Solo Leveling Ending Explained

This is the Ending Explained for Solo Leveling. Sung Jin-Woo works with the rulers to kill Antares. But his lover and his family were killed. He asks the ruler to use The Cup of Reincarnation so that he can kill The Monarch of Destruction before he hurts his lover.

The Ruler Kills Antares But the Ending Isn’t Perfect

Solo Leveling

The rulers appear from the sky. The dragon king Antares is surprised to see them. He remembers there wasn’t any delivery port when he arrived there. He knows it requires huge power to connect two worlds. He believes that Sung Jin-Woo couldn’t make it even if he’s The Monarch of Shadows.

He wonders why the rulers appeared there. He realizes that Sung Jin-Woo intended to summon the rulers there. But he doesn’t understand how did Sung Jin-Woo contacted the rulers. Sung Jin-Woo reveals he did it through the containers of the rulers. It means the light of shards the rulers left.

The Monarch of Destruction knows he’s over when he sees the angels in the sky. He thinks Sung Jin-Woo chose a method that he will win even if he gets defeated. Sung Jin-Woo asks Antares if he was the one who let The Monarch of White Flames and The Monarch of Fangs attack The Monarch of Shadows.

Antares is surprised. He thinks The Monarch of White Flames confessed it to The Monarch of Shadows. The Monarch of White Flames leaked the truth when he was going to be killed by The Monarch of Shadows. Everything was Antares’s plan. Antares is powerful even if The Monarch of Shadows is The Monarch of White Flames’s friend.

Antares asked The Monarch of White Flames to kill The Monarch of Shadows after he used him. But he underestimated the powers of The Monarch of Shadows. He killed the troops of The Monarch of White Flames and The Monarch of Fangs when he was hurt. The Monarch of Shadows let Sung Jin-Woo to bring a message to Antares before he passed away.

Antares gets angry because he thinks Sung Jin-Woo looks down on him. He holds the sword to attack Sung Jin-Woo. But he’s stabbed by the ruler. He looks up and he finds out that the light shard is staring at him. He tells Sung Jin-Woo that he will wait for him in the eternal sleeping before he disappears.

Sung Jin-Woo comforts Antares that they will meet soon. Antares passes away. The light shard wishes to thank Sung Jin-Woo because he helped him end the battle with Antares. Sung Jin-Woo asks the ruler to do one thing which only he can do.

The ruler agrees to it. Sung Jin-Woo asks the ruler to use The Cup of Reincarnation. The ruler reminds Sung Jin-Woo that the monarchs will be reborn again if he uses The Cup of Reincarnation. Sung Jin-Woo tells the ruler that he will kill the monarchs and their troops in the crack in time.

He promises not to let any monster step in the Earth. The ruler wonders why Sung Jin-Woo wishes to shoulder the battle alone. He mentions the ending is good even if they used The Cup of Reincarnation many times. Sung Jin-Woo reveals he wishes to find the people back because he lost them in the battle.

The ruler reminds Sung Jin-Woo that he won’t come back if he fails. He mentions he’s the hero who gets praised by people all his life. Nobody will remember him even if he goes back to fight alone. The ruler asks Sung Jin-Woo if he actually wishes the time to turn back.

Sung Jin-Woo smiles to close his eyes. He thinks of his lover and his friends. He tells the ruler that he wishes to do that. The ruler is surprised that there’s one person wishing to save the world with his power. He thinks Sung Jin-Woo is like the Late Monarch of Shadows Ashborn.

The ruler agrees to Sung Jin-Woo’s plan. Sung Jin-Woo asks the ruler what will happen to his soldiers. The ruler reveals the ones who overlap with him will disappear in the past timeline. Sung Jin-Woo is happy to tell the ruler that he’s ready. The ruler summons The Cup of Reincarnation. He wishes Sung Jin-Woo to save the world.

Nobody Dies This Time

Sung Jin-Woo is reborn. But he turns into a kid. His family are alive. He tears up and he thinks he had a long nightmare. He thinks everything in front of him is perfect. He thinks it’s time to end the nightmare. He believes that it’s the only chance to redeem it.

He doesn’t want to miss it. He decides to control his future. But he wishes to take a break before he goes to the battlefield. He knows the monarchs are setting up the delivery ports. He leaves a note to his family that he will come back after he completes the task he needs to do.

He goes to the crack where the monarchs hide. He faces the troops on his own. The ones who came with him were the captain Beru and Bellion. The two didn’t overlap with Sung Jin-Woo in the past timeline. Sung Jin-Woo kills all of the monarchs except Antares after he has fought for 27 years. He feels regret for not explaining it to his family.

Bellion reports to Sung Jin-Woo that everything is ready. Sung Jin-Woo smiles. He thinks he won’t lose because he won again. He tells his shadows to stand up. Antares sits on his throne. He’s excited after knowing the shadow troops are going to come.

He praises Sung Jin-Woo for his courage for using The Cup of Reincarnation. He thinks there should be only one king there. He stands up from his dragon throne. He tells Sung Jin-Woo that he’s The Monarch of Destruction. He asks him who he is. Sung Jin-Woo replies to Antares that he’s The Monarch of Shadows. Antares smiles to tell Sung Jin-Woo that he’s going to remember his name. He fights with him.

The Ruler Fears Sung Jin-Woo’s Powers

There’s no monster in the country. But Madam Sano tells people that death god will come with his soldiers. She believes that everybody will be killed. The delivery port appears from the sky. But the death god doesn’t come when the people try to take a look at the death god. But they don’t know the death god just passed through them.

The messenger of the rulers comes to welcome Sung Jin-Woo. He doesn’t expect that he would come back after he killed Antares. He believes that Sung Jin-Woo has powers to fight with the rulers. He takes him to an ice cream shop.

The messenger reveals the rulers wish to send Sung Jin-Woo to another planet. Sung Jin-Woo tells the messenger to seal him. The messenger doesn’t note the anger of Sung Jin-Woo. He thinks it’s a good idea. But he finds out that there’s a death power coming out from Sung Jin-Woo’s body.

Sung Jin-Woo asks the messenger if the rulers plan to get rid of him after he lost his value. He thinks the rulers fear his power. The messenger is startled. He takes out his phone to explain it to Sung Jin-Woo that Madam Sano’s life was changed after she met with the god. He reveals it happened after Sung Jin-Woo was reborn from the planet.

Sung Jin-Woo lets the messenger to leave. Because he needs some time to think about it. The messenger leaves. Sung Jin-Woo remembers he stopped the attack of the monarchs and he got a planet without any monster. But he’s not suitable for the planet because he has destructive force. He thinks he has no reason to stay there. But he sees Cha Hae-In. She senses him as well. He thinks he should stay there because there’re some people he loves there. The ending of Solo Leveling isn’t perfect. Sung Jin-Woo does many thing for the plant. But people don’t praise him. But this is the choice Sung Jin-Woo did as a king. He sacrificed his honor to get a plant where nobody was hurt.

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