Solo Leveling: Does Sung Jinwoo Save Cha Hae-In on Jeju Island?

Solo Leveling Season 2 takes us to experience the Jeju Island Arc in the end. The Korean hunters and the Japanese hunters work together to raid the island in episode 12. They find Ant Queen’s nest and they kill the demon who caused the death of Eunseok. But Black Ant appears before the Korean hunters celebrate. He takes Min Byung-Gyu’s life and he hurts Cha Hae-In. Fortunately, Sung Jinwoo knows what happened on Jeju Island after the shadow he arranged to follow Goto Ryuji was killed.

Cha Hae-In on Jeju Island

Cha Hae-In is a pretty S-Rank hunter who Sung Jinwoo favors. She works for Hunters Guild and she pays attention to him after he saved the team of the guild from the dungeon. She suspects that he will seize the fruits of their victory when he’s close to the boss room. He begins to look into him. But she finds out that many people are interested in him. It includes her boss Choi Jong-In the master of Hunters Guild. She and Sung Jinwoo become good friends then. She notices that he smells good to her.

What Happens to Cha Hae-In on Jeju Island?

Korean Hunters Association needs to raid Jeju Island after they tried it three times. There’s a S-Rank teleportation gate on the island. Ant Queen occupies the place and she gives birth to little ants constantly. The ant will be an A-Rank magic beast once he grows up. He’s capable of destroying a village in Japan. Cha Hae-In the outstanding S-Rank fighter takes part in the mission with her boss Choi Jong-In.

She follows the hunters and she gets into the cave in episode 11. She teams up with Baek Yoonho and he finds Ant Queen soon. But Ant Queen is protected by the ant bodyguards. Cha Hae-In is brave to rush to the ant soldiers. She kills those soldiers. Ant Queen has to rely on herself after she lost her bodyguards. But she does her last resistance. Cha Hae-In ends her life.

But Ant Queen informs her son Ant King about her death. He returns to the cave after he killed the Japanese healer on the island. He punches Cha Hae-In after knowing she murdered his mother. But he doesn’t continue to beat her. Because she’s in a coma. He leaves the cave after he killed the S-Rank healer Min Byung-Gyu. Min Byung-Gyu is a great healer. He healed many hunters after they were hurt. His death causes Cha Hae-In’s life in danger.

Does Sung Jinwoo Save Cha Hae-In on Jeju Island?

Sung Jinwoo reaches the island after he used his skill Shadow Exchange. He finds out that the hunters were hurt badly. So he takes out the potions. The potion works on most of the hunters except Cha Hae-In. Sung Jinwoo gives up the treatment when Ant King returns to the cave.

He beats Ant King and he kills the magic beast in front of the hunters. But he wastes too much time. Cha Hae-In’s condition gets worse. The Japanese healer and the Korean healer were killed by ant King. Cha Hae-In will die if he carries her to Korea. He cannot use his skill Shadow Exchange because he just used it.

He knows the only way to save the girl is to extract a shadow from Min Byung-Gyu’s dead body. Min Byung-Gyu was a great healer. So the shadow owns the healing skill. But Min Byung-Gyu refuses to get extracted because he hates fighting. Baek Yoonho realizes that Sung Jinwoo is a necromancer. He goes against Sung Jinwoo’s plan because he thinks it desecrates his friend’s body.

But Sung Jinwoo knows Cha Hae-In will die if he doesn’t do it. He cannot change the truth that Min Byung-Gyu is dead. But he can save Cha Hae-In. So he’s sincere to tell the healer that he needs his help. Sung Jinwoo extracts a shadow from Byung-Gyu successfully. The shadow heals Cha Hae-In even if Sung Jinwoo didn’t give him an order.

Min Byung-Gyu finishes his work. Baek Yoonho mistakes that Sung Jinwoo will continue to let his friend work for him. So he begs him to be nice to Min Byung-Gyu. Because he knows Min Byung-Gyu hates fighting. But Sung Jinwoo frees Min Byung-Gyu’s soul. Baek Yoonho is moved. He thanks Sung Jinwoo for letting his friend rest in peace in heaven.

What Happens to Cha Hae-In After Jeju Island Arc?

Cha Hae-In is fine after Min Byung-Gyu saved her. People can live on Jeju Island after Sung Jinwoo resolved the crisis. Cha Hae-In returns to Hunters Guild. But she loves Sung Jinwoo more than before. She doesn’t know how to tell her feelings to the guy. So she makes an excuse that she wants to join his guild when the name of the guild isn’t decided.

Sung Jinwoo doesn’t know her feelings. But he knows it very well that he shouldn’t hire her. He offers a test and he asks her to fight his shadow. But she thinks he looks down on her. She accepts the challenge in the end. He hugs her and he uses the Shadow Exchange to take her to the gym from the office.

Cha Hae-In doesn’t have any weapon. Sung Jinwoo mentions the pickaxe she took when he ran into her in the A-Rank dungeon. She feels embarrassed because the pickaxe isn’t her weapon. She chooses a long sword from the arsenal. He gives the demon king’s sword to Igris. He asks him to fight Cha Hae-In.

Cha Hae-In is an outstanding S-Rank hunter. She defeats Igris easily. So Sung Jinwoo sends out his strongest shadow Beru. Beru cannot control his desire to kill when Cha Hae-In uses the light sword to hit him even if his master told him not to hurt the lady. Sung Jinwoo stops his shadow before he takes Cha Hae-In’s life. He asks the girl if she wants to continue. But she confesses her feelings to him.

Cha Hae-In is embarrassed to return to home after she confessed her feelings to Sung Jinwoo. She regrets for doing it. She remembers Min Byung-Gyu asked her to tell Sung Jinwoo to be careful of the darkness inside him. She doesn’t know why he asked her to do so.

She checks her phone and she sees a group photo of a pretty girl and Sung Jinwoo. The girl Yoo Soohyun claims that she has joined Sung Jinwoo’s guild. Cha Hae-In gets angry because the man let the girl join his guild. But he rejected her. She’s lost because she mistook that the man doesn’t like her.

Sung Jinwoo actually likes Cha Hae-In. He brags to his sister that there’s a girl having feelings for him. But Sung Jinah doesn’t believe it. Because she thinks her brother is a geek. He doesn’t know how to name his guild since Yoo Jinho went against when he intended to name the guild “Single Guild”. He asks Sung Jinah for her opinion. She offers to name the guild “Ahjin Guild”.

The double dungeon appears again. Sung Jinwoo goes to resolve the matter. He ran into Cha Hae-In on the street. The girl mentioned what Min Byung-Gyu said that he should be care of the darkness inside his heart. Sung Jinwoo thought what Min Byung-Gyu said is right that he shouldn’t know the truth of the system.

He goes to the double dungeon but he runs into the team. The captain claims that the dungeon belongs to him. He doesn’t know awful the double dungeon is. Sung Jinwoo saves the captain before he’s killed by the statue. He asks him to inform the association about it.

Woo Jinchul gets the message soon. He knows he cannot raid the double dungeon alone because Sung Jinwoo was almost killed in the dungeon. He invites Hunters Guild to join him. Choi Jong-In takes Cha Hae-In to go to aid Woo Jinchul. They get into the double dungeon and they see the statues Sung Jinwoo mentioned. Woo Jinchul realizes that Sung Jinwoo didn’t told him a lie. There really are stone statues.

They see Sung Jinwoo who stands there. The guy doesn’t move. They try to approach him. But they’re stopped by the master of the dungeon the Architect. Architect is resurrecting Ashborn. He doesn’t wish the hunters to bother Sung Jinwoo. He orders the stone statues to attack the hunters.

There’re many hunters being killed. Choi Jong-In tries to burn the stone statue with his fire magic. But it doesn’t work on the stone statue. He knows they will be killed if they fail to awaken Sung Jinwoo. He asks Cha Hae-In to go to do the job when he and other hunters fight the stone statues.

But Architect knows Choi Jong-In’s intention. He’s very sly and he hurts Cha Hae-In before she gets Sung Jinwoo. Sung Jinwoo wakes up at his time. He gets angry after knowing Architect hurt his girlfriend. He threatens to kill Architect. Architect is confident because the system was created by him. He thinks Sung Jinwoo is nobody if he takes the system back. But he doesn’t know the guy has gotten Ashborn’s strength. The system refuses to listen to Architect’s order. Sung Jinwoo summons a lot of knives. He casts it to Architect. Architect is killed. Cha Hae-In leaves the double dungeon with Sung Jinwoo. She worries about the guy’s injuries. He claims that he’s fine. But he passes out.

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