The Judge from Hell Episode 7 Recap: The Good Demon

This is the recap for The Judge from Hell: Episode 7. Bit-Na’s neighbor Jung-Im is on the way home in the evening. She turns around after she noted that someone is tailing her. She’s dragged into an alley. She screams. Her phone drops on the ground. Her son calls her.

The Judge from Hell: Episode 7

Jung-Im is in the alley. She cries to ask the killer to forgive her. But he doesn’t show any mercy. He catches her when he takes out his knife. Myung-Sook stops him when he tries to kill Jung-Im. He runs away after Man-Do used the light of his phone to shine on him.

We go to the police station. So-Young meets with Jung-Im. She tries to get the details of the murderer. But the victim didn’t see the killer’s face because the killer wore a black mask. Jung-Im apologizes to So-Young for not remembering anything. She explains it to her that she was shocked.

But she remembers the knife. She draws it on the paper. So-Young studies the drawing. She finds out that the knife belongs to J.

Da-On visits his parents’ grave with a flower. He sees So-Young who complains to his parents that he forgot his birthday. He joins her and he thinks she should let him know that she would come. But she talks back that he should be the one who told her. So they could come together. She promises his mother that she will take care of him.

Da-On and So-Young return to the police station. They have a meeting with the team. Dong-Hoon and Eun-Seop get nothing from the serial murder. They don’t know where the iron comes out and the cameras are broken so that it didn’t capture the murderer. Da-On promises to find evidence. Dong-Hoon reveals Bit-Na got a lot of criticism because she acquitted Seung-Bin.

Bit-Na meets with the chief in the chief’s office. He serves her the best tea and he wishes her to do a better job. But she ignored him. He reads the comments that the people cursed her to die. He tells her that she has to return to the single-judge court. She doesn’t talk back and she leaves his office. He’s surprised. He doesn’t know she has achieved her goal.

Man-Do follows Bit-Na in the hallway. He mentions the malicious comments. But she knows he was the one who wrote the malicious comments. He walks into the office with her. He reports to her that A-Rong is Satan. He mentions the demon’s eyes look crazy. But she doesn’t believe it. He gets a message from the landlady who asks all of the residents to go hiking together. But she’s not interested in it.

Da-Hee walks on the street. She’s bullied by the bad girls. Bit-Na shows up. She gives the bad girls a lesson. Da-Hee bows to Bit-Na when she thanks her. But Bit-Na claims that she didn’t intend to help Da-Hee. So-Young leaves the meeting room with her colleagues. She gets a call from the station.

She arrives at the station with Da-On. She sees Da-Hee. Da-Hee wants to cry after she saw her mother. But So-Young tells Da-Hee to hold on. She asks the cop what happened. He reveals Bit-Na beat the girls when she helped Da-Hee. The girls’ mothers show up. They care for their daughter.

One of the mothers scolds Bit-Na when she asks her if she beat her daughter. Bit-Na claims that she just disciplined the girl. Another woman gets angry. She tells the cop that she wants to sue Bit-Na. But she’s told that the woman is a judge.

Bit-Na leaves the cop’s office. Da-On follows her. Da-Hee follows her mother. She wants to have a meal with her colleagues when she takes So-Young’s arm. But So-Young asks Da-Hee why she went to Hwangcheon. Da-Hee explains it to her mother that she wanted to give Da-On a surprise. So-Young yells at Da-Hee. She asks her not to go to the place.

Da-Hee cries to blame So-Young for not caring for her after she was bullied by the bad girls. She’s furious to run away. Da-On goes to chase Da-Hee. So-Young thanks Bit-Na for helping her daughter. Da-On visits Mi-Ja. She lets him in.

She knows he came because of her words. He mentions the woman is a demon. He asks her to tell him the truth. She reveals he will be alive even if he and Bit-Na one of them will die. Does it mean Bit-Na will die? Mi-Ja tells Da-On that she knows his parents were good people. She reveals someone asked her to protect him. He realizes that the people were his parents. He leaves Mi-Ja’s house. Mi-Ja looks herself in the mirror. We see a young girl’s face. She blows out the candle.

Da-On runs into Bit-Na. She thinks he should thank her. But he asks her if she will confess her crimes if he does so. She tells him to bring evidence. She learns that he will go hiking. She reveals she won’t go hiking because she doesn’t want to stay with the person who suspects her. She gets angry after she returned home.

The residents go hiking. They care for Jung-Im who almost got killed. Jung-Im thinks she will be safe if she stays with everyone. Min-Joon comforts his mother that he will protect her. Landlady complains that Bit-Na doesn’t join them.

Man-Do explains that Bit-Na is sick. But Bit-Na shows up. Landlady is happy for Bit-Na’s coming. The group walks in the woods. Da-On volunteers to help Bit-Na carry her bag since she was sick. But she rejects it because she thinks she’s stronger than him. She thinks he’s very fake because he cares for her when he suspects her.

Landlady, Jung-Im and Min-Joon reach the mountain top. Man-Do takes photos of them. Da-On and Bit-Na are on the mountain top as well. Da-On asks Bit-Na what kind of demon she is. He thanks her for saving Da-Hee. He reveals Da-Hee isn’t his real sister.

He explains it to her that his family was killed because of him so that he told her that he killed three people. She tells him that he didn’t kill his family because he’s in hell if he did so. He tells her that he believes in her. But she asks him not to do that.

The residents gather on the rooftop to drink in the evening. Landlady mentions Mi-Ja didn’t eat. Bit-Na thinks the old lady is going to die. Da-On hits the table. He tells Bit-Na to have pretty words since she’s pretty. Jung-Im thanks Man-Do for helping her. But he thanks her for the food.

Bit-Na brings up that someone was late to thank her. Landlady catches the chance to invite Bit-Na to join her god. But Bit-Na rejects it because she’s a demon. Landlady mistakes that Bit-Na is playing with the Lord. But Da-On reveals the woman is playing with him.

He reveals he felt for Bit-Na when he met her in the courtroom. Bit-Na covers his mouth when she thinks he’s drunk. He shakes off her hand and he tells her that she’s very cool. Others laugh after they heard the guy’s confession. Man-Do thinks Da-On is drunk. The cop denies it. But he passes out before he leaves.

Bit-Na carries Da-On home. She puts him on the bed. She tries to leave. But he grabs her arm for stopping her. He knows she’s a good girl because he saved Da-Hee. So she asks him why he suspects her. He knows she did it. He hopes she didn’t do that. Because he doesn’t want to arrest her.

Bit-Na lets Da-On’s hand go. She tries to take a cover from his wardrobe. But the cola can falls to the floor. She picks up the can and she remembers she gave the can to Da-On. She thinks the guy missed her. But she sees the label. She finds out that the can comes from Haeseo River. The place is where she killed Ja-Young. She remembers she threw the can to Man-Do. Bit-Na remembers Da-On told her that he wants to believe in her. She takes a look at the guy who falls asleep. She regrets for trusting a human.

Bit-Na meets with Man-Do in a house. She lets him get on knees to her. She asks him where he threw the cola can. He reveals he put it in the recycling bin. She’s furious to hit the table. The light is broken. It falls to the floor next to him. He’s startled to tell her that he recycled it properly.

But we see him not throwing the can into the recycling bin after the cleaners invited him to leave with them. A-Rong is angry to show up with a hammer. She tries to hit Man-Do. He asks her for her mercy. Bit-Na takes a look at the hammer. A-Rong thinks Man-Do should pay the price.

Man-Do decides to accept the punishment. Bit-Na stops him. She tells him that Da-On picked up the can he threw away. He points out that the cop cannot prove she killed Ja-Young. She realizes that Da-On moved in next door for securing evidence. She thinks she should kill all of the sinners and return to hell.

She asks A-Rong if she found the witness of the serial murder. A-Rong reveals the witness was sent to the orphanage. She promises to get the information of the witness. She plans to maim the cop when she holds the hammer. But Bit-Na asks her not to touch Da-On. She threatens Man-Do that she won’t give him second chance. She leaves the house.

A-Rong thinks Bit-Na acted strange. She asks Man-Do if Bit-Na cried. She asks him to let her know if the demon cried. Because the demon is useless once she falls for a human. But he points out that they should listen to Bit-Na. She lifts the hammer and she threatens to end his life.

Won-Joong accepts an award from the ceremony. He gives a speech and he promises to be a good CEO. He leaves the ceremony and he’s in the car. He yells at the driver and he asks him to stop the car. He runs to an injured dog. He cares for him. The couples recognize Won-Joong. They film him when they think the CEO cares for small animal.

Chang-Seon leads the protesters to protest in front of Won-Joong’s company. Won-Joong isn’t affected by the little problem. He meets with his father Chairman Choi. Chairman Choi takes a look at the news that his son saved an injured dog. But he reminds Won-Joong that he needs to deal with the strike. Won-Joong promises to resolve the problem. But his father persuades him to let his followers do the job.

Won-Joong’s secretary finds Chang-Seon when Chang-Seon is on strike. He tells him that the CEO wishes to have a meal with him. Chang-Seon follows the secretary to Won-Joong’s house. He waits for Won-Joong in the living room. Won-Joong shows up. Chang-Seon finds out that Won-Joong taxidermied the dog.

Won-Joong takes Chang-Seon to another room. He sends some money to him because he thinks he was on strike for money. But Chang-Seon claims that they were on strike for their pride. He promises to return the money to Won-Joong. He tries to leave. Won-Joong stops Chang-Seon. He holds the kettle and he threatens to pour hot water on him.

Chang-Seon is scared to leave Won-Joong’s house. He tries to text his friend. But a van parks in front of him. Some thugs get off the van. They kidnap Chang-Seon. Won-Joong is at home. He feeds the gecko. He asks him if it’s delicious.

Chang-Seon wakes up. He finds out that he’s at a golf club. Won-Joong uses the golf balls to hit Chang-Seon. Chang-Seon is injured. He’s hard to walk on the street when he’s on the way home. A car comes toward him. Chang-Seon’s wife and his daughter Yu-Gyeong go to the police station to report Chang-Seon’s missing. But the cop refuses to accept the case because Chang-Seon has just been missing for one day.

Yu-Gyeong and her mother are lost to pass by the demon cleaning agency. The demon cleaner Dong-Joo is very happy when he sees the girl. It seems that he has feelings for her. But she doesn’t like him. She cries when she mentions her father. She leaves with her mother. He looks at him with worry. Jae-Hyun shakes his head when he watches the scene.

Dae-Yong is eating big bone with Hwa-Sun in the cafeteria. He brings up that he likes to play golf. But Bit-Na isn’t interested in the sport. They note the news that Won-Joong came to the police station to be questioned because he was suspected to kidnap his employee.

Hwa-Sun mentions the rumor that people thought Bit-Na and the cop are in love. Bit-Na is furious to slap the table. She threatens to rip the person’s lips off. Hwa-Sun protects her lips. Because she was the one who spread the rumor. Bit-Na gets a call from Dong-Joo.

Bit-Na meets with Dong-Joo and Jae-Hyun in a bakery. The two ask her to help them look for Chang-Seon. But she thinks she has no reason to do that. Jae-Hyun reveals the guy shared his bread with the neighbor. She points out that she didn’t eat the bread. Dong-Joo wants to confirm if the man is dead. Bit-Na writes down the man’s name. She tells Dong-Joo that the man is dead. She leaves the bakery.

Someone goes hiking. He finds Chang-Seon’s dead body in the woods. The man is hung from a tree. Won-Joong arrives at the police station. He’s surrounded by the reporters. He expresses his condolences to Chang-Seon’s family. So-Young and Da-On question Won-Joong in the Interrogation Room when the guy is accompanied by the lawyer.

So-Young asks Won-Joong why he sent money to the victim. He claims that the victim threatened him. Da-On plays the recording. It shows that Won-Joong beat the victim at the golf club. Won-Joong points out that it cannot prove he killed the victim. He thinks the victim is a lowlife. Da-On grabs his fist tightly because of anger.

So-Young follows Won-Joong out of the Interrogation Room. She gets a call from the chief. She goes to the chief’s office with Da-On. The chief asks her to cover up Won-Joong’s case. But she insists on sending the case to the prosecution.

Da-On finds So-Young on the rooftop. He tells her that he wants to punish Won-Joong. But she tells him that it’s the judge’s job. She asks him to promise her that he won’t forget he’s a cop. Chairman Choi visits Jae-Gul at a swimming pool.

He gets on knees to him and he asks him to help him. Sun-Ho laughs after he saw it when he drinks. His father mistakes that he used drug. He denies it. Jae-Gul claims that he cannot move the law system because it’s like a iron fortress.

Chairman Choi brings up that he has some land. Jae-Gul laughs to tell Chairman Choi that there’s a crack in the iron fortress. Bit-Na learns that she’s the crack when she meets with the chief in the chief’s office. The trial begins. The prosecutor doesn’t have any question to ask the defendant because he has joined the lawyer.

The defendant pretends to know nothing when Bit-Na questions him. She leaves the courtroom because she thinks it’s not fun at all. She returns to her office. She’s told that Da-On asked for a meeting up. She goes to the cafe to see him. She sees the cola he prepared for her.

He asks her to meet with the victim’s family. She rejects it and she claims that she doesn’t have any time. She tries to leave. But he stops her. He asks her to find the truth. She gets angry because he wants to use her when he suspects her. He follows her and he begs her. She turns around. She decides to help him. Bit-Na goes to the morgue with Da-On. She puts her hand on the dead body’s forehead. She sees the victim killed by the defendant’s followers. But she tells Da-On that it was a suicide.

So-Young and Dong-Hoon are in the car. They’re looking into a case in the evening. They didn’t tell it to Da-On. So-Young gives her cake to Dong-Hoon. But he’s hungry after he ate the cake. So she asks him to go to buy some food. He asks her not to take action on her own before he leaves.

Landlady walks alone in the evening. So-Young shows up behind Landlady. It startles her. She shows her police ID to her. She wants to take her home because she worries about her. But Landlady rejects it because she thinks the bible can protect her. She leaves.

So-Young returns to her car. She sees the masked killer. She notes the knife in his pocket. She calls Dong-Hoon. But he doesn’t pick up her phone because he’s talking with someone over the phone in the convenience store. She goes to chase the killer. She takes out her truncheon.

The killer shows up behind her when she’s looking into him in an alley. He attacks her with his knife from her back. She fights with him. He’s defeated. He runs away. She chases him and she targets him with her gun. Bit-Na and Da-On are in the car. They’re on the way home.

Da-On asks Bit-Na about what she did to the victim when she’s driving. She reveals she can see what the dead body experienced if she touches his body. He asks her why she was sure that the victim killed himself. He sees Dong-Hoon who’s walking on the street.

Bit-Na stops her car. Da-On gets off the car. He asks Dong-Hoon why he’s there. Dong-Hoon reveals he’s undercover with So-Young. He turns around and he finds out that So-Young isn’t in the car. He hears the gunshot. Da-On and Dong-Hoon go to look for So-Young.

SEE ALSO: The Judge from Hell Episode 5 Recap: Catching on the Spot

Da-On finds So-Young’s truncheon. He runs forward and discovers the bloodstain when Bit-Na joins him. The truncheon falls to the ground.

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