Only for Love: Episode 33 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Only for Love: Episode 33. Zheng Shuyi looks at the kiss mark on her neck when Shi Yan falls asleep on the couch. She smiles. He joins her and wonders why she stands in front of the mirror. She reveals she’s enjoying her beauty.

Why Doesn’t Tang Yi Get Together with Guan Xiangcheng?

Only for Love

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Only for Love: Episode 33.

Shi Yan enjoys Zheng Shuyi’s beauty. He tries to leave her house. He wonders if she wishes him to sleep over at her house when she intends to keep him. She denies it and thinks she will lose her boyfriend if he’s missing. He promises not to let her lose her boyfriend.

She calls him when he’s having breakfast with his family. She tells him that she misses him. Chairman Shi learns that his son has a girlfriend. Shi Yan admits it. Chairman Shi tells Shi Yan to take his girlfriend home. Zheng Shuyi meets with Tang Yi.

Tang Yi thinks Zheng Shuyi gained a lot from the business trip. Zheng Shuyi admits it. Tang Yi realizes that Zheng Shuyi is in love. She tells her not to delay the work no matter who he is. Zheng Shuyi comforts Tang Yi that love and work are very important to her.

She reveals she was very happy when she stayed with the guy. She wonders when Tang Yi will have a sweet love. Tang Yi tells Zheng Shuyi not to tease her. She thinks she’s aged. Zheng Shuyi tells Tang Yi to chase the guy if she likes him. She leaves her office.

Tang Yi meets with Guan Ji at the teahouse. He pours her a tea. He mentions the tea Phoenix Daffodil. He reveals his father told him many times that she likes the tea. He reminds her that Guan Xiangcheng cares for her very much. He thinks she should get together with his father because they’re powerful. She explains to him that his father thought he owes him a lot. He realizes that she thought she cannot repay him if he gets together with Guang Xiangcheng.

Will Chen Kang Work with Yi Yang?

Guan Ji realizes that Guan Xiangcheng is very important to Tang Yi as well. He mentions his father accompanied him to ride horse even if he was very busy. He reveals his father cared for his love life until he took over the company.

He thinks Guan Xiangcheng doesn’t owe him anything. He wishes Tang Yi to give Guan Xiangcheng a chance when Guan Xiangcheng intends to give his love to her. She thanks him for saying such words to her. She reveals she worried about it because she loves his father very much.

She is surprised that he appointed her first. She thinks she has to give Guan Xiangcheng an explanation. Fiona asks Shi Yan about Le An. She reveals President Mo went to see her father before President Mo left. Shi Yan admits that Le An had a hard time.

Fiona volunteers to go to persuade her father. But Shi Yan doesn’t want to bring trouble to President Tian. He reveals he’s going to have a talk with Chen Kang. Bruce tells Yi Yang that he needs more helpers. Yi Yang visits Chen Kang when Chen Kang is talking with Shi Yan.

Shi Yan tries to leave when he sees Yi Yang. But Yi Yang keeps Shi Yan. He asks him to listen to what he and Chen Kang say. Yi Yang tells Chen Kang that he wants to buy Le An. Chen Kang is furious to tell Yi Yang that it’s impossible. He reminds him that he hurt Le An. Yi Yang asks Shi Yan to help him persuade Chen Kang. He leaves Chen Kang’s office.

Does Zheng Shuyi Worry that She Will Lose Shi Yan?

Shi Yan comes to pick up Zheng Shuyi. She finds out that he didn’t bring any flower to her. She tells him to take her to the airport because she treats him as her personal driver. He takes her to the airport. He takes out the flowers.

She’s surprised that the driver is good at giving her surprises. She gets a call from Bi Ruoshan. Bi Ruoshan reports to Zheng Shuyi that she ran into Song Yuelan. Zheng Shuyi tells Bi Ruoshan to wait for her. She returns the flowers to Shi Yan. She runs away.

Song Yuelan is surrounded by the fans. She gets in the car. She says goodbye to the fans. Zheng Shuyi sees Song Yuelan off. She thinks she’s very pretty. Bi Ruoshan reveals Song Yuelan concealed her marriage. Zheng Shuyi promises to cut her head if Song Yuelan concealed her marriage.

Shi Yan helps Bi Ruoshan put her suitcase into the trunk. He asks Zheng Shuyi if she likes Song Yuelan very much. She admits it. He mentions what she said that she only likes him. She’s surprised that he’s jealous of a woman. She remembers he likes Song Yuelan as well. She reveals there were many records of Song Yuelan at his house.

Zheng Shuyi mentions she only had a chance to be close to Song Yuelan. She asks Shi Yan to understand her. But he refuses to understand her. He claims that he’s unreasonable. She worries that he will fix his life path one day. Because he forgave her even if she told a lie to him.

They return home. Shi Yan notes that Zheng Shuyi isn’t happy. He hugs her from her back. He asks her what happened. She reveals she fears that he’s still in anger. She thinks he should trick her and dump her. He grabs her hand and bites her hand.

She asks him not to trick her because she doesn’t like the feelings that she get tricked. He kisses her. She confesses to him that she likes him very much. He asks her to prove it. She wonders if he needs her heart. He asks her to let Yi Yang return Bruce to Le An.

SEE ALSO: Only for Love: Episode 32 Recap & Ending

Episode 33 of Only for Love ends with Tang Yi asking Zheng Shuyi if her boyfriend is aged. Zheng Shuyi get angry. Tang Yi asks Zheng Shuyi if the rumor is true. Zheng Shuyi tells Tang Yi that she doesn’t want to tell her personal matters to her.

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