Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 3. The secretary reports to Shi Yan that the reporter of the magazine comes. Shi Yan tells the secretary to let the reporter in. Xu Yuling walks into his office. She greets him.

Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 3 Recap

Only for Love Chinese Drama

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 3.

Xu Yuling explains to Shi Yan that Zheng Shuyi asked her to interview him because Zheng Shuyi had a business. He asks her to let him take a look at her outline before she interviews him. She hands over her outline to him. Zheng Shuyi arrives Shi Yan’s company.

She’s surprised that Xu Yuling’s name is on the list. She runs into Chen Sheng. She asks him about the interview of Shi Yan. But he mentions what her colleague told him that she asked her to replace her to interview Shi Yan. She apologizes to him.

The door opens. Shi Yan walks out of his office. He ignores Zheng Shuyi. She mentions he promised her the interview. But Chen Sheng tells Zheng Shuyi that the interview has ended. She reveals she has expected the interview for a long time.

She asks Shi Yan to give her a chance. She adds that she wishes to know the future of Yun Chuang. He turns around and asks her about her questions. She tells the questions to him. She believes that he wishes the media to know more about Yun Chuang. He lets her follow him.

Zheng Shuyi gets in the elevator with Shi Yan. He gets a call from Qin Shiyue. He doesn’t pick up her phone. So she calls Chen Sheng. She asks him to let Shi Yan pick up the phone. Shi Yan lets Chen Sheng tell Qin Shiyue not to show up in front of him if she doesn’t listen to him.

Chen Sheng arrives at the parking lot with Shi Yan. He reports to him that Mr. Fan is waiting for him in the business car. Shi Yan tells Chen Sheng to let Mr. Fan come because he thinks Zheng Shuyi prefers the car. He tells Zheng Shuyi to interview him in the car.

He mentions what she said to use the time in the car. She agrees to it. Mr. Fan shows up. Shi Yan gets in the car. Zheng Shuyi is surprised that she’s going to interview Shi Yan in such a way. She gets in the car as well. She remembers what Bi Ruoshan told her that Shi Yan is a man even if he’s outstanding.

She tries to touch Shi Yan’s hand. But he takes away his hand. He tells Mr. Fan to open the window after knowing Zheng Shuyi isn’t cold. She feels cold and she offers to talk something else before they begin the interview. He agrees to it. He introduces himself to her.

She wonders why he left Mingyu Group. She asks him if his father supported his decision. It flashes back. Chairman Shi tells Shi Yan that he wants to give Mingyu Group to him. But Shi Yan thinks his brother-in-law is suitable more than him.

Chairman Shi points out that Shi Yan is his son. Shi Yan thinks his brother-in-law belongs to Shi family as well. He tells his father that he wants to do something that makes sense. Chairman Shi reminds Shi Yan that the path is very hard. Shi Yan points out that there should be someone taking the path. Chairman Shi gives his car to Shi Yan.

Zheng Shuyi arrives at the house. Shi Yan tells her to leave. She wonders how does she leave. She plans to take his car to leave. She follows him and asks him if he has a girlfriend. Guan Xiangcheng shows up. Zheng Shuyi runs to him. She introduces herself to him.

He’s surprised that she knows him. She reveals her teacher mentioned him. She adds that there was a photo of him at her magazine. He remembers the articles she wrote. He’s surprised that she’s very young. He tells Shi Yan that he didn’t prepare anything because he mistook that he would come alone.

He reveals Shi Yan never brought little girl to him. Shi Yan tries to explain it. But she finds out that the horses are beautiful. Guan Xiangcheng tells Zheng Shuyi that there’s many beautiful horses inside. He asks Shi Yan to take Zheng Shuyi to see the horses.

Zheng Shuyi walks to Shi Yan. She mentions Guan Xiangcheng let her in. He takes her to the horse house. He tells her that he’s going to get in the house to get changed. She decides to wait for him. Guan Xiangcheng shows up with a horse.

He wonders how long Zheng Shuyi has known Shi Yan. He asks her if she can ride horse. He tells her to wear his wife’s riding clothes. He takes her to walk into the house. She runs into Shi Yan. She avoids him. Guan Xiangcheng gives his wife’s riding clothes to Zheng Shuyi. He leaves.

SEE ALSO: Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

Zheng Shuyi asks Shi Yan to teach her how to wear the belt when he tries to leave. He realizes that she intends to trick him. He leaves. She tells herself not to give up. She walks out of the horse house. She sees him stroking the horse.

Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 3 Ending

Episode 3 of Only for Love Chinese Drama ends with Tang Yi praising Zheng Shuyi after she saw her article. Zheng Shuyi reveals she wishes to put Shi Yan’s audio into the digital magazine. But Tang Yi points out that there’s nobody making the audio.

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