Our Blooming Youth K-Drama: Episode 16 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Our Blooming Youth K-Drama: Episode 16. Prince Myungan tells Prince Ui-Hyeon that he wouldn’t give the peach to him if he knew it would kill him. King wonders why Queen covered Prince Myungan’s hand.

Is the Wife of Song Family in the Palace?

Our Blooming Youth

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Our Blooming Youth K-Drama: Episode 16.

Princess Hayeon explains to King that Queen did it because Prince Myungan talked nonsense. She reveals it’s related to Prince Ui-Hyeon. King walks to Prince Myungan. He asks him if he actually saw Prince Ui-Hyeon. He puts his hand on his forehead. He finds out that he has a fever.

King thinks Prince Myungan saw the ghost because he’s sick. Jae-Yi places the brush on the desk. She remembers Princess Hayeon told her that Prince Myungan talked nonsense. Lee Hwan stares at the house. Tae-Gang wonders who will live in the house.

SEE ALSO: Our Blooming Youth K-Drama: Episode 15 Recap & Ending

Lee Hwan tells Tae-Gang that the house is for teaching. He sees Jae-Yi teaching in the house. Tae-Gang realizes that the woman is Jae-Yi. He wonders why Jae-Yi doesn’t join his fiance. Lee Hwan tells Tae-Gang that Jae-Yi preferred to live alone.

Tae-Gang asks Lee Hwan if Jae-Yi told him the reason. Lee Hwan remembers what Jae-Yi told him that she has feelings for someone. She smiles when he looks at her. He asks Tae-Gang if he saw Jae-Yi met with any guy. Tae-Gang points out that the guy Jae-Yi saw was Lee Hwan. But Lee Hwan excludes himself.

King tells Queen that he will let the doctor see Prince Myungan. He walks away. Queen feels uncomfortable. Princess Hayeon tells the maid to take Queen to her palace. But Queen wants to stay with Prince Myungan. She goes to see him and asks him if he gave a peach to Prince Ui-Hyeon. Prince Myungan cries to tell his mother that the peach was given by Won-Bo.

It flashes back. Won-Bo brings the peaches to Prince Myungan. Prince Myungan bites the peach. Won-Bo tells something to Prince Myungan. Prince Myungan goes to see Prince Ui-Hyeon. He shows his new clothes to him. Prince Ui-Hyeon thinks Prince Myungan hid someone in his clothes. Prince Myungan takes out the peaches from his sleeves. He hands over one of peaches to Prince Ui-Hyeon. Prince Ui-Hyeon eats the peach.

Prince Myungan tells Queen that the one who gave Prince Ui-Hyeon the peach was him. He thinks he killed his older brother. Queen tells Prince Myungan that he didn’t do anything wrong. She tells him to forget it. He cries in her arms.

Princess Hayeon goes to see Lee Hwan. Jae-Yi tells Princess Hayeon that Lee Hwan isn’t in his house. She reveals Lee Hwan went to the library. She adds that Lee Hwan doesn’t allow anyone to get into the library. Princess Hayeon thinks it’s a good thing for Lee Hwan. She tells Jae-Yi not to tell Lee Hwan that she came.

Princess Hayeon tells Jae-Yi that Prince Myungan gave the peach to Prince Ui-Hyeon. Jae-Yi thinks Prince Myungan didn’t intend to do that because he was a kid. But Princess Hayeon worries that Prince Myungan will be hurt. Jae-Yi thinks Princess Hayeon should tell the truth to Lee Hwan. She wonders why Princess Hayeon thought it’s a good thing that Lee Hwan isn’t in his palace.

Princess Hayeon leaks that Prince Myungan saw a snake coming out from the shaman’s body. She tells Jae-Yi to forget what she told her. Ga-Ram walks out of the house when Myung-Jin is thinking about something. She runs into Lee Hwan.

Lee Hwan hands over the fabric to Ga-Ram. He tells her to make some women’s clothes with the fabric for her and Jae-Yi. But she claims that she’s a man. Lee Hwan tells Ga-Ram that he knows her and Jae-Yi’s identities. He tells her to leave with Jae-Yi. He thinks she shouldn’t wear a man’s clothes too long.

Tae-Gang watches Lee Hwan. He turns around. He sees Man-Deok and Bok-Soon. The two tell Tae-Gang that he blocks their way. Lee Hwan shows up when Jae-Yi is thinking about Princess Hayeon’s words. She thinks he shouldn’t go out with Tae-Gang. Because she still doesn’t trust the bodyguard.

Lee Hwan points out that he returned without getting hurt. He tries to give the key of the house to Jae-Yi. But he remembers her smiling. He asks her about the man she loves. He wonders why she has feelings for the man. She reveals the man is very handsome. He thinks she shouldn’t choose a man through his looks.

Jae-Yi tells Lee Hwan that the man opened a path for her. He thinks the man only appears in novels. But she tells him that the man exists in the world. He’s furious to put the key into the drawer. He tells her to leave. He reveals he planned to give a present to her.

Won-Bo takes a look at the present Won-Oh gave him. He tells Won-Oh that he likes the present very much. Queen tells the maid Deok-Sim that she wants to kill Won-Bo. Deok-Sim comforts Queen that the day will come. Queen cries to tell Deok-Sim that she won’t forgive Won-Bo.

Won-Oh mentions the daughter of Han family will be the fiancee of Crown Prince. He thinks he shouldn’t let it happen. Won-Bo tells Won-Oh that he has a way to make Han family not support Crown Prince. He shows the poster of Jae-Yi to Won-Oh. But he doesn’t let him see Jae-Yi’s face.

Han-Seo shows up. Won-Oh is happy to see Han-Seo. Because Han-Seo saved him from Byeokcheon before. Han-Seo tells Won-Bo that Han-Soo threatened him that he will tell people the truth of Byeokcheon. Won-Oh is scared. Tae-Gang brings the evidence to Lee Hwan. He tells him that it proves that Han-Soo was related to Won-Bo.

Lee Hwan decides to go to meet with Han-Soo. He wants to know how much money he got from Won-Bo. Tae-Gang worries that Lee Hwan will be hurt by Jo family. Lee Hwan points out that Tae-Gang will protect him. Tae-Gang wonders why Lee Hwan trusts him.

Lee Hwan mentions Tae-Gang never let him down. Tae-Gang swears not to betray Lee Hwan. Won-Bo summons Gap-Soo. He tells him to go to look for Han-Soo. He mentions Han-Soo wished to meet with him. Ga-Ram makes dresses for her and Jae-Yi. She remembers the bodyguard recognized her and tried her to catch her.

Ga-Ram tells Dal-Rae that she wants to make some clothes for her and her brother. Dal-Rae points out that her parents bought them new clothes. Ga-Ram thinks it’s not a bad thing to Dal-Rae to have more clothes. She notes that Man-Deok intends to send goods to his hometown. She asks him about his hometown. He refuses to leak it.

Bok-Soon tells the two kids that Byeokcheon people aren’t bandits. Meo-Ru intends to tell people that Byeokcheon is his hometown. But Man-Deok is against it. He tells his children not to feel shame for coming from Byeokcheon. Dal-Rae thinks people hate the people who came from Byeokcheon.

Man-Deok disagrees to what Dal-Rae said. He mentions Lee Hwan accepted them even if he knew she came from Byeokcheon. Meo-Ru agrees to what Man-Deok said. He mentions Ga-Ram wished to make clothes for them. Dal-Rae reveals her friend was Oh-Wol. It makes Man-Deok and Bok-Soon cry.

Bok-Soon tells Dal-Rae that she’s Oh-Wol’s mother. She thinks Oh-Wol would be tall like Dal-Rae if she didn’t get killed. Man-Deok tells Dal-Rae that he knows her father. Meo-Ru wipes off Bok-Soon’s tears. She hugs him. Dal-Rae mentions her mother took her to pray to the fish. She reveals the person will go crazy if he eats the fish’s egg.

Jae-Yi runs into the beauties. The eunuch mentions the daughter of Han family was chosen to be Crown Prince’s fiancee. Jae-Yi sees Tae-Gang. She follows him. But he’s missing when she’s bumped by the maid. She sees Tae-Gang again. She asks him if he went to the kitchen. He denies it.

Gap-Soo tails Han-Soo. He mentions he wants to meet with Won-Bo. Han-Soo tells Gap-Soo to take him to see Won-Bo. But Gap-Soo puts his sword on Han-Soo’s neck. Han-Soo leaks that the daughter of Song family is alive. Gap-Soo kills Han-Soo.

Tae-Gang walks out of the house. He reports to Lee Hwan that Han-Soo left. Lee Hwan intends to go to Han-Soo’s house. He walks away with Tae-Gang. The two run into Han-Soo on the street. They find out that the guy was stabbed. Tae-Gang wakes Han-Soo up.

Lee Hwan asks Han-Soo who stabbed him. Han-Soo reveals the daughter of Song family is in the palace. He passes away. Won-Bo laughs after knowing the woman of Song family came out of his house. He thinks Han-Soo told Gap-Soo a lie.

Prince Myungan tells Princess Hayeon that he saw the ghost of Prince Ui-Hyeon. Princess Hayeon goes to see Queen. She tells her that she will protect her and Prince Myungan. She mentions she helped her after her real mother passed away. She tells her that she’s her real mother in her mind. It makes Queen tear up.

Princess Hayeon walks out of Queen’s palace. She tells Deok-Sim to take care of Queen. She walks away. Deok-Sim goes to see Queen. She worries that Princess Hayeon will ruin their plan. Queen promises to take care of Princess Hayeon.

Lee Hwan remembers what Man-Shik told him that Byeokcheon people weren’t bandits. He thinks Won-Oh told a lie to King. Jae-Yi mentions what Han-Soo said that the wife of Song family is in the palace. Lee Hwan thinks the woman changed her identity.

Our Blooming Youth K-Drama: Episode 16 Ending

Episode 16 of Our Blooming Youth K-Drama ends with Prince Myungan telling Princess Hayeon that he’s scared when they’re in the carriage. She wipes off his sweat and tells him to trust her. Queen is in her palace. She worries about Princess Hayeon.

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