Feng Yin actually doesn’t like Yuan Qi. Yuan Qi finds out that the one who helped him wasn’t Hua Shu. He complains it to Yuanshen Sword that Hua Shu told a lie to him for one thousand years. He thinks Feng Yin disliked him because he recognized the wrong savior. But he cares for the thunder and fire spell she used. He reveals he only taught the spell to A Yin.

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