The Last Immortal Episode 27 Recap: Death and Rebirth

This is the recap for The Last Immortal Episode 27. Hong Yi drinks in the room. Yan Shuang meets with her uncle outside. She tells him that she has known her father’s intention. She persuades him to go home because she needs to think about it.

The Last Immortal Episode 27

Uncle Yan mentions Yan Shuang refused to accept the throne. He thinks Eagle King wouldn’t send him to see her if Eagle King had other ways. He reveals Eagle King was tired because he worried the father and the daughter of the Peacock Clan.

Yan Shuang takes a look at Hong Yi with love. She asks Uncle Yan for some time. He reminds her that she will be scolded if she gets along with the monster because she’s a fairy. He leaves. Yan Shuang goes back to the room. Hong Yi mentions the pearl flower wine is good.

He thinks A Yin will take them to drink if she’s there. He believes that A Yin wouldn’t be killed if she didn’t save him. He thinks his aunt wouldn’t die as well. He believes that everything was his mistake. Yan Shuang grabs the wine from Hong Yi. She drinks it.

She tells him that it was the demon’s mistake. He thanks her for accompanying him. He persuades her to return to Eagle Clan to be Eagle Queen. But she worries that she cannot get together with him if she goes back. But he asks her not to waste time with him there.

It makes her cry. She asks him if she wasted her time since she has been there for one thousand years. She blames him for not understanding her feelings. She claims that she wants to continue to look for A Yin. She mentions what Yuan Qi said that A Yin is taking the trial in the mortal world. She thinks she will encounter her best friend.

A Yin comes back to the beach. The guy is surprised that she came back so fast. She admits it and she wonders why she doesn’t see Xiu Yan. He reveals Xiu Yan is arranging the best fate for her. He gives her the enchantment Xiu Yan prepared for her. It can help her increase her soul power.

He lets her leave with him. She sees Yuan Qi in the air. She wonders if the Immortal Lord doesn’t find the person he wants to look for. She thinks he doesn’t have to act deep feeling since he killed his lover on his own. She thinks it’s an acting.

Yuan Qi senses A Yin’s soul mark from his neck. He rushes to the cliff. He doesn’t see A Yin. He fails to stop the girl from jumping the cliff. Three Lives Stone sees it. She sends a message to Hong Yi. She asks him to come to Ghost Realm.

He comes to her. She reveals she has some messages about A Yin. The officer stops A Yin when she’s going to jump off the cliff. He persuades her that Xiu Yan is going to arrange the best fate for her. He goes to look for Xiu Yan.

Hong Yi learns that A Yin has taken trials for one thousand years. He asks Three Lives Stone to take him to see A Yin. She reveals A Yin is weak even if she was saved. She mentions A Yin kept getting deaths even if Xiu Yan arranged the best identities for her.

She tells Hong Yi that A Yin only has the last chance. Yuan Qi overhears it. He’s shocked. He runs to Three Lives Stone. He asks her what will happen to A Yin if A Yin fails the last trial. He threatens to go to ask Xiu Yan about it if she doesn’t confess.

She reveals A Yin will disappear if she has a bad ending again. She tells Hong Yi that A Yin is on the bridge. Yuan Qi flies to the bridge. He sees A Yin. He walks to her and he calls her. She’s surprised that he knows her name. He learns that she doesn’t remember him. He thinks they can do those things later.

He asks her to go to Heavenly Palace with him. He plans to use the mysterious lake to heal her. But she rejects it because she doesn’t know him. He thinks it was his mistakes. He asks her for a chance to let him make up for it. She realizes that she was the fairy who was killed by him.

She thinks he doesn’t have to make up for it from her because she’s the ghost lady A Yin. She tries to leave. But he stops her when he grabs her arm. He reminds her that her soul won’t bear the trial. He asks her to return to Heavenly Palace with him. But she shakes off his hand.

Hong Yi shows up with Xiu Yan. Xiu Yan stops A Yin. He promises to look for a better fate for her. But she thinks he doesn’t have to waste the time. Hong Yi persuades her to return to Monster Realm with him. He thinks the treasures in Monster Realm can help her recover.

She learns that they helped her because they mistook her for the fairy. She realizes that she has lived under the shadow of the fairy. She tells those guys that she doesn’t know the fairy. Hong Yi thinks it’s fine that A Yin doesn’t remember it. He claims that he’s her friend A Jiu no matter who she becomes. He asks her to return to Monster Realm with him.

She rejects it. She thinks she’s not related to those guys since she’s not A Yin. She decides to make the decision on her own in her last trial. She jumps off the bridge. Yuan Qi jumps off the bridge as well. He holds A Yin’s hand.

But she lets his hand go. She falls into the sea. Yuan Qi returns to the bridge. He wonders why he came back alone. Xiu Yan throws the blood lotus to the sea. He reveals A Yin’s soul returned to the blood lotus. But the lotus cannot support her.

Xiu Yan tells Hong Yi and Yuan Qi that A Yin is going to disappear. Yuan Qi uses his god power to save A Yin. He drives Xiu Yan and Hong Yi away. Hong Yi yells at Xiu Yan. He thinks A Yin will be killed by Yuan Qi. Xiu Yan mentions A Yin is going to die. He decides to give the chance to Yuan Qi.

Yuan Qi is saving A Yin. Yuanshen Sword shows up. He reminds Yuan Qi that he will lose his god power. He asks him to give up because there’s no life in the blood lotus. But Yuan Qi decides to use his god soul to save A Yin since his god power didn’t work.

Yuanshen Sword persuades Yuan Qi that he will die if he does so. Yuan Qi pushes Yuanshen Sword away. He mentions A Yin was killed by him. He thinks he cannot live in the world if he cannot save A Yin. He takes out his god soul and he puts his god soul into the blood lotus. But the blood lotus disappears. Yuan Qi tears up. Xiu Yan asks Yuan Qi if he can sense the soul mark of A Yin. Yuan Qi reveals A Yin disappeared. He spits blood. Yuanshen Sword takes him away.

The Last Immortal Episode 27

Feng Yin appears from the Soul Tower on Wutong Island. The little water beast shakes the window in Clean Pool Palace. Yuanshen Sword catches her. He persuades her not to disturb the master. She spits on him and she tries to flee. He pulls her back and she becomes a pretty girl. We learn that she’s A Yu. She’s A Yin’s younger sister.

Yuanshen Sword is surprised that A Yu became a human. She thinks he won’t throw her like a ball. He believes that Yuan Qi will be happy if he knows A Yu became a human. He asks her to take care of Yuan Qi. A Yu flies into Yuan Qi’s palace. She shows her new looks to him.

But he looks sad. He thinks A Yin will be happy if she sees it. A Yu finds out that Yuan Qi cried. He apologizes to her for not protecting her older sister. But she thinks he had no choice. He reveals he had a choice. He mentions he didn’t find that A Yin’s immortal bone was sealed. He thinks he would try his best to protect A Yin if he knew it.

A Yu points out that Yuan Qi didn’t know it. She thinks the person will die no matter she’s monster or immortal. She makes a light. She mentions A Yin cherish her life. But he ruined himself. She mentions the people of Three Realms thought he plays favorites because he didn’t have any evidence to prove that her older sister is innocent.

She mentions the real culprit is hiding in Immortal Realm. The culprit is living under the sunshine. She reminds Yuan Qi that he wanted to make Hunyuan Pearl to catch the culprit. He asks him if he wants to continue to fall since he didn’t take revenge for her older sister. He agrees to what she said that he has many things to do.

Yan Shuang finds Hong Yi when he’s drinking. She grabs the wine and she thinks it wasn’t his mistake that A Yin left. She wonders how long he’s going to torture himself. He asks her not to care for him. She thinks the cruelest thing is to ruin it after giving out hope.

Hua Shu is in her palace. The maid reports to her that A Yin is dead. She thinks Hua Shu will be the wife of Yuan Qi. Hua Shu tells the maid that she doesn’t like Yuan Qi. She reveals she wants to get the whole Immortal Realm. She asks her for the Peacock Dress.

Phoenix Clan has a meeting. The elder Feng Hui mentions Hua Shu plans to replace Phoenix Clan for ruling birds. He offers to hold the birds meeting. But another elder mentions the meeting should be held by Fire Phoenix. He refuses to hold the meeting because Feng Yin isn’t there.

Feng Hui thinks Feng Ming can hold the meeting because he’s the chief of Phoenix Clan. The elder Feng Yun is against it. Hua Shu wears the Peacock Dress to walk into the Heavenly Palace. Feng Ming decides to hold the meeting since everyone supported him. But the palace shakes.

The people of Phoenix Clan gather in front of Wutong Tree. They see the glow from the Soul Tower. The guy thinks the little phoenix is going to come back. Phoenix Gem flies away from Yuan Qi. A Yu plays the gem. But the gem disappears when the glow comes.

A Yu flees. Yuan Qi opens his eyes. He sees the glow. He learns that Phoenix Queen came back. He’s surprised because he didn’t gather the last soul of Feng Yin. Hua Shu notes the glow in the Heavenly Palace. The fairy mentions the glow only shows up when a person becomes Demigod.

The immortal mentions the gorgeous Fire Phoenix Totem. He thinks it’s the sign that Feng Yin is going to be reborn. He thinks it’s an honor that Feng Yin becomes Demigod once she’s born. Yan Shuang sees the glow. She learns that Feng Yin came back. But Hong Yi feels regret for A Yin because she cannot come back.

Feng Yin appears from the Soul Tower. She opens her eyes and she waves her phoenix wings. The people of Phoenix Clan welcome her. They gather in front of Feng Yin’s palace Fengyi Palace. They try to give all of her presents to Feng Yin.

But the elder Feng Huan stops them. She mentions Feng Yin only accepts one present from each person. She lets them take the presents away. But the elder wants to give all of the treasures to the little phoenix because they had waited for one thousand years.

Feng Yuan shows up. The elders greet her. Feng Yin walks out of her palace. She calls Feng Yuan. Feng Ming hides behind the rock. He watches it. He’s furious to wonder why Feng Yin came back at this time. He hits the rock with his fist. He spits blood.

A Yu worries that Yuan Qi will get angry if he finds out that she broke the Phoenix Gem. She flies away. The masked man sees her. A Yun flees to Ningyun Mountain. She sees a house. She tries to walk into the house. But the masked man catches her.

We find out that the masked man is Feng Ming. Hong Yi saves A Yu from his house. Feng Ming flees. Yuan Qi shows up. He asks A Yu if she’s fine. She reveals she worried that she cannot see him. She denies it when he asks her if she saw the person’s looks.

She reveals the guy wore a mask. He wonders why she fled from Clean Pool Palace. She confesses it to him that she broke Phoenix Gem. She worried that he would get angry. He points out that the gem completed the mission because Feng Yin has come back.

Hong Yi hears A Yu’s name. He walks out of the house when A Yu points at him. He recognizes her and he wonders why she was born since the Hanging Lake was ruined. Yan Shuang shows up. She recognizes A Yu as well. Feng Yin plays Go with Feng Yun in her palace.

She mentions she was ruined by Gu Jin when she was born. She reveals one of her souls went to Ghost Realm to take trial. She leaks that she woke up after she jumped into the trial pool. Feng Yuan wonders why Feng Yin became Demigod. She mentions the thunder punishment didn’t come.

Feng Yin believes that she took the thunder punishment when she took the trial. She tells Feng Yuan that she was just kidding. She confesses it to her that she doesn’t know how did she got the god power. She thinks she was lucky.

Feng Yuan asks Feng Yin to be the new Phoenix Queen because she’s going to go to God Realm. But Feng Yin thinks it’s too fast. Feng Yuan disagrees. She reveals she went to God Realm if Feng Yin hadn’t been sleeping. We go back to Ningyun Mountain. Yan Shuang thinks they need to catch the guy who tried to hurt A Yu.

Hong Yi reveals the guy left the mark on the wood. Yuan Qi tries to check the mark. Hong Yi reveals he has checked it. He found out that there’s monster poison on the wood. He thinks the people of Monster Clan wanted to hurt A Yu. But Yuan Qi thinks it’s not simple.

He reveals he sensed the immortal power from the guy. He mentions the demons sneaked into Immortal Realm. He thinks the culprit was the immortal who became demon. Yan Shuang thinks it’s very important to catch the real culprit. Gu Jin finds out that his hand begins to disappear. He goes back to Immortal Realm.

Feng Yuan mentions Yuan Qi killed Qing Lin. But Feng Yin thinks it’s just the history. She mentions the position of Heavenly Queen since Feng Yuan is going to go to God Realm. Feng Yuan thinks she’s not suitable for the queen of the nine heavens.

She reveals she plans to let the one be the next Heavenly Queen if she can pass the Nine Palaces Tower to get the seal of Heavenly Queen. She persuades Feng Yin to take part in the election since she’s interested in it. But Feng Yin rejects it because she doesn’t like the rules of Heavenly Palace. She promises to guard Phoenix Clan.

SEE ALSO: The Last Immortal Episode 28 Recap: Lies Can’t Be Hidden

Yuan Qi returns to Clean Pool Palace. He begins to make Hunyuan Pearl. Chang Que thinks Yuan Qi shouldn’t do so because he just had a fight with the monster. Yuanshen Sword thinks nobody can convince Yuan Qi. He mentions Yuan Qi wishes to make the Cloud Pearl for knowing the past.

SEE ALSO: The Last Immortal: Episode 26 Recap

Yuan Qi is hurt. Yuanshen Sword persuades him not to make the Cloud Pearl. But he wants to return a justice to A Yin. He thinks it’s good that he returns to the heaven and the earth. Hong Chao calls him outside the house. She thinks he should go to Wutong Island since Feng Yin was born. He lets her to choose a present and give it to Feng Yin.

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