Our Blooming Youth K-Drama: Episode 17 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Our Blooming Youth K-Drama: Episode 17. Lee Hwan remembers Tae-Gang shot him in the woods. He realizes that there’re two Tae-Gang. Princess Hayeon and Prince Myungan arrive at the temple. Deok-Sim tells them to walk. Sung-On tails them.

Does Monk Moojin Kill Himself?

Our Blooming Youth

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Our Blooming Youth K-Drama: Episode 17.

Princess Hayeon meets with Monk Moojin in the hall. He asks her to let him stay with Prince Myungan alone. She walks out of the hall. She joins Deok-Sim. Deok-Sim sees the killer. She tells Princess Hayeon that she needs to go to restroom. She goes to see Tae-Gang. She smiles.

Myung-Jin wonders if Tae-Gang knows that he has a brother. Jae-Yi thinks Tae-Gang doesn’t know it because he and his brother were separated when they were children. Myung-Jin mentions Jae-Yi resolved a case. He asks her about it. She points at the peony petals.

SEE ALSO: Our Blooming Youth K-Drama: Episode 16 Recap & Ending

Monk Moojin lights the peony petals when Prince Myungan lies on the floor. Jae-Yi tells Myung-Jin that Shim Young believed that Jae-Yi is his lover because he was influenced by something. She leaks that the stuff is the opium. Myung-Jin mentions the opium can make a person lose his mind. Jae-Yi thinks peony petal is like opium which can control Shim Young.

Monk Moojin wonders why Prince Myungan feels painful. Prince Myungan confesses to Monk Moojin that he killed his older brother. He cries. Monk Moojin tells Prince Myungan that he didn’t give the peach to his older brother. Myung-Jin thinks peony petals can be used to control humans. Ga-Ram mentions what Monk Moojin said that the petals can only calm people down.

Myung-Jin tells Ga-Ram that his master doesn’t know everything. Sung-On stops the killer before the killer kills Princess Hayeon. Princess Hayeon remembers she asked Sung-On to protect her and Prince Myungan. Princess Hayeon cuts the killer’s arm from his back when he fights with Sung-On. Sung-On catches the chance to take off the killer’s mask. He’s shocked after he found out that the killer is Tae-Gang. Tae-Gang throws the sand to Sung-On. He runs away.

Deok-Sim runs into Tae-Gang. She cries after he left. She takes out a knife. She uses the knife to stab herself. Sung-On hears her crying when he takes care of Princess Hayeon. He goes to see her with Princess Hayeon. Princess Hayeon finds out that Deok-Sim was hurt. She helps her walk to Sung-On. Deok-Sim points at the hall.

Sung-On breaks into the hall. He puts his sword on Monk Moojin’s neck. He takes a look at the burner. He remembers what Jae-Yi told him that it’s weird that there were dried flowers in the burner. He asks Monk Moojin about his identity.

Monk Moojin mentions the ruler ruined the land and brought the blood to the land. He doesn’t regret for what he did. Sung-On asks Monk Moojin why he wanted to hurt the princess and the prince. Monk Moojin confesses to Sung-On that he did it for getting Song family to replace Lee family.

Monk Moojin thinks there will be a new king coming out from Song family. He uses Sung-On’s sword to kill himself. Deok-Sim cries. Myung-Jin finds out that Tae-Gang’s brother is involved in all of the cases. He decides to look into the guy.

Sung-On carries Prince Myungan to the palace. Lady Han is startled when she sees Deok-Sim’s wound. Sung-On tells Lady Han to report it to Queen. Lady Han leaves. Sung-On mentions Deok-Sim took the prince and the princess to the temple. He asks her if she knows Monk Moojin.

Deok-Sim explains to Sung-On that she just heard the tale of Monk Moojin from the maids. She didn’t expect that Monk Moojin would do that. Princess Hayeon reminds Sung-On that Deok-Sim needs to get treated. Lee Hwan mentions Jae-Yi smelled the incense. She points out that there wasn’t any person performing hypnosis on her.

Jae-Yi leaks that Monk Moojin appeared at her house. Lee Hwan thinks it wasn’t a coincidence that Monk Moojin met with Shim Young. Jae-Yi thinks Monk Moojin is one of their enemies. She asks Lee Hwan if he knows Tae-Gang has a twin.

Lee Hwan tells Jae-Yi that he doesn’t know Tae-Gang’s birth because the bodyguard was adopted. She tells him to ask Tae-Gang’s adoptive parents about Tae-Gang’s birth. But he tells her that Tae-Gang’s adoptive parents are him and Sung-On.

Sung-On remembers the killer’s face. He thinks the killer is Tae-Gang. Lee Hwan tells Jae-Yi that Tae-Gang knows nothing about his twin. She thinks the bodyguard came from Byeokcheon. She worries about it because the killer has the same face as Tae-Gang. Sung-On goes to see Lee Hwan. Eunuch So reports to Sung-On that Tae-Gang went to the library with Lee Hwan.

Our Blooming Youth K-Drama: Episode 17 Ending

Episode 17 of Our Blooming Youth K-Drama ends with Tae-Gang running into his brother at Jae-Yi’s house. He tries to walk to him. Tae-Gang’s brother stops Tae-Gang. He tells him to pretend to know nothing. Jae-Yi returns home. She sees the twins.

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