Only for Love: Episode 31 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Only for Love: Episode 31. Qin Shiyue sends a fish photo to Shi Yan. She tells him that her aunt will be eaten by someone. She mentions Yi Yang is nice to Zheng Shuyi. He drives to Zheng Shuyi’s house. He looks at her house from his car.

Is Zheng Shuyi Sick?

Only for Love

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Only for Love: Episode 31.

Zheng Shuyi sleeps in the bed. She finds out that she has a fever. Shi Yan tries to leave. But he sees her walking out of her house. He calls her before she leaves. He gets off his car when he holds an umbrella. He stands in the rain.

The two look at each other. Shi Yan asks Zheng Shuyi where she’s going to go. He reveals she intends to go to hospital because she’s sick. He tells her to get in his car. She gets in his car. She wonders why he appeared at her house.

She thinks he wished to see her. She believes that it wasn’t an encounter. But she’s not qualified to ask him the question. She tears up. He hands over the tissue to her when he drives. She arrives at the hospital. He covers her eyes when the nurse takes her blood. Because he knows she fears it.

Shi Yan asks Zheng Shuyi why she cried. She denies it. She believes that she would watch stars with him if it didn’t happen. She’s surprised that she’s in the hospital. He agrees to what she said. He thinks she would be in his house.

Will Shi Yan Meet with Fiona?

Yu You watches the stars with Qin Shiyue on the top of the mountain. He thinks the view is beautiful. He tells her that he took her to the place because he thought the place makes sense. She reveals she likes the place as well. She tells him that she plans to become a graduate student. She asks him for a present.

He takes out a present. He opens the present. She sees an anchor necklace. She wonders why he wishes to give the necklace to her. He reveals he was like a boat. He tells her that she made him stop. But she worries that she cannot go further.

It makes him nervous. She laughs to tell him that she was just kidding. She asks him to put the necklace on her. He puts the necklace on her. He kisses her face. He reveals the kiss is what he owed her. She kisses him back. The doctor gives some medicine to Zheng Shuyi.

Zheng Shuyi leaves the doctor’s office. She finds out that Shi Yan is missing. She’s lost. She runs into him. She finds out that he went to get water for her. He takes her home. He gets a call from Fiona. She asks him for a meeting up.

Zheng Shuyi wakes up. She asks Shi Yan if he’s going to meet with the girl. She tries to get off his car. He stops her when he grabs her hand. He asks her if she wishes him to meet with the girl. She tells him that she doesn’t wish him to go to see the girl.

Qin Shiyue calls Zheng Shuyi when Zheng Shuyi is in the hospital. She tells her that she wishes to come back to work. Zheng Shuyi wonders if Shi Yan agreed to it. Qin Shiyue reveals she didn’t ask Shi Yan about it because he’s busy.

She asks Zheng Shuyi to have dinner with her. Zheng Shuyi rejects it because she’s sick. Qin Shiyue sighs in front of Shi Yan when he’s having breakfast. She reveals Zheng Shuyi is very poor when she’s in the hospital alone. He goes to the hospital to accompany Zheng Shuyi.

Does Zheng Shuyi Explain the Misunderstanding to Shi Yan?

Shi Yan puts his suit on her when she falls asleep on the couch. She wakes up and sees him. She mentions what she told him not to leave home. But he tells her that she’s the calamity of him. The lady hears the talk. She blames the two for showing off their love in the hospital.

Zheng Shuyi returns the suit to Shi Yan. She wishes him not to catch the suit. But he catches it and he wears it. She tells him that she cannot walk. So he carries her. He wonders if she believes that he will be tricked by her method.

She claims that she’s just weak. He tells her to continue to act. She denies it and reveals she doesn’t know when she fell for him. She tells him that she wishes to have a perfect ending with him. He drives her home. She remembers she rejected him when he wished to take her home. She thinks it was their first meeting up.

But he tells her that it wasn’t their first meeting up. But she cannot remember their first meeting up. She returns home. She receives a message from Qin Shiyue. Qin Shiyue asks Zheng Shuyi if she recovers. Zheng Shuyi thanks Qin Shiyue for her caring.

She asks her for the WeChat of Shi Yan. She explains to her that she deleted Shi Yan by mistake. Qin Shiyue doesn’t believe it. She sends the WeChat of Shi Yan to Zheng Shuyi. Zheng Shuyi texts Shi Yan. She tells him that she thinks she’s his type. But he sends her previous messages to her.

President Tian has a meeting with Shi Yan. He persuades him to quit from Le An. But Shi Yan thinks it’s not the best choice. But President Tian doesn’t want to buy the mistake. Shi Yan promises to resolve the problem with Chen Kang.

Zheng Shuyi returns to the magazine. Nan Nan finds out that Zheng Shuyi is more prettier than before after she was sick. Yi Yang is waiting for Zheng Shuyi. She tells him that she wishes to have a talk with him. He invites her to have a dinner with him.

SEE ALSO: Only for Love: Episode 30 Recap & Ending

Episode 31 of Only for Love ends with Tang Yi calling Guang Xiangcheng when he’s drinking with Guan Ji. He goes to see him and he treats her wound. She reveals she tripped when she took a bath. He tells her that he wishes to accompany her so that he can take care of her.

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