Sweet Home Season 2: Episode 1 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for Sweet Home Season 2: Episode 1. Hyun-Su looks outside. His nose begins to bleeding. He wipes off his blood. He tells us that it’s a curse. The people in the Green Home turn into monsters. They don’t know what to do.

Sweet Home Season 2 Shows the Monster’s Humanity

Sweet Home Season 2

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Sweet Home Season 2: Episode 1.

The people run out of Green Home when they’re chased by the monsters. The cops tell them to go to the safety camp. But Eun-Hyeok knows they will turn into monsters. He parts with Eun-Yu. Eun-Yu cries to ask Eun-Hyeok to come back after he decided to stay in Green Home.

She leaves with the people. The woman finds out that she’s pregnant. Her fiance is taken away by the cops. Sang-Wook runs into Hyun-Su in the car. He greets him. Prime Minister watches the monster through the CCTV. He decides to give up him because he thinks he’s not useful.

But Dr. Lim rejects it because he thinks the monster isn’t dead. Prime Minister believes that the guy wishes to keep the monster’s life because he was his friend. Dr. Lim points out that he made his friend be like that. The officer calls Sang-Wook. He promises to let him be safety if he surrenders.

But Sang-Wook rejects it because he doesn’t need anything. The officer gets angry when he doesn’t know who Sang-Wook is. Hyun-Su falls asleep in the car. Sang-Wook wakes him up. Hyun-Su recognizes Sang-Wook. He has a fight with him.

The soldier asks for a support. The woman hears it when she drives the car. Hyun-Su asks Sang-Wook why he killed his friend. Sang-Wook laughs to tell Hyun-Su that he didn’t like him. The helicopter fires a missile to the bridge to break the bridge.

Sang-Wook drives the car to fly over the broken bridge. The woman fails to catch him. She hears what the soldier says that they intend to give up the monster. The survivors are on the truck. Seung-Wan thinks they will be fine because there’s no monster.

They arrive at the camp. The guards point their guns at them. They let them pass after they checked them. The guy tries to conceal his blood when he walks. But he’s caught by the soldiers. The woman tells the soldiers that his friend isn’t sick.

But they still want to check the guy Tae-Yun. The man comforts the woman that Tae-Yun will be fine. But the soldier kills Tae-Yun. He reports to his leader that Tae-Yun isn’t a monster. He kills the woman when she blames him. The guy is scared when he hears the cry of someone.

The soldier tells the guy not to step back when he points his gun at him. The monster shows up. The soldiers shoot the monster. The monster flees to the truck. The soldier throws a grenade into the truck. The truck explodes. The soldiers go to check the truck.

They find out that the monster is missing. The monster stays on the roof of the truck. Eun-Yu sees the soldier using a flamethrower to burn the monster. She’s scared to tell the people to flee when she runs. Chan-Yeong lets Ji-Su come to her. But the soldier tells him to drive the truck.

Eun-Yu finds out that the convoy soldier killed the old lady. He kills himself then. Chan-Yeong comes to pick up Eun-Yu. She picks up a gun and she gets on the truck. The little girl cries because she was given up. The monster carries the little girl Yun-Seo.

The chief stops the soldiers when they shoot the monster. The monster finds out that Yun-Seo’s mother is looking for Yun-Seo. She returns the little girl to the mother. The soldiers continue to shoot her. The survivors are sad when they stay on the truck after they saw the brutal scene.

The soldier beats Chan-Yeong because he thinks he almost got him killed. Eun-Yu wipes off her blood. She takes out a gun. She points the gun at the convoy sergeant. She shoots the window when he thinks she won’t kill him. The monster tries to fight with the soldiers.

Yeong-Hu catches the monster’s baby. He tells her that he will kill her baby if she doesn’t surrender. She’s burned by the soldier. In-Hwan releases the little monster. Yeong-Hu scolds In-Hwan. He reminds him that their task is to kill all of the monsters. But In-Hwan tells Yeong-Hu that they can only kill the monsters who attack them.

Does Sang-Wook Lose His Power?

Sang-Wook takes Hyun-Su to the mall. He gets changed. He throws the suit to him. Hyun-Su asks Sang-Wook about his goal. He thinks he didn’t just take him to go shopping. Sang-Wook reveals he doesn’t wish the people to get Hyun-Su. But Hyun-Su doesn’t care for it.

Sang-Wook is furious to tell Hyun-Su that he will be turned into pieces. Hyun-Su realizes that Sang-Wook fears those people. Sang-Wook reveals he just doesn’t wish to be killed. He tells Hyun-Su to ignore the lives. But Hyun-Su doesn’t want to be like Sang-Wook.

The girl is scared to run when she’s chased by the monster. Sang-Wook attacks the monster for the girl. He promises Hyun-Su that he won’t attack humans first. The girl flees after she found out that Sang-Wook is a monster as well. The soldiers arrive at the mall.

Hyun-Su wonders how will they find those people. Sang-Wook reveals the people are waiting for them. The woman kidnaps the officer to get into the base. She stuns him when he tries to have a fight with her. Sang-Wook is on the way to see those people with Hyun-Su.

He sees Yu-Ri when he drives. He remembers she told him to be a good person. He tries not to hit her. The car turns over. Hyun-Su gets up. He tries to be close to the soldier after he found out that he was hurt. But the soldier doesn’t wish Hyun-Su to be close to him because he knows he’s a monster.

Episode 1 of Sweet Home Season 2 ends with the soldier asking Hyun-Su to kill him. Hyun-Su tears up. He walks to the soldier. He kills him. Hui-Ji’s mother is taken to see Hui-Ji. She calls her daughter. Hui-Ji cuts off her mother’s fingers. Her mother is taken away by the doctors.

Hui-Ji is burned by the bodyguards. Her mother cries. Sang-Wook climbs out of the car. He tries to eat the soldier. Hyun-Su shows up. He thinks Sang-Wook cannot get his power back if he doesn’t eat humans. He drags him away. Sang-Wook hugs Hyun-Su’s leg to beg him. He cries. Hyun-Su carries Sang-Wook. He claims that he’s a human. But the soldiers shoot him. He passes out.

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