The Judge from Hell Episode 1 Recap: Innocent Sinner

This is recap for The Judge from Hell: Episode 1. We see a lady in a hall. She claims that she’s a demon and she possessed a human Bit-Na’s body. The doctor wonders if Bit-Na died. The demon shakes her red heel. We see Bit-Na lies on the snow. She’s bleeding.

The Judge from Hell: Episode 1

Bit-Na passes away. Her soul leaves her body. A rose path appears when she walks to the cliff. A demon gate towers in front of her. She’s told that she will lose all of the hope if she gets into the gate. The demon reveals Bit-Na was sent to the murder hell.

Bit-Na walks into the court. She sees a the demon judge and her assistant Valak. They’re going to punish the sinner. Valak uses the demon knife to kill the sinner. The sinner disappears. Bit-Na is shocked after she witnessed it. She covers her mouth with her hands.

She thinks the demon judge is going to put her on a trial. She reveals she’s a judge as well. The demon judge wonders why a judge appeared there. She is weird to appear in front of Bit-Na. Bit-Na is startled. She tears up because of fear.

The demon judge reveals only murderers appear in the court. Bit-Na claims that she’s not a murderer. Valak tells the demon judge Justitia that the woman isn’t on the list. But Justitia still wants to punish Bit-Na. Valak catches the woman and he pushes her to Justitia.

Justitia intends to give Bit-Na extra 50,000 years punishment because the woman was rude to her. Bit-Na yells at Justitia because she thinks she’s not a murder. Justitia asks Valak to brand the woman. But he rejects it because he worries that Bael will scold him.

Justitia takes over the demon knife from Valak. Bit-Na is scared when the demon judge is close to her with the demon knife. She knows what will happen to her after she witnessed Valak killing the sinner. She tells the demon judge to listen to her. But the demon judge is heartless to kill her.

Bael walks into the court. He looks scary. But he’s justice. He blames Justitia for sending the innocent woman to the hell. But she claims that she did nothing wrong. She thinks the one who sent Bit-Na to the court should take the blame. She adds that she shouldn’t listen to the sinner.

Bael asks Justitia to go to human world to send ten murderers to the hell. Valak laughs after he knew her boss got the punishment. But he’s asked to go to the human world as well. Bael tells Justitia to use the human’s body to complete the task. He threatens her that she will be killed if she doesn’t complete the task. She refuses to do the task.

He uses his tentacle to stable her body. He lifts her. She feels painful and she has to agree to his plan. He releases her. She falls to the floor. We returns to the snow. Justitia finds Bit-Na. She puts her hand on her forehead. She sees her being killed by the murderer. She gets into her body. She wakes up as Bit-Na.

Bit-Na tells the doctors what she said isn’t true. She’s going to leave the hospital. The doctor asks Bit-Na to continue the treatment even if she didn’t claim that she’s a demon anymore. She threatens the doctor to be a good person otherwise she will send her to hell.

Bit-Na takes the cola to the court. She turns around and she smiles at us. She leaves. She walks into the court and she wants to end the case soon. The defendant Da-On who is a officer. He didn’t hire a lawyer. Because he thinks the law will protect him.

He reveals he chased a suspect after the guy attacked a person. Da-On chased the suspect to the alley. The suspect took out a knife. Da-On arrested him. Da-On was sued because the suspect thought Da-On hurt his hand when Da-On kicked him.

The prosecutor asks Bit-Na to take a look at the result he just submitted. But she finds out that the result isn’t a full medical exam. He explains it to her that the victim couldn’t eat well after he was hurt. She thinks the guy should starve to death. The prosecutor asks her to respect the victim. But she points out that his father-in-law was a classmate of the victim’s mother. Da-On gives his statement. He tells Bit-Na that he doesn’t regret for what he did.

The kids are around the the justice goddess outside the court. They wonder why the goddess’s eyes are covered. Bit-Na passes by. The teacher asks her to answer the question because she thinks she’s a judge. But Bit-Na denies it. The kids think she’s a liar because she wears the judge’s robe.

Da-On shows up when he talks with Detective Kim over the phone. He’s happy to tell her that he’s not guilty. But he sees Bit-Na scaring the kids when she told them that she’s a demon. He hangs up. The kids think Bit-Na isn’t a demon because she’s pretty. She’s happy to admit that she’s a judge. She tells the kids that the justice is dead.

Bit-Na runs to her car because she’s late. Da-On chases her and he stops her. She takes off her judge robe. She hands over the robe to him. She asks him to go to 18th Criminal Division and give the stuff to a chubby man. She gets in her car. He wonders why she acquitted him.

He thinks she sympathized with his frustration. But she reveals she became a judge for the bad guys in the court. But he still wants to thank her. He tries to give his police business card to her. She refuses to accept it. She drives away.

The guy Man-Do works in the office at 18th Criminal Division. We see the mark on his hand. He wonders if it’s hard to kill a criminal. I realize that he’s Valak. He was sent to the human world with Justitia. He possessed a human as well. But the human he possessed is a chubby man.

The girl A-Rong overhears it. She asks Man-Do who he wants to kill. He’s nervous because he worries that the girl will know his identity. But she ignores him when she talks with someone over the phone. He wears the watch to cover his demon mark.

Da-On visits the office. He recognizes Man-Do soon. He gives Bit-Na’s stuff to Man-Do. They take a look at the judge’s office. Bit-Na walks into the church. She sees the god’s statue. She feels dizzy. She wears the sunglasses. The girl tears when she prays to the god.

Bit-Na shows up behind the girl Min-Jeong. She tells her that the god never granted any prayer. She reaches out her hand to her when she introduces herself as a judge. She reveals she’s taking her case. But the girl doesn’t believe Bit-Na. She thinks she had someone to watch her so that she found her.

Bit-Na reveals she just wants to know the truth. The girl tells Bit-Na that she has told the details to the police and she submitted a non-punishment letter. But Bit-Na thinks the girl shouldn’t forgive the bad man because the guy beat her. We see the man beating Min-Jeong. He uses a ball to stun her.

Bit-Na thinks the girl told a lie to her that she wants to forgive the man. The girl denies it. Bit-Na takes off her sunglasses. She asks the girl to be honest to her. The girl has an eye contact with Bit-Na. But she avoids her and she leaves the church.

Bit-Na follows Min-Jeong to the bridge. She stops her and she reminds her that she has to accept the non-punishment letter if she chooses to forgive the man. The girl asks the judge to do it as her wish. But the judge wants to know the truth when she puts her hand on the girl’s shoulder.

But the girl steps back. She refuses to tell Bit-Na the truth. She reports to the cops that Bit-Na followed her. The cop persuades Bit-Na not to follow the girl. She claims that she’s a judge. So he asks her for her government ID. But she gave her government ID to Da-On. She throws her stuff out of her bag when she tells the cop to take her personal ID. But he got her medical report that she has delusional disorder.

Da-On returns to the police station. Detective Kim shows up behind him. She hugs him. But he shakes her off. She beats him and she claims that she could hug him because he’s her son. She gives him the snack and she’s interested in the judge who acquitted him. He smiles and he tries to leak the person.

But the cop reports to Detective Kim that there was a crazy woman followed the poor girl Min-Jeong after the girl was hurt by the culprit. Bit-Na shows up. Da-On recognizes her. He confirms her identity when they sit together. She reveals they were close. It makes his colleagues look at them. But Da-On denies it. Bit-Na reveals she followed the girl because she wished to get the truth the girl hid. She adds that she wanted to punish the criminal.

Da-On walks Bit-Na out of the police station. He returns the medical report to her. He reveals he witnessed her talking with the kids. She wonders if he thinks she needs a treatment. But he agrees to what she said that there’s no god in the world. But she tells him that the ones who caused trouble were humans. He thinks she’s a good judge. He returns to the police station.

We go to the court again. Da-On walks into the court and he has a seat when everyone is waiting for him. The trial begins. We learn that the defendant Jeong-Jun beat his girlfriend Min-Jeong and he locked her in the room after she broke up with him.

The lawyer claims that the defendant beat the girl but he never threaten the girl. He mentions the victim’s non-punishment letter. The prosecutor thinks the victim wrote the letter because she worried that she will get the revenge. He submits the evidence that the defendant hit the victim badly.

The defendant cries to tell the people that he beat his girlfriend because he loved her. He adds that he never thought about hurting her. Bit-Na stops his crying. She ends the trial then. Da-On comforts the victim’s parents that the culprit will get the punishment. But Jeong-Jun laughs at the parents outside the court.

Bit-Na returns to her office. She saw that the defendant’s crying was fake. She decides to give the girl two years imprisonment. She complains it to Man-Do that she cannot complete the task within one year at this rate. He suggests her to kill a serial killer who killed ten people. So she can complete the task with one shot. She wonders if the serial killer exists in the world. He denies it. She gets angry and she tries to throw the papers at him. He flees.

Da-On calls Bit-Na. He asks for a meeting up. She goes to see him. He reveals Jeong-Jun mocked the victim’s parents. He worries that the criminal will kill the victim if he gets released. So he asks for the maximum punishment on Jeong-Jun. But she asks for meeting with the victim’s parents alone.

Bit-Na meets with Min-Jeong’s parents at a cafe. She asks the two about what Jeong-Jun did to them. Min-Jeong’s mother looks scared after the guy threatened her. Min-Jeong’s father reveals the guy changed his face when he met them.

Bit-Na is calm to ask the parents why her daughter submitted the non-punishment letter. Min-Jeong’s mother cries to reveal that she daughter did it because of the fear. Min-Jeong blamed her mother for reporting the man. She thought the man will be fine. She was scared to tear up when she talked with her mother over the phone.

Min-Jeong’s father worries that the man will find his daughter even if he gets the maximum punishment. Bit-Na smiles because it’s her goal. Min-Jeong’s mother cries. She uses her handkerchief to wipe her tears. She thinks the only one who can help them is Bit-Na.

Bit-Na goes to the restroom. She applies the lipstick on her eyelashes. She returns to the table and she pretends to cry. Min-Jeong’s mother is moved. Bit-Na grabs the old lady’s hands. She comforts her that she will make sure the bad man gets the punishment. She asks her about what happened to Min-Jeong and Jeong-Jun.

Da-On is at the police station. He gets a call from someone. He’s told that Bit-Na cried. It seems that Min-Jeong’s parents told him about it. Bit-Na is happy to return to the court when she waves her government ID. She runs into the chief in the lobby. He scolds her because he’s satisfied with what she did. But she doesn’t care for it and she maintains a good mood. He notes that she’s changed. The female colleague thinks the judge is changed because of the traumatic accident. They don’t know she’s a demon now.

Bit-Na walks into the office when Man-Do is searching the serial murder. She’s happy to ask her follower to order the spicy tofu soup. She walks into her office. He minds her smiling so that he walks into her office. He asks her if something good happened when she works.

She tells him about her plan. But he thinks it’s too brutal. She doesn’t care for it. What she fears is the spider Bael. The trial begins again. Bit-Na announces her ruling that the defendant only needs to pay a fine. Everyone is shocked including the victim’s parents. The defendant is happy to bow to Bit-Na when he thanks her for giving him the chance. But he doesn’t know she’s sick of him.

Da-On follows Min-Jeong’s parents out of the court. Min-Jeong’s mother falls down after she heard Bit-Na’s ruling. She cries after she realized what will happen to her daughter. But Bit-Na doesn’t care for it. She walks to her car at the parking lot. Da-On stops her when he thinks what she did isn’t right.

She claims that she ruled according to the law. She mentions the victim forgave the defendant. He points out that the victim did so because of her fear. He thinks she told a lie to the victim’s parents. She reveals she didn’t pity the the victim’s parents at all.

Jeong-Jun walks out of the detention center. Da-On is waiting for him. Da-On tries to hand over the tofu to Jeong-Jun. But he makes the tofu fall to the ground. He threatens him that he won’t forgive him if he dares to hurt Min-Jeong. But Jeong-Jun doesn’t listen to Da-On. He kicks away the tofu as a resistance.

Min-Jeong locks herself in her house. She refuses to open the door. It makes her mother sad. She cries to tell her mother to leave. Her father bought her some bread. He asks her to eat the bread. He leaves with his wife. Poor parents. They can do nothing after their daughter was bullied. They trusted Bit-Na. But the judge betrayed them. Da-On worries about the girl. He leaves a smart watch by the door. He tells her to hit the SOS button when she’s in danger.

Min-Jeong opens the door after the people left. She takes the stuff into her house. She sits on the shoe rack. She eats the break and drinks the milk her father left. She feels helpless. But she still wears the smart watch Da-On left.

Da-On guards Min-Jeong’s home day and night. His colleagues complain it to him that he has other cases. But he worries that Jeong-Jun will hurt the girl. Detective Kim persuades Da-On to only guard the girl in the evening. Min-Jeong opens the curtains. She looks outside and sees some people in the yard. She calls her father and she asks him to come to pick her up.

The girl feels safe because the man didn’t take action. But it’s not what Bit-Na wants to see. She’s furious to hit her desk in the office. Man-Do thinks the man is remorseful. He reminds his boss that it’s time to do that time. She writes Jeong-Jun’s name on her mirror. She sees the man buying a hammer through the mirror. She smiles. The man is ready for the plan to ruin the poor girl.

Bit-Na tells Man-Do that she’s going to go to work. She takes a dress and she leaves the office. Jeong-Jun pretends to be a cop to visit Min-Jeong. He gets her trust and he breaks into her house. He takes off her smart watch because he knows the watch was given by Da-On. He throws the watch aside. The poor girl misses the chance to hit the SOS button. The bad man grabs her hair and he beats her.

Bit-Na wears a white dress to walk on the street in the evening. She turns around and she sees a car. She writes Jeong-Jun’s name on the car window. She sees him breaking the smart watch with the hammer. Min-Jeong is bleeding. She reminds Jeong-Jun that he promised not to hurt her if she writes the non-punishment letter. But he says that he misses her.

She gets on knees to him. She begs him to forgive her. But he takes out the hammer. He uses the hammer to hit her family photo. He threatens her that he will kill her parents if she reports police. He leaves her house with an evil smile.

The poor girl prepares a rope. She uses the rope to end her life. Bit-Na watches it. She smiles. Jeong-Jun runs into Bit-Na on the street. She asks him where he went. She lets him come to her. She takes out a demon knife. She looks at him with the demon eyes.

We goes to the hospital. Justitia is accepting the treatment in the hospital. She tells the doctor that hell is beautiful like her. But she tells him that hell is dangerous then. We see Bit-Na touching the demon flower. She’s sent to the hell.

Justitia tells the doctor that the world he lives is more dangerous than hell. It makes him wonder how did she came to the human world. Bit-Na is in the elevator. She’s attacked by a demon. She flees from the elevator and she reaches the lobby.

SEE ALSO: The Judge from Hell Episode 2 Recap: The Real Trial

She sees the justice statue. She runs into the demon Gremory who comes from fake hell. Gremory thinks Bit-Na is a escaped sinner. She chases her. But Bit-Na is saved by the light cross. The doctor asks Justitia why Bit-Na was sent to the hell since she didn’t commit any sin. She refuses to answer him the question.

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