Snowfall: Episode 3 Recap

This is the recap for Snowfall: Episode 3. Li Yingliang finds Shen Zhiheng on the second floor of the hotel. He asks him for a meeting up the restaurant. Si Tu dances with Jin Jingxue. He becomes her friend. Shen Zhiheng leaves the hotel with Si Tu.

Episode 3: “Kidnap”

Snowfall: Episode 3

Situ learns that Shen Zhiheng met with Li Yingliang. Shen Zhiheng reveals he plans to kill Li Yingliang. Li Yingliang returns home. He holds two guns to sleep. He remembers what Shen Zhiheng told him that he cannot sleep. He sleeps in the bathroom.

Housekeeper Wang takes the new employee to Shen Mansion. They run into Shen Zhiheng. Shen Zhiheng walks into his office. He sees the newspapers. He reads the newspaper. He learns that some people were attacked by the beast. He calls You Wen and he asks him to come home.

Mi Lan opens the window. She smells the Red Camellia. She asks Maid Zhang for some water. Maid Zheng gives the water to Mi Lan. She persuades her that the master missed her because the new clothes are good. You Wen reports to Shen Zhiheng that the cops didn’t look into the beast after the beast disappeared.

He mentions what the victim said that there was a ghost wanting to eat him. Shen Zhiheng suspects that it was his younger brother. You Wen hands over the photo to him. Shen Zhiheng thinks he should stop his younger brother. Madam Mi breaks Mi Lan’s flower.

Mi Lan is furious to drive her mother out of her room. Madam Mi asks Maid Zhang not to give food to Mi Lan. She’s furious to leave. Mi Lan cries when she hugs the flower. Maid Zhang leaves after she locked the door. Mi Lan cuts her hair.

Shen Zhiheng goes out. The employees talk about their boss. They think the boss doesn’t live well. Li Yingliang arrives at the restaurant. Chishan Ying is told that Shen Zhiheng isn’t dead and Li Yingliang went to see the guy. He laughs and he lets his adjutant Zhong Yi go to the restaurant with him.

Shen Zhiheng reaches the room of the restaurant. Li Yingliang is waiting for him. Li Yingliang shakes hands with Shen Zhiheng. He walks into the room with him. Li Guisheng closes the door. The bodyguards join him. Li Yingliang pours Shen Zhiheng a drink.

Shen Zhiheng refuses to drink the wine. Because he worries that Li Yingliang poisoned the wine. Li Yingliang drinks up the wine. Shen Zhiheng takes out his cigar. Li Yingliang lights the cigar for Shen Zhiheng. He promises to give a present to him if he lets him know about it before he releases the article.

But Shen Zhiheng laughs to tell Li Yingliang that he wants to make him repay his life. Li Yingliang takes out his gun. Shen Zhiheng shakes off Li Yingliang’s gun. He points his gun at Li Yingliang. He puts his tie into his mouth. The bodyguard hears the voice outside.

Li Guisheng thinks Li Yingliang is fine. Because he knows Li Yingliang would break the glass. Li Yingliang tries to grab the glass. But Shen Zhiheng breaks his arm. He stabs his leg with a chopstick. He covers his mouth with his hand.

SEE ALSO: Snowfall: Episode 2 Recap

He blames him for doing it to him. Chishan Ying shows up. He walks into the room. He finds out that Shen Zhiheng kidnapped Li Yingliang. Chi Shanying lets the bodyguards drop the guns. Shen Zhiheng takes Li Yingliang to get in the car. Chishan Ying tells the bodyguards to chase Shen Zhiheng. Shen Zhiheng stuns Li Yingliang in the car.

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