The Judge from Hell Episode 8 Recap: The Demon’ Tears

This is the recap for The Judge from Hell: Episode 8. The residents aren’t sure if So-Young is dead or not. Because Bit-Na and Da-On only found the bloodstain on the ground. They pray for the missing cop. They wish her to come back safety.

The Judge from Hell: Episode 8

Detective Yoo leads the cops to have a meeting about So-Young’s case. He asks Crime Team 2 to sit the case out. Crime Team 2 was leaded by So-Young. Dong-Hoon and Eun-Seop get angry after they heard the order. Da-On is silent. Eun-Seop breaks into the office. He blames Dong-Hoon for leaving So-Young alone. Dong-Hoon feels guilty. But Da-On knows So-Young will be back.

Da-Hee cries in Hyung-Suk’s arms at home. Da-On visits them. Da-Hee cries to ask Da-On to go to find her mother. He hugs her for comforting her. Hyung-Suk gives Da-On the papers of J’s cases that So-Young kept. Da-On learns that J has come back. Hyung-Suk asks Da-On to trust So-Young.

Bit-Na goes out. She runs into Da-On. She learns that he just came back. She worries about him. But he claims that he’s fine. He believes that So-Young will be back. Bit-Na is in her office. She opens the demon mirror. She tries to write down So-Young’s name. She gives up the plan because Da-On believed the cop will be back. She receives a message from Da-On who asks her to go to meet someone with him. He reveals the person can prove the victim’s innocence.

They go to see the witness. The witness is angry after knowing Chang-Seon was wronged. He decides to testify because he’s going to leave the company. But he changes his words at the court. Da-On chases the witness out of the court. The witness cries to apologize to Da-On.

Bit-Na meets with Jae-Gul and Chairman Choi at a restaurant. She learns that the witness changed his words for money. Chairman Choi reveals the Lord forgave his son. Jae-Gul persuades Bit-Na to forgive Won-Joong. Bit-Na goes to the convenience store A-Rong works. A-Rong reports to her boss that Da-On was the victim of J’s case. Bit-Na pretends to be fine. But she almost cries when A-Rong watches her from her back.

Da-On has a meeting with Dong-Hoon and Eun-Seop. He asks them to protect Won-Joong because he knows Bit-Na will take action once she releases Won-Joong. Eun-Seop refuses to accept the order because Won-Joong is a bad person. Da-On reminds Eun-Seop his duty as a cop.

Bit-Na is in Da-On’s office. She takes a look at the group photo of Da-On and So-Young. She remembers So-Young thanked her after she forgave Da-On. Da-On shows up when he asks her what she’s doing. She puts the photo back. They go to the rooftop. He mentions she wanted to ask him something. But she only asks him about the time. He tells her that he will be his best no matter what her ruling is. She leaves the rooftop.

Bit-Na releases Won-Joong from the courtroom. Yu-Gyeong cries to ask Bit-Na why she forgave Won-Joong. Bit-Na claims that it’s her judgement style. Yu-Gyeong passes out. Bit-Na leaves the courtroom. Bit-Na is with the chief in the chief’s office. He gets angry after reading the newspapers. He blames the reporter for badmouthing Bit-Na. But Bit-Na thinks what the reporter said is right. He tells the chief that Jae-Gul will be happy with him. She leaves his office.

Bit-Na runs into Dae-Yong and Hwa-Sun in the hallway. The two judges try to say something to her. But she tells them to like the malicious comments about her. She leaves. Hwa-Sun thinks Bit-Na is a mind reader. Bit-Na returns to the office when Man-Do and Won-Gyeong are explaining to the people about the ruling over the phone. She cuts off the phones because she thinks they don’t have to take the duty.

She returns to her office. She remembers Da-On stared at her in the courtroom. Man-Do walks into her office. He persuades her to be careful of A-Rong because he suspects A-Rong is Satan. She asks him about the victim’s daughter. He reveals the girl is in the hospital.

Yu-Gyeong is in a coma in the ward. The doctor tells Yu-Gyeong’s mother to accept the death of her daughter. It makes the madam cry. But Yu-Gyeong wakes up at that time. Dong-Joo kills the thugs who kidnapped Chang-Seon. Jae-Hyun worries that his partner will be killed if Justitia finds it out. But Dong-Joo knows Jae-Hyun will keep the secret.

Yu-Gyeong and her mother are in the doctor’s office. The doctor tells Yu-Gyeong that she recovered. She asks her to continue with the treatment. Yu-Gyeong is very happy. Jae-Hyun has a talk with Dong-Joo. He thinks it was a miracle that Yu-Gyeong woke up. Dong-Joo thinks there was a angel visiting Yu-Gyeong. The doctor sends Yu-Gyeong and her mother off. She turns into Mi-Ja.

Da-On visits Won-Joong because he wants to protect him. But Won-Joong refuses to accept the protection because he’s confident that he can win if someone attacks him. Bit-Na is in her room. She writes down Won-Joong’s name. She finds out that the guy is in a church. Won-Joong thanks the Lord for helping him. He tears up.

Bit-Na gives an order to A-Rong. A-Rong calls Won-Joong. She tells him that she has evidence that he asked the thugs to kill Chang-Seon. She asks him to come to the theme park. He scolds his secretary then because the secretary didn’t do a good job.

Dong-Hoon and Eun-Seop wait outside the church for protecting Won-Joong. They see Won-Joong’s car so that they tail him. They don’t know Won-Joong is behind them. Bit-Na goes out. Da-On is waiting for her. He asks her for a talk. They go to a playground.

Da-On persuades Bit-Na not to go to kill Won-Joong. But she asks him to work with her because she knows he was the victim of J’s case. She reminds him that the law cannot punish J but she can do the job. He rejects her offer because he wants to be a good officer. He hugs her and he thanks her for telling him that it wasn’t his mistake. She’s furious to scold him. She leaves the playground.

Won-Joong arrives at the theme park. He sees a clown. He’s startled when the clown is close to him. A-Rong catches the chance to stun Won-Joong. Won-Joong wakes up. His hands are tied up by the rope. His mouth is blocked. Bit-Na lifts the golf club. She hits him with the golf balls.

She tells her followers to leave. Man-Do removes the plastic from Won-Joong’s mouth before he leaves. Won-Joong can speak now. He asks Bit-Na why she does it to him. She refuses to answer him the question. She continues to hit him with the balls.

Won-Joong flees from the theme park. He sees a van so that he gets in the van. But he’s kidnapped by the demon cleaners Dong-Joo and Jae-Hyun. Won-Joong is in the woods. He removes the black bag off her head. He tries to flee. But he’s hung by a rope.

The demon cleaners put him into a coffin. They nail the coffin. Won-Joong wakes up. He tries his best to come out of the coffin. He finds out that he’s still at the theme park. Bit-Na shows up from the hell gate. She walks to Won-Joong.

She learns that he doesn’t regret for killing the victim. She laughs to summon two demons from hell. The demons chase Won-Joong. The guy flees into a ticket box. But one of the demons ruins the ticket box. Won-Joong climbs out of the box. The demon is waiting for him on the box. Won-Joong flees into a cable car. Bit-Na lets the demons leave.

Bit-Na beats Won-Joong in the cable car. He asks her to stop. He reveals the Lord has forgiven him. She’s furious to beat him because he didn’t apologize to the victim. She reveals the God allowed her to punish the sinners like him. She stabs him and brands his forehead. The hell gate opens. Won-Joong’s soul is sent to hell.

Bit-Na throws Won-Joong’s dead body downstairs. She kicks the dead body and she tries to leave. But she finds out that Da-On is filming her. He’s furious to walk to her when he thinks she’s a murderer. She wonders how did he know it. She finds the bug he put on her shoulder. She throws away the bug.

She asks him for his phone when she chases him. He rejects it and he throws sulfur powder on her. She wonders how did he know her weakness. He reveals Man-Do told it to him. She tries to fight with him. But he catches her. She thinks he’s very cheap.

Da-On gets a call from Eun-Seop. He learns that they have found So-Young. He cuffs Bit-Na in the cable car. He leaves. Da-On goes to the crime scene. He sees a police dog. He has bad feelings. He runs into the house and he finds So-Young’s dead body. He cries. He sees J’s name nearby.

We return to 1999. So-Young and Hyung-Suk find the victims from the house. So-Young finds the kid Da-On in another room then. She stops him when he tries to go to see his mother. She hugs him tightly. They’re outside. She tells him that his family is in the hospital. He knows she told him a lie because she cries. She promises to catch the culprit.

Da-On is sent to the Childcare Center after he lost his parents. So-Young finds Da-On when he’s bullied by the kid. She tries to hand over the shoes to him. But he throws away the shoes because he thinks he’s not a beggar. He thinks she’s a liar because she didn’t catch the killer. He throws the stone at her. He runs away. We find out that her hand is bleeding.

So-Young and Hyung-Suk become Da-On’s parents. So-Young plays kickball game with Da-On at the school. But she trips. He joins her and he applies the band-aid on her wound which he caused. She catches the chance to invite him to live with them. But he wants to live in the same room with her. She’s happy to kiss him. Hyung-Suk takes a photo of So-Young and Da-On.

We return to the present. Bit-Na gets her powers back. She leaves the cable car with an iron rod. She sees Da-On and she intends to attack him. But he throws his phone to the ground. He grabs the brick and he uses the brick to hit his phone. She throws away the iron rod.

SEE ALSO: The Judge from Hell Episode 7 Recap: The Good Demon

He hands over his phone to her. She takes over the phone and she ruins it. He tells her that he wants to kill J. But she’s against it because she worries that he will be sent to hell. He asks her to send him to hell. She agrees to it. But she cries. She’s shocked to turn around. She looks at him.

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