Queen of Tears: Episode 6 Recap

This is the recap for Queen of Tears: Episode 6. Da-Hye and Eun-Sung sneak into Hyun-Woo’s room. Eun-Sung finds Hyun-Woo and Hae-In’s love photos. Da-Hye thinks the two are fools that they don’t know they love each other. Hyun-Woo finds Hae-In in the square.

Queen of Tears Episode 6 Recap: Hae-In Learns that Hyun-Woo Planned to Get A Divorce with Her

Queen of Tears Episode 6

Eun-Sung finds the safe from the drawer. He thinks Hyun-Woo isn’t clean. Secretary Kim calls Secretary Na when she’s taking care of her baby. He asks her about Hyun-Woo and Hae-In’s whereabouts. But she refuses to leak it. She hangs up.

We finds out that Secretary Kim is in the car with Grace Go. The old man laughs to show up when Hyun-Woo and Hae-In hug each other. He asks them to go somewhere because he needs to be off duty. Hae-In is happy to leave with Hyun-Woo. But her scarf drops. She picks up her scarf. She sees a boy running.

Eun-Sung looks at the safe. He thinks there’s a secret in the safe. Hyun-Woo takes Hae-In to the rooftop. He makes the cup noodles for her. She plans to change her will when she waits for the cup noodles. But he’s against it. Da-Hye wears Hae-In’s clothes to show up. She thinks her husband is a fool.

It flashes back. Soo-Cheol meets with Da-Hye at the restaurant. He tells her that he doesn’t want to marry a woman who’s older than him.

Da-Hye wonders what Soo-Cheol will do if he knows she’s older than him. Beom-Ja finds out that Seon-Hwa bought Soo-Cheol a wild ginseng. She plans to give the wild ginseng to Hae-In. But Seon-Hwa and Soo-Cheol are against it. Beon-Ja is furious to leave.

She goes to see Beom-Jun. She finds out that he’s feeding a snail. She cries to drink with him. Hae-In and Hyun-Woo watch the TV in the house. Hyun-Woo turns off the TV. Hae-In intends to go to sleep. She lets Hyun-Woo follow his heart.

He follows her to her room. He asks her to let him sleep in the room with her. She agrees to it. He sits on the bed with her. He holds her hand. But she brings up that the husband only cared for money when his wife was going to die. She thinks he’s a good husband because he cared for her after knowing she’s sick.

He sleeps in the bed with her. He feels guilty when she falls asleep. He goes to the church to pray for her. Yang-Gi gathers his friends. They’re going to do a barbecue. He calls Hyun-Woo and he asks him to come after Hyun-Woo bought Hae-In breakfast. But Hyun-Woo rejects it because he’s having fun with his wife in Germany. Yang-Gi complains to his friend that Hyun-Woo is changed.

Hyun-Woo returns home when Hae-In is very happy that the hospital agreed to treat her. He remembers he threatened the doctor that he will sue him if he doesn’t give his wife the treatment. Eun-Sung finds the store according to the business card he found in Hyun-Woo’s room.

Da-Hye visits Grace Go’s store. Grace Go scolds Da-Hye and she shows the footage to her that she was caught when she put the food in the hunting ground for drawing the boar. Da-Hye points out that she wouldn’t be caught if Grace Go did a great job as a helper.

She wonders what will happen to Hong family if Eun-Sung gets Queens Group. It makes Grace Go believe that Da-Hye worries about her husband. Da-Hye denies it and she walks out of the room. She sees Seon-Hwa. Seon-Hwa thinks the two had a fight because she heard Grace Go’s voice. Grace Go and Da-Hye deny it.

Grace Go reports to Seon-Hwa that Hyun-Woo stopped Soo-Cheol’s plan after the guy knew Hae-In’s will. Soo-Cheol follows Man-Dae. He persuades him to accept the investment of Eun-Sung. But Man-Dae chooses to trust Hyun-Woo. Soo-Cheol turns around. He takes a look at Da-Hye. She remembers he rejected her when she made a proposal to him.

Soo-Cheol’s family think Soo-Cheol’s son isn’t like Soo-Cheol. Soo-Cheol is furious to take away his baby. He apologizes to his wife for letting her bullied. He promises to let others respect her after he completes the project.

Hyun-Woo’s hometown becomes a famous place because Hae-In visited the place. But Du-Gwan’s rival took advantage through feeding Hae-In the apple. Mi-Seon is furious to drive her friends out of her store. Because they posted the video.

Hae-In and Hyun-Woo wait for the train at the train station. The beauty passes by. She greets Hyun-Woo. Hae-In is furious to tell the beauty that Hyun-Woo is married. The beauty leaves. Hae-In notes that her husband still sees the beauty.

Hyun-Woo explains it to Hae-In that it’s a culture to greet each other. She brings up that the principal’s daughter liked him. She thinks the lady is his first love. She reveals she had a first love who was on the bus. The worker opens Hyun-Woo’s safe. He takes out the papers from the safe. He gives it to Grace Go. She finds out that it’s a divorce agreement.

Hae-In and Hyun-Woo look for the love locks they put on the bridge. But they don’t find it. They go to the market. The seller persuades Hae-In to buy the four-leaf clover because he thinks the clover will bring luck to her. She buys it.

Hae-In goes to the hospital with Hyun-Woo. She finds out that she gained weight after she came to Germany. She decides to work out for being pretty. She leaves with the nurse. But she goes to chase the boy. She leaves the hospital.

The nurse reports to Hyun-Woo that his wife disappeared. He goes to look for Hae-In. He notes that someone passed out on the street. He goes to see her. He finds out that she’s not his wife. Hae-In shows up behind him. She grabs his clothes. He hugs her. Hyun-Woo takes Hae-In to the cafe. He puts the clothes on her. She reveals she saw her older brother.

It flashes back. Hae-In falls into the sea. Someone saves her. Seon-Hwa hugs Hae-In after Hae-In was saved. Hae-In reveals her older brother Su-Wan saved her. Seon-Hwan finds Su-Wan’s dead body. She begins to hate Hae-In.

Hyun-Woo comforts Hae-In that her older brother’s death wasn’t her mistake. She thinks Su-Wan is her angel. But he points out that it was the side effect of the treatment. He persuades her to eat the food. She wishes to be the angel to pick him up. He agrees to it. He wipes the food off her mouth.

Hyun-Woo tries to call Juseong Tech. But the guy doesn’t pick up his phone. He moves out. Grace Go puts the painting on the wall of Man-Dae’s house. Man-Dae is very happy. Eun-Sung reveals he’s going to invest in another company.

Seon-Hwa calls Hae-In. She reports to her that her husband put a bug in her grandpa’s room. But Hae-In chooses to trust Hyun-Woo. Yang-Gi visits the tech guy’s store for Hyun-Woo. He finds out that the store is closed. Hyun-Woo guides Yang-Gi to find the SD card from his car.

He returns home. Hae-In asks him not to pick up the phone from her family when Seon-Hwa calls him. She turns off the phone. Beom-Ja meets with the detective. He reports to her that Seul-Hee is the woman Sun-Yeong who has passed away for 30 years. He reveals the woman has a son.

Man-Dae finds the divorce agreement from Hyun-Woo’s room. The family are shocked. Hae-In and Hyun-Woo are going to go to order the kebab. But she finds out that the people are lining up. She decides to line up like others. Hyun-Woo runs to the store to buy all of the four-leaf clovers because he thinks his wife needs luck very much. Man-Dae gets angry after knowing Hyun-Woo was the whistleblower. Hyun-Woo passes by the bridge. He finds the love locks of him and Hae-In. He laughs to take a photo of the locks.

SEE ALSO: Queen of Tears: Episode 7 Recap

Hae-In get the kebab after she told the store owner that she’s going to die within three months. She sees Hyun-Woo who’s going to run to her. But she sees the divorce agreement her mother sent to her. He joins her and he tries to tell her that he found their love locks. But she shakes off the four-leaf clovers he bought her. She shows the divorce agreement to him when she asks him to deny it. But he admits it.

SEE ALSO: Queen of Tears: Episode 5 Recap

Hyun-Woo runs to the bus stop after he gave the umbrella to Hae-In in the epilogue. She sees him when she’s in the car. She smiles. She lets the driver follow him after he got on the bus. We learn that Hyun-Woo is Hae-In’s first love.

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