Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 4 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 4. Nan Nan reports to Zheng Shuyi that Xu Yuling interviewed Shi Yan. She complains to her that Xu Yuling stole her outline. Zhi Shuyi thinks Shi Yan knew the outlines are the same. But he answered the questions twice.

Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 4 Recap

Only for Love Chinese Drama

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 4.

Nan Nan thinks Xu Yuling is a liar. The girls flatter Xu Yuling after knowing she interviewed Shi Yan. Xu Yuling thinks it’s nothing. She tells the two to work hard. Zheng Shuyi glares at Xu Yuling. She wonders how many mistakes she made in front of Shi Yan.

Nan Nan comforts Zheng Shuyi that Shi Yan is a good person. But Zheng Shuyi doesn’t understand Shi Yan. Chen Sheng brings the report to Shi Yan. He wonders if he’s going to invest in Le An. He’s surprised that Le An got the money. Yue Xingzhou runs into Zheng Shuyi on the street.

He volunteers to give her a ride. She rejects it. He reveals the car was bought by his girlfriend Le Zhi. He adds that he’s going to work for Ming Yu. Bi Ruoshan shows up. She tells Yue Xingzhou to be a driver. He drives away. Zheng Shuyi laughs to praise Bi Ruoshan.

Bi Ruoshan mocks Yue Xingzhou for dreaming to drive the expensive car. Zheng Shuyi remembers Shi Yan thought she wanted to take the expensive car. She complains to Bi Ruoshan that her outline got stolen even if she worked hard. Bi Ruoshan reminds Zheng Shuyi that there’s no man resisting on her because she has a good looking face.

The two go to the restaurant. Bi Ruoshan reveals she appointed Situ Yi for Zheng Shuyi. She tells Zheng Shuyi that Situ Yi wouldn’t agree to meet with her if she didn’t lend her clothes to her when they were in school. Zheng Shuyi hugs Bi Ruoshan for thanking her.

She mentions she bought her a meal. Bi Ruoshan smiles. She mentions she couldn’t bear Zheng Shuyi’s expression. She wonders if Shi Yan likes to play love game. Zheng Shuyi points out that she needs to take back her headline. She reveals she wants to prove that she can do the digital magazine.

Mr. Chen visits Shi Yan. He tells him that he wishes to talk about the investment with him. But Shi Yan needs sometime to think about it. He promises to give him an answer. Bi Ruoshan reminds Zheng Shuyi that she needs to take the new content if she wants to defeat Xu Yuling.

But Zheng Shuyi points out that she needs to meet with Shi Yan if she wants to get the new content. Bi Ruoshan thinks Zheng Shuyi and Shi Yan are friends because they rode horse together. Zheng Shuyi disagrees to what Bi Ruoshan said because she doesn’t have Shi Yan’s WeChat.

She mentions Shi Yan is weird. Bi Ruoshan reminds Zheng Shuyi that she fights for her digital magazine. She gets a call from a man. Zheng Shuyi realizes that there was a man having feelings for Bi Ruoshan again. She wonders if Bi Ruoshan has feelings for a man since there’s many men chasing her.

Bi Ruoshan tells Zheng Shuyi that the trick cannot get her. She reveals the man made the chance to meet her through leaving his stuff at her house. Zheng Shuyi remembers she left something at Shi Yan’s place. Bi Ruoshan thinks it’s a good chance to see Shi Yan.

Zheng Shuyi calls Shi Yan. She mentions she left her earring in his car. She asks him to look for the earring when he holds the earring. But he tells her that he doesn’t see her earring. She reminds him that the earring is very important to her.

She reveals the earring was given by her grandma. He wonders why she wore the earring. She explains to him that she wore the earring for interviewing him. He tells her that he has seen her wedding present. But he points out that the earring was made by plastic.

But she points out that the earring was a treasure to her family even if it was made by plastic. He lets Chen Sheng send the earring to Zheng Shuyi. But Zheng Shuyi is against it. She tells Chen Sheng that she wants to come to take her earring.

Bi Ruoshan blames Zheng Shuyi for wearing a pair of plastic earrings to see Shi Yan. But Zheng Shuyi thinks she did nothing wrong. Bi Ruoshan thinks Shi Yan has feelings for Zheng Shuyi because he intended to send the earring to her.

Zheng Shuyi is shocked. Shi Yan sends the address of his house to her. Bi Ruoshan tells Zheng Shuyi not to go to see Shi Yan. But Zheng Shuyi rejects it. Because she needs to tell her plan to Shi Yan. She runs out of the restaurant.

SEE ALSO: Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

Shi Yan returns home. Qin Shiyue is surprised that he came back. She mentions he appointed Guan Ji. He claims that it’s his house. He tells her to go to her grandpa’s place if she doesn’t want to see him. He tells her to go to her room. Zheng Shuyi walks into Shi Yan’s house. She finds out that he’s reading the book.

Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 4 Ending

Episode 4 of Only for Love Chinese Drama ends with Tang Yi giving the resume of the intern to Zheng Shuyi. She tells her to accept the intern. Zheng Shuyi asks Tang Yi to give the intern to other teams. But Tang Yi tells Zheng Shuyi that she arranged the intern for her.

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