The Double: Episode 5 Recap

This is the recap for The Double: Episode 5. Xue Fangfei and Tong Er are in the carriage. Tong Er asks Xue Fangfei why Xiao Heng visited her when Xue Fangfei looks at the jade pendant. Xue Fangfei thinks Xiao Heng wasn’t happy after she used him for returning Jiang family.

The Double: Episode 5 Recap

The Double: Episode 5 Recap

Xue Fangfei thinks Xiao Heng suspected her identity because he tested her. Tong Er is shocked. She worries that Xue Fangfei will be in danger. Xue Fangfei tells Tong Er not to provoke Xiao Heng. Tong Er persuades Xue Fangfei not to mortgage the jade pendant no matter what happens.

Xue Fangfei thinks nobody deserves her to give up the jade pendant. Tong Er walks into Xue Fangfei’s room. She reports to her that Jiang Yuer asked for a meeting up. But Xue Fangfei informs Tong Er that Jiang Yuer has arrived. Tong Er is shocked.

She turns around and she finds out Jiang Yuer is behind her. Jiang Yuer calls Xue Fangfei second older sister. Tong Er introduces Jiang Yuer as the only daughter of Third Madam. She reveals the lady likes to bully people and she has been Jiang Ruoyao’s loyal follower since childhood.

Jiang Yuer hands over Jiang Ruoyao’s musical score to Xue Fangfei. She reveals Jiang Ruoyao invited Xue Fangfei to meet in the yard. Xue Fangfei tries to take over the score. But Jiang Yuer makes it drop. Tong Er is furious to blame Jiang Yuer for doing it.

She tries to pick up the score. But Jiang Yuer steps on the score. She thinks there’s no rule in Jiang family. She mentions the maid dared to bully the master. Xue Fangfei thinks Jiang Yuer learned the rule well. She helps Tong Er up.

She mentions Jiang Yuer came to her house to bully the maid. She lets Tong Er go to burn the score because she thinks it’s dirty. But Jiang Yuer picks up the score. She returns it to Xue Fangfei. Xue Fangfei grabs Jiang Yuer’s clothes.

SEE ALSO: The Double: Episode 4 Recap

She uses her clothes to wipe the score. She tells her to take away the dirty. Jiang Yuer is furious to leave. Tong Er thinks Jiang Yuer is a dog. She spits on her. Xue Fangfei barks at Tong Er. They smile. Xue Fangfei thinks she should go to see Jiang Ruoyao. She walks into the yard when Jiang Ruoyao is playing the zither.

Xue Fangfei thinks the song is good when Jiang Ruoyao breaks the string. Jiang Ruoyao is surprised that Xue Fangfei knows music. She reveals the zither doesn’t belong to her. She took the zither back when she thought the musician didn’t play the song well.

She thinks she should throw away the zither since it’s broken. She cuts the strings one by one. She tells Xue Fangfei that she won’t give the stuff to the person even if she gives up it. Xue Fangfei wonders how did Jiang Ruoyao knows others aren’t interested in her stuff.

Jiang Ruoyao asks Xue Fangfei to come to her Crown Ceremony. Xue Fangfei promises it. She tells Jiang Ruoyao that she’s going to give a present to her. She leaves. Jiang Ruoyao asks the maid Jin Hua to take out her best clothes. She wants to let Xue Fangfei know who is the lady of Jiang family.

Ji Shuran is dressing up in front of the mirror in the evening. She asks Madam Sun if her daughter slept. Madam Sun denies it. She’s happy to tell Ji Shuran that Jiang Ruoyao took out her clothes and she tried them on. But Ji Shuran thinks her daughter cannot crush anyone even if her clothes are good.

Madam Sun thinks Jiang Ruoyao is simple. Ji Shuran thinks they should think about it for Jiang Ruoyao. Madam Sun promises to help the girl. Xue Fangfei is on the couch to read the book in her room. The maid brings the soup to her. She reveals the soup was prepared by Ji Shuran.

Xue Fangfei tells the maid that she will drink the soup after she leaves. The maid is happy to leave her room. Xue Fangfei summons Tong Er. He asks her to prepare the silver needle. Tong Er uses the silver needle to test the soup. She finds out that the needle turned black.

Tong Er decides to go to visit Old Madam Jiang and the master. But Xue Fangfei points out that Ji Shuran won’t confess it. She thinks the poison is for letting her not show up at the Crown Ceremony. The maid Xiang Qiao is eavesdropping outside. Tong Er goes to open the door. It makes Xiang Qiao falls to the floor. She wakes up and she tells Tong Er that she’s fine. She reveals she’s waiting for Jiang Li’s bowl.

Xiang Qiao walks to Xue Fangfei. She finds out that she drank up the soup. Xue Fangfei tells Xiang Qiao that the beauty soup is delicious. Xiang Qiao is happy to tell Xue Fangfei that she became pretty. She leaves with the bowl. Xue Fangfei leaves her room with Tong Er.

Madam Sun reports it to Ji Shuran that Jiang Li threw the soup after she pretended to drink it. Ji Shuran reveals she did it for letting Jiang Li guard down. Young Master Qin is in the jail of Dali Temple. He’s tied up. He’s furious to tell Xiao Heng that he won’t forgive him if he doesn’t release him.

Xiao Heng’s followers burn the cash in front of Young Master Qin. Young Master Qin feels painful. Xiao Heng asks Young Master Qin if he’s going to go bankrupt because he didn’t receive money. Young Master Qin denies it. Xiao Heng reminds Young Master Qin that his followers will confess if he interrogates them one by one.

But he doesn’t want to waste his energy. He promises to return the money to him and release his men if he helps him save energy. He learns that he doesn’t want to help him. He tells him to wait for his death. He tries to leave. Young Master Qin stops Xiao Heng.

He confesses it to him that she worked with Yang Song in Salt Iron Department and they earned some money. Wen Ji walks Xiao Heng out of Young Master Qin’s cell. He persuades him not to release the guy because he thinks the guy told a lie.

The follower reports to Xiao Heng that Yang Song is going to come back. Xiao Heng tells the follower to arrest Yang Song once the guy comes back. He decides to go to watch the drama of Xiao Taohong. But he’s told that Xiao Taohong was invited to the Crown Ceremony of Jiang Ruoyao. He learns that Shen Yurong is on the list of the guests. He’s interested in it.

Master Jiang goes to Jiang Li’s house. He finds out that his daughter doesn’t get up. He’s furious to let Ji Shuran tell Jiang Li not to come out if she’s late. Ji Shuran and Madam Sun smile. Xiao Taohong shows up. She greets Master Jiang. She leaves then.

Marquis Ning Yuan and his wife show up. He apologizes to Master Jiang for their late. Young Master Ning Yuan gives the present to Master Jiang. Master Jiang thinks his daughter will be happy. Young Master Ning Yuan mentions he and Jiang Ruoyao have an engagement. He thinks he should give present. He leaves with his father.

Marquis Ning Yuan’s wife tries to tell something to Ji Shuran. But Madam Liu interrupts her. She asks Ji Shuran about Jiang Li. She reveals she brought a present to the lady. Ji Shuran tries to accept the present for Jiang Li. But Madam Liu rejects it because she wants to give he present to Jiang Li on her own.

Ji Shuran explains it to Madam Liu that she let Jiang Li take a break because she worried that the scene will startle her. Marquis Ning Yuan’s wife thinks Jiang Li forgot the rules since she didn’t return to the capital for a long time.

She mentions Ji Shuran tried her best to manage Jiang Li. Madam Liu agrees to what Marquis Ning Yuan’s wife said. She mentions Jiang Li was given up in Good Women Hall for ten years. She thinks it was hard to the girl that she came back alive.

She asks Ji Shuran about the people who forgot Jiang Li. Ji Shuran reveals there was no parent wishing to see her child to suffer. She adds that she felt painful when she lost her child. She let her husband resolved it. She felt painful after she realized it.

Ji Shuran comforts Madam Liu that she will make up Jiang Li. But Marquis Ning Yuan’s wife thinks Ji Shuran is too kind. She tells Madam Liu that nobody wished to see Jiang Li suffering. She tries to remind her why Jiang Li went to Good Women Hall. But Ji Shuran stops her. She persuades her not to mention the past since it’s Jiang Ruoyao’s Crown Ceremony. Madam Liu glares at Marquis Ning Yuan’s wife. She walks into the house. Master Jiang comforts Ji Shuran.

Xue Fangfei wakes up. She opens the window. She wakes Tong Er up. Tong Er is surprised that Xue Fangfei woke up so early. But she’s told that they’re late. Xue Fangfei believes that someone drugged them. Tong Er mentions they avoided it yesterday. But Xue Fangfei reveals those women had plan B.

Ji Yanlin visits Jiang Yuanbai. He shows the present to him. He reveals the present was given by Consort Li. He leaks that the present was the reward of Emperor. He thinks Consort Li cared for the family even if she became a consort.

He tells Jiang Yuanbai that Consort Li cared for Jiang Ruoyao’s Crown Ceremony. Jiang Yuanbai refuses to accept the present because he thinks the present is too expensive. Ji Yanlin lets his daughter Ji Shuran accept it. He asks Jiang Yuanbai to introduce Ji Shuran’s younger brother to Emperor.

Ji Shuran is against it. She reminds her father that Emperor follows the rules. Jiang Yuanbai offers to talk about the case later. He’s cold to his father-in-law. Shen Yurong shows up with his mother and his younger sister. He greets Jiang Yuanbai. Madam Shen gives a present to Ji Shuran.

Madam Shen walks into the mansion with her daughter. She’s happy when she sees the handsome guys. She tells Ms. Shen to let her older brother know if she falls for one of the guys. Ms. Shen complains it to her mother that there’s no young guy. Madam Shen persuades her daughter that the old man knows how to care for her.

Xue Fangfei and Tong Er try to leave the house. But they’re blocked by the guards. They close the door. Tong Er complains it to Xue Fangfei that Ji Shuran did it too much to send the guards. She intends to go to bring trouble. But Xue Fangfei stops Tong Er. She thinks the people will mock them if she does so. She reveals she gave out a present.

Ji Yanlin meets with Ji Shuran in the yard. He blames her for not thinking about for her family since she married to Jiang family. She mentions he didn’t wish her to marry Jiang Yuanbai. She thinks he wants to suck the marrow after Jiang Yuanbai got promoted. He reminds her that she needs to think about for Ji family because she belongs to the family.

Xiao Heng shows up with his follower. The guest sees Xiao Heng. He finds out that he takes a blade. He believes that there will be a big thing happening. Xiao Heng greets Jiang Yuanbai. Jiang Yuanbai thinks Xiao Heng came for a business.

Xiao Heng reveals Xiao Taohong rejected his drama so that he had to come for Jiang Li. He wonders where Jiang Li is. Ji Shuran explains it to Xiao Heng that Jiang Li is resting in the room because she felt uncomfortable. He thinks Jiang Li should come out to thank him for the Guard of Honor. He asks his follower to look into it.

The follower reports to him that there was two guards guarding the gate. Jiang Li cannot leave the room. Xiao Heng learns that Jiang Li is locked up by someone. The follower volunteers to help Jiang Li. But Xiao Heng rejects it because he wants to know how Jiang Li will leave the house.

The Crown Ceremony begins. Jiang Yuanbai and Ji Shuran walk to the stage. They have a seat. Jiang Ruoyao shows up. She has an eye contact with Young Master Zhou. She smiles at him. She walks to the stage and she greets her parents. She turns around and she greets the guests.

Ji Shuran washes her hand. She takes out a gold comb. she combs her daughter’s hair. Jiang Ruoyao wears the crown. She turns around. Marquis Ning Yuan is very happy. She thinks she’s going to get a good daughter-in-law. Young Master Zhou thinks it’s his honor to marry Jiang Ruoyao.

The guy announces to set off the fireworks. But the fireworks don’t appear. The servant reports to Jiang Yuanbai that the fireworks were dead. The petals fall. Xue Fangfei shows up in the yard. The guests learn that she was the one who killed her mother and her young brother.

Shen Yurong, Madam Shen and Ms. Shen are shocked when they see Jiang Li. Ms. Shen thinks Jiang Li is a ghost. They recognize Xue Fangfei. Ms. Shen tells her mother that Xue Fangfei came to ask for the life. Xue Fangfei joins Jiang Ruoyao. She tries to give a present to her.

Jiang Yuanbai wonders why Xue Fangfei is so late. Xue Fangfei explains it to him that she didn’t know the paths in the family. She thinks she was lucky to arrive at the Crown Ceremony of Jiang Ruoyao. Jiang Yuanbai introduces Xue Fangfei as his second daughter Jiang Li.

Madam Liu praises Xue Fangfei. She thinks Jiang Yuanbai is very lucky. He’s very happy. Xue Fangfei tells Jiang Yuanbai that she knows he cared for her. Madam Liu joins Xue Fangfei. She wonders why she didn’t see her Crown Ceremony. She asks her who combed her hair.

Xue Fangfei reveals she didn’t have any Crown Ceremony. Madam Liu learns that Ji Shuran didn’t go to see Jiang Li. It makes the guests think Jiang Li is very poor. Jiang Li explains it to the guests that her mother was tired. But Madam Liu thinks it’s not late because Jiang Li doesn’t reach twenty years old.

She takes out the gold hairpin. She tries to put the hairpin in Xue Fangfei’s hair. But Xue Fangfei steps back. Because her mother is there. Madam Liu realizes it. She lets Ji Shuran to put the hairpin in Xue Fangfei’s hair. Ji Shuran tries to do it. Xue Fangfei remembers Jiang Li gave the hairpin to her. She asked her to give the hairpin to her father. She curses on everyone in Jiang family.

Xue Fangfei completes the Crown Ceremony. The guests praise her. Jiang Ruoyao tears up. She tries to grab Xue Fangfei. But she passes out behind her. Xue Fangfei asks Jiang Li if she saw the Crown Ceremony she gave her. She meets with Jiang Li in the yard. The petals fall from the trees. Jiang Li thanks Xue Fangfei. She disappears. The fireworks show up in the sky. Xue Fangfei looks at the fireworks.

She walks Madam Liu out of Jiang Mansion. She thanks her for helping her. Madam Liu leaves. Ji Yanlin walks Ji Shuran in the garden. He scolds her after he saw her being bullied by Madam Liu. She mentions the resentment of him and Liu family. She complains it to him that she was forced to hold the Crown Ceremony for Jiang Li.

He mentions Xiao Heng kept looking at Jiang Li. He asks her if she knows when the girl was close to Xiao Heng. She reminds him the Guard of Honor. She thinks they shouldn’t keep Jiang Li. Ji Yanlin stops the talking when he sees Xue Fangfei outside the house.

She greets him. He’s furious to get in the carriage. She takes a look at Ji Shuran who smiles at her. Ji Shuran leaves. Young Master Zhou walks out of Jiang Mansion. He greets her and he finds out that she’s pretty. He tries to give the jade bracelet to her.

But she refuses to accept his present because the engagement was changed to Jiang Ruoyao. She lets him get in the carriage. Madam Shen shows up. She asks Ms. Shen why Jiang Li is like Xue Fangfei. Ms. Shen thinks Xue Fangfei resurrected.

Shen Yurong scolds his younger sister. He thinks the girl is the prime minister’s daughter because Jiang Yuanbai accepted her. He tells his younger sister and his mother not to talk nonsense. Xue Fangfei sees Shen Yurong and his family. She greets them. They get in the carriage and they leave.

Xue Fangfei tries to cry. But Xiao Heng stops her when he shows up. She wipes off her tears. She walks to him and she greets him. He reveals he thought he wouldn’t see the drama. He didn’t expect that she knew how to force the people to do what they didn’t want to do. He mentions what her older brother did.

Young Master Jiang took his men to Jiang Li’s house. He tried to break into the yard. But he got pushed over. Xue Fangfei caught the chance to climb over the wall. She fled. Xiao Heng asks Xue Fangfei why she came to Jiang family.

She pretends not to know what he meant. He thought she came to Jiang family for the warmth. But he saw her situation in the family. She claims that she should return to Jiang family because it’s her family. He points out that she couldn’t come back without his help.

He asks her to repay him. But she thinks she has repaid him because she helped him resolve the case of Qingcheng Mountain. She asks him not to go after her. It reminds him that she scolded him. She tells him to scold her back. She tries to leave since he didn’t scold her. He calls her name Xue Fangfei. The servant informs Xue Fangfei that Ji Shuran is summoning her.

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