The Judge from Hell Episode 5 Recap: Catching on the Spot

This is the recap for The Judge from Hell: Episode 5. Da-On carries Bit-Na to the hospital after she passed out. A-Rong and Man-Do come to the hospital. A-Rong is anxious after she saw Bit-Na’s coma. Bit-Na wakes up at that time. She goes to see the doctor.

The Judge from Hell: Episode 5

The doctor tells Bit-Na that there’s no physically wrong. Bit-Na wonders why she passed out. She mentions her heart was beating fast. The doctor believes that Bit-Na had stress. Bit-Na remembers her heart was beating fast when she saw Da-On. She realizes that he was the external stimuli.

The doctor persuades Bit-Na to avoid it. But Bit-Na thinks she cannot avoid it. So the doctor suggests her to like it. Bit-Na is in a wheelchair. Man-Do pushes her to see Da-On. Da-On worries that the lady is very sick. But Man-Do reveals Bit-Na just pretends to be sick.

A-Rong stops Man-Do. She blames Da-On for his coming. He reveals he wishes to drive Bit-Na home because he lives next door. Bit-Na agrees to it because she wants to ask Da-On something. The two are on the way home. Bit-Na drinks up the cola. She crushes the can.

Da-On asks Bit-Na if she’s fine. But she tells him not to pretend to be nice. She asks him why he was interested in her. He reveals he wants to confirm what kind of person she is. Mi-Ja pulls the cart on the street. Jung-Im and Min-Joon run to the old lady.

Jung-Im asks her son Min-Joon to help Mi-Ja. But Mi-Ja rejects it. She tells the two not to leave each other. Bit-Na shows up with Da-On. Mi-Ja looks at them with anger. Jung-Im asks Bit-Na about her illness. Bit-Na reveals she’s fine. She takes a look at Mi-Ja.

Min-Joon explains it to Bit-Na that the grandma has knee pain. He reveals he ran into the old lady at the clinic. But she claims that she doesn’t care for it. Mi-Ja asks Bit-Na if the doctor fixed her foul mouth. Bit-Na talks back and she asks Mi-Ja if the doctor fixed her temper. They glare at each other.

The kid Min-Joon thinks it’s a UFC match. Da-On stops Bit-Na. Mi-Ja spits on Bit-Na. She leaves. The landlady shows up. She catches Bit-Na. She persuades her to believe in Christ. She asks her to go to the church with her. She thinks Christ’s grace will wash her soul.

But Bit-Na claims that she prefers to be dirty. She runs away. Da-On tries to chase Bit-Na. But he’s caught by the landlady. He’s asked about his religion. He runs away as well. He returns home and he remembers Bit-Na crushed the cola can in his car.

Man-Do walks into Bit-Na’s house after he cleaned the dust. He persuades Bit-Na to tell the cop who she is. But she doesn’t know it. She asks him to look into her. She believes that Da-On will move out after he got the information. Man-Do wonders why she wishes the cop to leave since she doesn’t hate the cop.

She mentions the cop is suspecting her. She asks him what will happen to her if she gets caught. He realizes that she will get life imprisonment. He laughs. She claims that nobody can catch her. She’s furious to ask him to find out who she was because she needs a reason to kick the cop out. He’s scared to leave her house. She gets a message from A-Rong who asks for a meeting up.

Bit-Na goes out in the evening. Da-On chases her. She disappears after he chased her to an alley. He doesn’t know she is hiding in A-Rong’s convenience store. A-Rong walks into the room. She hands over the drink to Bit-Na when she wonders how did she got rid of the cop.

Bit-Na reveals she used her athleticism to get rid of the cop. A-Rong decides to give Da-On a lesson. She plans to make him be bed-ridden for one month when she takes out her knife. Bit-Na goes against it. A-Rong invites Bit-Na to attend the meeting with her. She reveals the group is hunting down Satan who stole Kylum. She persuades Bit-Na that she doesn’t have to suffer it if she catches Satan.

Man-Do visits the teacher at the school. He pretends to be a producer. He mentions the famous student Bit-Na. Bit-Na and A-Rong are waiting for Man-Do in front of the building. A-Rong gets angry when she sees the demon because he’s late. She tries to beat him. He explains that he went to look into Bit-Na. Bit-Na takes them to get into the building. Da-On tails them.

He looks for Bit-Na in the building. He breaks into the classroom when the demons look at him with weapons. The chief demon Yoon-Sung grabs a blade. He walks to Da-On and he points at him with the blade when he asks him about his jurisdiction.

Da-On shows Yoon-Sung his police ID. Yoon-Sung wonders how did Da-On find the place. Da-On points at A-Rong. But A-Rong denies it. Bit-Na claims that Da-On is her driver. Yoon-Sung puts away his weapon. He mentions he didn’t see Bit-Na before. Bit-Na is arrogant. He recognizes her and he bows to her because he feels honored to see her.

Bit-Na asks Da-On to leave the classroom because everyone is demon there. He’s shocked after he witnessed the demons using their powers to cook. Yoon-Sung asks Da-On if he knows Satan or Kylum. But Da-On doesn’t know it. So Yoon-Sung tells the story to Da-On.

It’s a simple story. But the demon makes it very long. Bit-Na scolds him. He confesses it to Da-On that they’re demons. Bit-Na and Da-On are in the kitchen. Bit-Na looks outside. She asks Da-On if he wants to be killed. She persuades him to leave. He learns that her assistants Man-Do and A-Rong are demons as well.

He realizes that she’s number three in hell. She admits it. He asks her about her task. He wants to help her. But she asks him to leave before the place is dangerous. Yoon-Sung shows up. He invites them to go to deliver lunchboxes with him. Da-On accepts the task.

Da-On and the demons go to deliver lunchboxes. Bit-Na is tired so that she stops for taking a break. Yoon-Sung cries after he met with his old friend. He turns around and he sees Da-On. He forces him against the wall when he throws a fit to him.

He worries that he will report it to Bit-Na. Because he knows he will be killed. He threatens Da-On that he knows he’s not a demon. Da-On promises to keep the secret. So Yoon-Sung gives his business car to Da-On. Da-On asks Yoon-Sung about Bit-Na’s task. But Yoon-Sung tells Da-On to leave the judge. Da-On tells Bit-Na that Yoon-Sung is a good person. She disagrees because Yoon-Sung is a demon. She asks him not to follow him when he intends to take her home.

Man-Do walks into the church when the landlady is singing the hymn with the people. He wears the gloves and he holds the holy bible. But the bible smokes. Min-Joon helps Man-Do open the bible. The priest reads the scripture. It makes Man-Do step back.

He trips and the goggles fall. The landlady picks up the goggles for him. He wears the goggles. Man-Do walks out of the church with Min-Joon. The kid wonders why Man-Do wears the goggles and gloves in the church. Man-Do explains it to Min-Joon that he has dry eyes and cold hands.

Min-Joon reveals he prayed his mother to be happy. Jung-Im is very happy. She leaves with her son. Man-Do tells the landlady that it’s a beautiful day. But she gets angry because Bit-Na didn’t join them. She asks him to persuade the judge when he flees.

Da-On returns to the police station. He reports to So-Young that Bit-Na is a demon. He adds that there’re many demons in the world. But she asks him about the angels. She learns that he plans to continue to follow the judge. She asks him to bring evidence to her.

Da-On walks alone in the office. He holds the report. He remembers the analyst told him that he was the only one who left fingerprint on the cola can according to the report. He wants to arrest Bit-Na. But he lacks evidence.

The man calls 119 Emergency Dispatch Center. He cries to ask the dispatcher to come to help his wife and his daughter. The dispatchers arrive at the man Seung-Bin’s house. The man’s wife and his daughter were killed by the murderer. Seung-Bin cries to ask the dispatcher to catch the murderer. He confesses that he was the murderer. He laughs.

Da-On and So-Young arrive at the crime scene. Da-On looks at the family photos on the wall. He remembers his terrible past. He goes out and he pants. So-Young joins Da-On outside. She persuades him not to touch the case. But he insists on looking into the case.

Seung-Bin is taken to the police station. He denies it when he’s accused of killing his wife and his children. Dong-Hoon reminds the suspect that his prints were found on the weapon and he confessed. Seung-Bin cries because the cop doesn’t believe him. He reveals he only remembers he had a talk with his son when Da-On and So-Young return.

Da-On questions Seung-Bin in the Interrogation Room. He asks him why he killed his wife and his children. But Seung-Bin’s second personality Seo-Yul shows up. The two personalities have a fight. Da-On asks Seo-Yul about him and Seung-Bin’s relationship. Seung-Bin’s third personality Do-Wan shows up. He introduces himself as Seung-Bin’s long-time friend. He admits that he killed Seung-Bin’s family. He reveals he did it because Seung-Bin’s family looked down on Seung-Bin.

Da-On thinks Seo-Yul witnessed it when Do-Wan killed Seung-Bin’s family. Seo-Yul admits it. He cries to tell Da-On that he didn’t stop Do-Wan because Do-Wan was in anger. Do-Wan slaps Seo-Yul. He passes out on the floor. Seung-Bin’s personality comes back.

Seung-Bin is sent to the cell. Da-On, So-Young and Dong-Hoon watch the guy outside the cell. Dong-Hoon wonders if Seung-Bin is acting. Eun-Seop brings Seung-Bin’s psych evaluation report to So-Young. She learns that Seung-Bin has multiple personality.

It flashes back. Da-On questions Seung-Bin in the Interrogation Room. He tells him that he has other personalities. But he points out that Seo-Yul called him officer since he didn’t tell him that he’s a cop. Seung-Bin explains that they see rooms like this on TV. So Seo-Yul thought it was a police station. Da-On accepts the explanation.

Bit-Na goes to the court. She runs into Dae-Yong and Hwa-Sun in the lobby. She ignores the two. Hwa-Sun stops Bit-Na. She laughs to mention Bit-Na ignored them. Bit-Na has to turn around. Dae-Yong tells Bit-Na to care for her health after he heard she fainted. She thanks him for his caring.

She reveals she met with the man. Hwa-Sun mistakes that Bit-Na pretended to faint after she was rejected. Bit-Na doesn’t deny. She reveals her heart raced when she saw someone. Dae-Yong thinks it’s heart arrhythmia. He persuades Bit-Na to take a break. She leaves. Hwa-Sun thinks it’s one-sided love.

Bit-Na and Man-Do are in the office. Man-Do reports to Bit-Na that there was a family murder case. The murderer was arrested. But he doesn’t know who is the murderer. She’s interested in the case after knowing there were three people killed in the case. She tells Man-Do to go to find out who is the murderer. She asks him to be careful because Da-On is following him.

Man-Do walks into the press room. He has a talk with a guy. He learns that the murderer is Seung-Bin. Bit-Na watches TV at home when her follower is working hard. She sees the kissing scene. She turns off the TV because she’s shy.

She opens the demon mirror. She tries to write down Da-On’s name on the mirror. But Man-Do comes back. She’s startled to close the mirror. He shows his new looks to her. He reveals the murderer is Seung-Bin. She writes down the murderer’s name on the mirror. She sees the guy crying on the floor when he’s locked up in the cell.

Man-Do reveals the guy did the terrible thing when he was insanity. He wonders if they can punish the guy. Bit-Na points out that the person is a killer no matter what happened to him. Seung-Bin’s mother-in-law visits Seung-Bin in the jail. She doesn’t believe her son-in-law killed his children.

Seung-Bin cries when he thinks he was wronged. But he tells her that his wife Eun-Joo deserves the death. He reveals he killed his wife. He threatens to kill her when he hits the window. He’s taken away by the officers. Eun-Joo’s mother leaves the jail with Eun-Joo’s sister. She still doesn’t believe her son-in-law killed her daughter.

Eun-Joo’s sister throws a fit to her mother. She mentions what the officer said that Seung-Bin beat Eun-Joo. Eun-Joo’s mother cries when she thinks she killed her daughter. She passes out.

The police have a meeting for talking about Seung-Bin’s murder case. Eun-Seop reveals the murderer stabbed the victims after the victims were killed. Dong-Hoon mentions Seung-Bin’s son’s phone was damaged. So-Young thinks the phone is the key. Da-On reveals Seung-Bin pretended to have multiple personality.

We go to the court. Bit-Na visits the chief. She asks him to send her to collegiate court. He gets angry because he thinks she’s arrogant. He tells her to leave his office. But she calls Jae-Gul in front of him. Jae-Gul hangs up after he ended the talk. Tae-Kyu wonders why his father helped the judge. Jae-Gul reveals he did it for an uncertain future.

Dong-Hoon brings the bad news to So-Young that the case of the judge is Bit-Na. The secretary takes the rookie judges to Bit-Na’s office. The rookie judges are excited because they know who’s Bit-Na. But Bit-Na asks them not to do anything.

Da-On returns home in the evening. Bit-Na is waiting for him. She claims that she took out the trash. But he points out that she doesn’t take anything. He wishes her a good luck in the tomorrow’s trial. But she says that she doesn’t need good luck.

The trial begins. Prosecutor asks for the maximum sentence because the defendant cannot be forgiven. Lawyer asks Bit-Na to consider the defendant’s multiple personality. But Prosecutor thinks the defendant pretended it. Bit-Na asks the defendant if he doesn’t remember he killed his children. He beats Lawyer when Lawyer tries to help him. He’s taken away by the officers.

Bit-Na announces that she will giving the ruling after the defendant is rechecked by the hospital. Seung-Bin is taken out of the court. He cries to ask his mother-in-law to trust him. Bit-Na is going to punish Seung-Bin. Man-Do tries to stop her. He worries that they will be killed if she makes the mistake. But she’s confident when she thinks it won’t happen.

SEE ALSO: The Judge from Hell Episode 4 Recap: When the Demon Loves a Man

Bit-Na cuts the power to the hospital. She stuns the guards and she walks into Seung-Bin’s ward. She tells Seung-Bin that she came to give him a treatment. She takes out her demon knife when she smiles at him. But Da-On grabs her leg from under the bed. She’s shocked.

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