Princess Silver: Episode 27 Recap

This is the recap for Princess Silver: Episode 27. Wu Yu pinches the girl’s face. But she casts the powder to him. It makes him feel comfortable. He asks her what she did to him. She reveals she just used some poison powder on him.

Princess Silver: Episode 27 Recap

Princess Silver: Episode 27

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Princess Silver: Episode 27.

The girl blames Wu Yu for touching her. She thinks he’s a bad guy. He chases her and he catches her. He shakes her when he asks for the antidote. But she passes out. Rong Le shows up with Xiao Sha and Ling Yue. They see the girl Ke Er passing out on the floor.

Xiao Sha and Ling Yue run to Ke Er. They try to save her. Wu Yu tells Rong Le that he did nothing to Ke Er. Ke Er wakes up. She sees Wu Yu grabbing Rong Le’s hand. She pushes him away and she blames him for grabbing the princess’s hand. She threatens to use other poisons on him.

Rong Le reveals Wu Yu isn’t a bad guy. She persuades Ke Er to give the antidote to Wu Yu. Ke Er learns that Wu Yu is Rong Le’s friend. But she didn’t make the antidote. She tells Wu Yu that he will be fine after several hours. He’s furious to ask her for the antidote.

She admits it to Rong Le that she told a lie to Wu Yu. She lets Wu Yu take the antidote. He recovers and he asks her to apologize to him. But Rong Le guards Ke Er. She thinks Ke Er doesn’t have to apologize to Wu Yu. She mentions Wu Yu touched the girl first.

Ke Er admits to what Rong Le said. She mentions Xiao Sha told her that she won’t marry off if she gets touched. Wu Yu claims that he has someone in his heart. Rong Le mistook that Wu Yu would be upset because of Zhao Yun’s case. But she thinks he doesn’t need her comfort because he laughed.

He finds out that he recovered. He tells Ke Er that he forgave her. But she’s furious to yell at him. Rong Le feeds the two the cakes when they have a fight. She reveals it’s the cake Ling Yue made. She thinks Ke Er likes it most. She asks Xiao Sha why Ke Er passed out suddenly.

He reveals his younger sister is sick. She mentions Ke Er’s master is the Xuegu Saint. She’s surprised that Xuegu Saint couldn’t heal Ke Er. Ke Er denies it. She reveals her master didn’t find the herb. She tells Rong Le that she would pass away at five years old. But her older brother has wanted to save her.

Xiao Sha reveals only Qijue herb can save Ke Er. Wu Yu knows the whereabouts of the herb. Rong Le tells Wu Yu that she can pay any price if she can get the herb. He persuades her to go to see Wu You if she wishes to get the herb. He mentions she and Wu You don’t want to face each other even if they’re in love.

He tries to leave. She stops him and she asks him to return to fan to Wu You. He’s surprised that Wu You gave the fan to her. He reveals the Green Fan is the top keepsake of No Hidden Tower. He reveals the fan can summon all of the martial art experts in No Hidden Tower. He adds that she can turn over the whole kingdom if she wants to do that.

She thinks she can exchange Qijue Herb with the fan. Wu Yu laughs to tell Rong Le that Wu You is going to give the fan to her since he gave her the fan. The emperor is in the empress’s grave. He looks at his lover in the ice coffin. He calls her Yun Er and he reveals he’s going to go to attack Wei Kingdom.

He thinks she will understand him. He asks her to bless Beilin Kingdom to win. He mentions she cried to agree to it when he wanted to marry Fu Yuan for rebuilding the nation. He mentions their son Wu You has same fate like them. He wonders if it disturbed her when Wu You took the girl into the grave.

He reveals he got angry. But he realizes that he didn’t have the guts like Wu You. He knows Wu You is like him who suffered from the nightmare. He mentions Wu You is painful because of love even if he walked out of the shadow. He wonders what he should do to make his son not feel painful.

Rong Le arrives at the Missing Tomb. General Xiang blocks her way. He reveals the emperor is in the tomb. But she wants to wait at the tomb. She wonders if Wu You is in the tomb. She mentions Wu Yu asked her to wait for Wu You. He refuses to leak it. She decides to wait there.

Rong Le takes a look at the tomb. She remembers the emperor slapped her when she was in the tomb. Wu You walks into his mother’s tomb. He mentions he thought everything is perfect until his mother and his master passed away. It flashes back. The emperor drinks with Consort Yun in the room. He thinks the wine Prime Minister Qin sent is good.

Consort Yun pours the emperor a drink. She persuades him not to suspect Prime Minister Qin. He drinks the wine and he feels uncomfortable. She takes him to the bed. She tries to summon the doctor. But the emperor cuts her from her back with a sword. It seems that he mistook her as Fu Yuan. Wu You walks into the room. He sees his father stabbing his mother. He calls his mother. It makes the emperor sober. Consort Yun passes away in his arms. Wu You cries.

We return to the present. Wu You admits to emperor that he hated him ever. But he didn’t hate him because he was wronged to make the mistake. He thinks his father has never faced his problem. He reveals he thought his father is a coward. But he realized that he cannot get together with Man Yao even if he loves her when they were locked up in the tomb.

He thinks he can do nothing sometimes. He tells the emperor that he cannot blame him because he’s not him. He doesn’t know his position as well. He mentions the people scolded him and Man Yuan when they knew nothing about them.

The emperor asks Wu You if he actually cannot forget Rong Le. He comforts him and he tells him that he understands his feelings. He walks out of the tomb and he sees Rong Le. The eunuch reports to him that Rong Le has waited for him for a long time.

The emperor walks to Rong Le. He asks her why she’s there. He asks her if she came to see Wu You and he asks her if she has feelings for Wu You. He asks her why she married Fu Chou since she likes Wu You. She reveals it’s the past even if she had feelings for Wu You.

She reports to the emperor that she came to see Wu You for letting Wu You help her. But he thinks it’s not the past to Wu You. He thinks she’s not a bad girl since she made Wu You falling for her. He trusts her and he lets her go to see Wu You. He asks her to take care of Wu You. Because he owed Wu You too much.

Rong Le walks into tomb. She sees Wu You. She walks to him and she greets him. He mentions it was previous life when they were there. She persuades him not to mention it since it was previous life. He introduces his mother to her.

She pays her respect to Consort Yun. She wonders why Wu You didn’t ask her why she came to the place. She tries to return to fan to him. But he refuses to accept it because he has given the fan to her. He gives the Qijue Herb to her. He tells her that it’s the first present of his mother.

Rong Le shows the Qijue Herb to Wu Yu. He mentions he told her that Wu You would give the herb to her if she asked him for it. She wonders why the herb was in the Missing Tomb. He reveals Consort Yun found the herb for Wu You when Wu You was poisoned.

He tells Rong Le that the herb was the present Consort Yun left to Wu You. She doesn’t want to accept the herb because she thinks it’s too precious. But he thinks she doesn’t have to do so. He reveals the herb cannot be saved once it leaves the ice coffin.

He lets her use it since she wants to save Ke Er. He persuades her not to let Wu You down. He reveals she’s the most precious one in Wu You’s heart. Fu Chou overhears it outside. Rong Le decides to treat it as Wu You saves Ke Er.

Wu Yu disagrees. He reminds Rong Le that Wu You gave the true heart to her. Fu Chou remembers he saw Wu You putting his clothes on Rong Le after the two walked out of the tomb. Fu Chou grabs his hand tightly. It bleeds. He tries to knock the door. But Rong Le and Wu Yu open the door.

Fu Chou sees the Qijue Herb on the table. Rong Le tells Wu Yu that she cannot send him off. But he decides to stay in the room. Fu Chou explains it to Wu Yu that he just came to take a look. He leaves. Rong Le sees the bloodstains on the floor.

Rong Le feeds Ke Er the herb soup. She tells her that she will live a long life. But Ke Er wants to eat good food. Xiao Sha gets on knees to Rong Le. He swears to be loyal to her. But she lets him stand up. She claims that she saved Ke Er not to his repaying.

Ke Er notes that Xiao Sha cried. She tries to take him to the Fragrant Tower. Ling Yue is surprised that Xiao Sha contacted the people in the power. Ke Er mentions men like the place most. Xiao Sha stops his younger sister. Ling Yue realizes that she misunderstood Xiao Sha.

Rong Le watches the petals fall. Chen Yu asks Rong Le if she’s unhappy because of something. Rong Le reveals she wants to live in Moon Tower. Chen Yu mentions Rong Le and the general’s relationship is cold. Rong Le thinks Fu Chou didn’t want to face the truth after the case of Cool Lake.

Rong Le decides not to disguise. Chen Yu persuades Rong Le not to make the decision because of the impulse. She thinks it will be hard to give up on the person since she has gotten used to it. But Rong Le thinks she will be hurt if she doesn’t give up.

She’s envy of Chen Yu’s life. She reveals she got some memories. She thinks it’s the time to leave. Chen Yu asks Rong Le to take her if she wants to leave. Ke Er shows up. She tries to see Rong Le. Rong Le asks Ke Er to see someone’s injury for her.

But Ke Er doesn’t want to see the person’s injury because he doesn’t want to live. Ling Yue shows up. Rong Le asks Ling Yue to take Ke Er to see the general. Ling Yue is surprised that Rong Le knew the general was hurt. She takes Ke Er away. Chen Yu volunteers to play a song for Rong Le. Rong Le agrees to it.

Ya Li visits Empress. She thanks her for giving the present to her. Empress asks Ya Li about her plan since her grandma’s birthday passed. Ya Li reveals she’s going to return to Blue State if she gets her father’s message. Empress isn’t happy. She persuades Ya Li to marry Wu You so that she can accompany her everyday.

Ya Li reveals Wu You didn’t visit her after the case of North Prince. Empress believes that Rong Le met with Wu You. But Ya Li knows Rong Le is a good girl. She reveals Rong Le was cold when she met with Wu You at the hotel. Empress comforts Ya Li that she won’t let the woman affect the marriage of her and Wu You.

She reveals she won’t take action from Wu You. She tries to go to the general’s mansion. But she runs into the emperor. He volunteers to go to the general’s mansion with her. Ling Yue takes Ke Er to see Fu Chou. But they’re blocked by the guards.

Ke Er thinks the guards are dogs. The guard is furious to push Ling Yue. Xiao Sha saves Ling Yue. He takes the two girls away. Ke Er wonders why Rong Le wanted to save Fu Chou since she’s sick. She decides to heal Rong Le. Rong Le plays the zither with Chen Yu in the yard.

She finds out that playing zither isn’t hard at all. Chen Yu thinks Rong Le is related to zither. Rong Le is happy to thank Chen Yu for making her happy. She wonders why Ling Yue and Ke Er doesn’t come back. She realizes that Ke Er brought trouble.

She intends to go to see Fu Chou. But Emperor and Empress visit her. She greets the two. Fu Chou shows up. He protects Rong Le. Empress mentions the rumor that Rong Le and Fu Chou don’t get along with each other well. She thinks the rumor isn’t true after she saw them.

Fu Chou agrees to what she said. He thinks others shouldn’t talk about him and Rong Le’s case. Ya Li mentions Rong Le is sick. Empress drinks with Emperor. She mentions she heard the music. She wishes to listen to Rong Le’s music. But Rong Le reveals she just learned the music.

SEE ALSO: Princess Silver: Episode 26 Recap

Ya Li volunteers to play zither with Fu Chou. Rong Le is against it. She volunteers to play zither for Ya Li. Empress mentions the people of Xichi are vulgar. She wants to listen to Rong Le’s music. Rong Le decides to speak for the people of Xiqi. It makes Empress get angry. Emperor mentions Rong Le scolded Wu You in the palace. He thinks she’s a diamond.

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