Somewhere Only We Know Chinese Drama 2019 Recap: Episodes 5-6

These are recaps of Somewhere Only We Know Chinese Drama 2019 Recap: Episodes 5-6. Cheng He carefully prepares the science class, and is happy to invite Xue Tong to take class. Xue Tong agrees with it, and his face is full of expectant smiles. Xue Tong returns to the dormitory and sees Xiao Tang packing her stuff. Xiao Tang wishes Xue Tong to be her temporary assistant of shooting.

Somewhere Only We Know Chinese Drama 2019 Recap: Episode 5

Somewhere Only We Know

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Somewhere Only We Know Chinese Drama 2019 Episodes 5-6.

Cheng He takes Xue Tong to visit the Planetarium. Xue Tong is like a lively elf, and talks freely and silently. Cheng He smiles gently and quietly listening to Xue Tong’s discussion. From time to time, he uses physics knowledge to explain all kinds of wonderful phenomena to Xue Tong. He also tells her about the story of the No. 1 traveler, and he has an inexplicable complex for the Traveler One, which makes Xue Tong seem to understand. But she vaguely feels an unspeakable loneliness.

The two return to the school from the planetarium and see the notice of the upcoming Russian Culture Week in the notice board. Xue Tong is very interested in this, but unfortunately, the Cultural Week event and the Russian class time crash. Xue Tong repeatedly pleads, and Cheng He finally agrees to take everyone in the cultural week chorus competition with a Russian class. At this time, Bai Lin and Jia Hang and others are on the mountain. They originally wanted to watch the sunrise, but it was raining in the mountains. Bai Lin mutters and is upset.

In the dead of night, Bai Lin checks Weibo boringly, and sees an group photo of Zhong Qiang and another woman. Bai Lin’s head suddenly explodes. Originally, Zhong Qiang has a girlfriend. Bai Lin, who is in a state of emotional breakdown, and runs alone to the top of the mountain in the rain. Jia Hang worries about Bai Lin and follows her. As a result, the two people were pleasantly to see the beautiful sunrise. When Bai Lin is cheering, Zhong Qiang suddenly appears. He tells Bai Lin that the woman in the photo is her ex-girlfriend, and they broke up. Bai Lin doesn’t want to believe it, but he vows to confess, Bai Linxin softly promises to be a new girlfriend of Zhong Qiang, the two warmly embrace together, Jia Hang has to walk down the mountain alone.

Bai Lin returns to the dormitory with the joy of love, and shares her happiness with her friends. Every word of her is inseparable from Zhong Qiang, and she is an anthomaniac. The next day, in the Russian class, Xue Tong is full of expectations that Cheng He can take people to organize the activities of the Culture Week. However, he is temporary on the business trip. She has to take the burden of practicing chorus. When Qi Qi is in the cash register, she accidentally receives fake money and is scolded by the boss. She wants to watch a favorite drama, but she thinks the fare was too expensive. She gives up after several hesitations.

Xue Tong volunteers to practice chorus with people. The students are originally a loose sand, but she doesn’t give up. She makes students to unite and have concerted effort to rehearse. However, the activity time of Cultural Week is shortened, and the chorus event is finally cancelled. Although everyone is disappointed, but they got good memory.

Cheng He returns from the business trip, and his research result was settled on by well-known expert Professor Waltz, and contacted Cheng He deliberately. This makes Cheng He full of fighting spirit and confidence, and he intends to persist in researching the subject. make achievement. Xue Tong comes over to Cheng He and reports the rehearsal of the chorus. He is very happy after seeing everyone’s efforts, and praises Xue Tong in the next class. Xue Tong looked at Cheng He and praised himself, and she is smug.

Somewhere Only We Know Chinese Drama 2019 Recap: Episode 6

Bai Lin and Xue Tong come out to take the courier. They see the list of the retest of the foreign language school sports test. Bai Lin, Xue Tong and Song Qiqi are all on the list. It seems that these three girls have to practice running together. Peng Yu is Qi Qi’s student, and his school needs a physics teacher to do a science class. Therefore, Peng Yu asks Qi Qi a favor. She asks Cheng He a favor, and he smiles to agree with it. Xue Tong is happy to appoint Yu Mucheng and Peng Yu, and they discuss about the science class.

Qi Qi’s attention to the drama is finally ended in Donghu. Until the last day, she is still on the scene, and she spends a lot of money to buy every ticket. She doesn’t really want to watch the drama but looks for someone in the theater. However, the person doesn’t appear, she is very lonely, and continues to capture this person’s trace on Weibo.

Bai Lin is doing Zheng Duoyan’s slimming exercise in the dormitory. Xue Tong walked in, and Bai Lin thrills to chat with Xue Tong. But she accidentally stains Xiao Tang’s new skirt. Fortunately, Xiao Tang isn’t in the dormitory, otherwise it will bring a storm. Xue Tong and Cheng He begin to prepare lessons for junior high school students, and the two are very acquainted with each other. Xue Tong gives many clues about the lectures to Cheng He, and makes some interesting points to attract kids. Cheng He gradually discovers that Xue Tong is a quick and fun girl.

Xiao Tang returns to the dormitory and soon find out that his skirt is stained. Bai Lin is arrogant, not only doesn’t admit her mistake, but also puts on a ruthless look. Xiao Tang is angry. Bai Lin ignores it, and buys a swimsuit and prepares to let Zhong Qiang teach her to swim. In fact, Bai Lin wants to buy Xiao Tang a identical skirt. But she has not been bought it, so she doesn’t admit her mistake to Xiao Tang.

Cheng He carefully prepares the science class, and is happy to invite Xue Tong to take class. Xue Tong agrees with it, and his face is full of expectant smiles. Xue Tong returns to the dormitory and sees Xiao Tang packing her stuff. Xiao Tang wishes Xue Tong to be her temporary assistant of shooting. Xue Tong is a bit embarrassed, because the afternoon is the beginning of the science class. But she seeing Xiao Tang so embarrassed, and temporarily agrees with it. In this way, She misses the science class because of help, but finds out that Xiao Tang devotes to work as a plane model, and not as glamorous as it seems on the surface.

In the evening, Xue Tong tells Bai Lin to apologize since she stained Xiao Tang’s skirt. Bai Lin bites her lips and writes a sorry card, leaving it on the table of Xiao Tang. The girls finally restore the harmony as usual. Although Xue Tong didn’t take Cheng He’s class, some regrets, but the relationship between the two has been close, and she also attends a party with many Russian friends in his house. However, she finds a perfume used by women and some female products in the bathroom. Xue Tong thinks Cheng He actually has a girlfriend.

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