The Double: Episode 4 Recap

This is the recap for The Double: Episode 4. Xiang Qiao orders the maids and the servants to work in the garden. Xue Fangfei summons her. She takes off her bracelet and she puts it on her hand. Xiang Qiao is happy. She volunteers to go to take some cakes for Xue Fangfei.

Episode 4: “Crown Ceremony”

The Double: Episode 4

But the maid cannot stand it. She scolds the servants for placing the flowers in such a way. She asks them to place it again. Madam Sun reports to Ji Shuran that Jiang Li planted many flowers in the yard. Ji Shuran asks Madam Sun to let the people badmouth Jiang Li for bullying maids.

Madam Sun shows the present to Ji Shuran. She tells her that they’re the best cakes. Shen Yurong visits Jiang Yuanbai. He thanks him for helping him regarding the editing the book. But Jiang Yuanbai thinks Shen Yurong doesn’t have to do that. Because he thinks he doesn’t treat him as his friend.

But Shen Yurong thanks Jiang Yuanbai for caring for him. Ji Shuran laughs to show up. She mentions her husband praised Shen Yurong. She hands over the present to Shen Yurong. She mentions her daughter’s crown ceremony. She asks him to come to attend the ceremony.

Shen Yurong accepts the invitation. He decides to leave. Ji Shuran lets Madam Sun send Shen Yurong off. Shen Yurong and Madam Sun walk in the yard. Shen Yurong sees Xue Fangfei’s back when she orders the servants to place the flowers. He doesn’t see her face. But he hears her voice.

He leaves with Madam Sun. Jiang Li sees him. Tong Er takes Xiang Qiao to see Xue Fangfei. Xue Fangfei let Xiang Qiao have a seat because she thinks she worked hard. She gives a present to her. Xiang Qiao thinks it’s too expensive.

Xue Fangfei asks Xiang Qiao to watch the flowers in the garden. Xiang Qiao reveals she wanted to do that. But there was a guest visiting the master. Ji Shuran asked her to work. She forgot the flowers. Xue Fangfei wonders who visited since everyone was nervous.

Xiang Qiao reveals it was Scholar Shen. Xue Fangfei asks Xiang Qiao if Scholar Shen was the first scholar who just lost his wife. Xiang Qiao is happy to tell Xue Fangfei that the master cared for Shen Yurong. She reveals the master invited the guy to the crown ceremony of the third lady.

She mentions Shen Yurong’s wife cheated on Shen Yurong and she fell off the cliff after she tried to flee. She tells Xue Fangfei that Shen Yurong hadn’t eaten for three days after knowing his wife is dead. Xue Fangfei thinks Shen Yurong is good.

Xiang Qiao reveals the emperor favored Shen Yurong after the case. She tries to continue to talk about Shen Yurong. Tong Er notes that Xue Fangfei isn’t happy. She reminds Xiang Qiao that she needs to take care of the flowers. She sends her away.

Xue Fangfei cries after Xiang Qiao left. Tong Er comes back. She asks Xue Fangfei what happened. Xue Fangfei reveals the Madam Shen Xiang Qiao talked about was her. She tells Tong Er that she thought it was an ordinary family banquet.

It flashes back. Shen Yurong gathers the family together. They have dinner in the yard. He thanks his family for helping him. Old Madam Shen offers to drink together. She scolds Xue Fangfei for drinking tea when others drink wine.

Xue Fangfei explains it to Old Madam Shen that she’s sick. She wants to replace the wine with the tea. Shen Yurong asks his mother not to force Xue Fangfei. Old Madam Shen kicks Shen Ruyun’s foot. Shen Ruyun persuades Xue Fangfei to drink it for her mother.

Old Madam Shen blames Shen Yurong for helping an outsider. But he thinks they’re family. Xue Fangfei stops her husband. She thinks they should be happy because it’s a good day. She drinks the wine instead of the tea. She’s drunk and Shen Yurong takes her to the room. She wakes up and she finds out that she’s sleeping with a man.

Xue Fangfei tells Tong Er that she suspected Old Madam Shen and Shen Ruyun. She doesn’t expect Shen Yurong knew the truth. She tears up. Tong Er understands Xue Fangfei’s feelings. She doesn’t expect that Xue Fangfei is miserable like Jiang Li.

Xue Fangfei thinks she blinded and she mentions her father and her younger brother were killed because of her. She thinks the cases were blood debts. She swears to make the evil people pay for it. Tong Er promises to help Xue Fangfei.

Xue Fangfei is moved to hug Tong Er. She thinks they should change their plan since she and Jiang Li’s enemies are going to show up in the ceremony. She asks her about Jiang Li’s crown ceremony. Tong Er cries to tell Xue Fangfei that Jiang Li didn’t have a crown ceremony.

Xue Fangfei decides to return a crown ceremony to Jiang Li. She thinks she should return the life to Jiang Li since Jiang Li saved her. She thinks Jiang Li was a noble lady. She thinks she should stand in front of the people and she should get the blessing.

She reminds Tong Er that it’s Jiang Li’s crown ceremony. She swears to make Jiang Li return to the position of the second lady of Jiang family. But Tong Er worries that Ji Shuran will stop them. Xue Fangfei thinks they should do so because it’s for Jiang Li.

Tong Er worries that Shen Yurong will see the looks of Xue Fangfei. Xue Fangfei thinks her identity will be accepted as long as she appears in the crown ceremony. She thinks Shen Yurong can do nothing even if he suspects her. She believes that Jiang Li will help her in the heaven. She decides to let the guy see her again in the best family.

Xiang Qiao cuts the chrysanthemum in the garden. She complains it to Tong Er that it was hard to cut the flower. Tong Er asks Xiang Qiao about the good sunshine place at the house. Xiang Qiao is happy to reveal there’s good sunshine in the yard.

Tong Er offers to put the flower in the yard. She reminds Xiang Qiao that she just got the jade bracelet. Xiang Qiao takes Tong Er to place the chrysanthemum in the yard. Tong Er tries to leave. Xiang Qiao stops her because she mistakes that she’s lazy.

SEE ALSO: The Double: Episode 5 Recap

Tong Er explains it to Xiang Qiao that she saw the master. She tries to greet Jiang Yuanbai. But Xiang Qiao greets the master first and she blocks his way. He lets her walk aside. He asks Tong Er if Jiang Li is fine. Xiang Qiao reports to Jiang Yuanbai that Jiang Li is fine before Tong Er tries to say something.

SEE ALSO: The Double: Episode 3 Recap

He scolds her and he lets her stay aside. Tong Er reveals Jiang Li let them prepare the chrysanthemum tea because she has a sore throat. Xiang Qiao is happy to tell Jiang Yuanbai that the flowers were dried by her. But he thinks the flowers are ugly. He asks her to place it again. He looks at the flowers. He thinks of his wife Ye Zhenzhen.

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