Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 20 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 20. Qin Shiyue returns home. She thinks Yu You would give her a ride if she didn’t drive. She swears not to drive if she sees him next time. Shi Yan hugs Zheng Shuyi. She thinks she can know what he thinks because she’s his girlfriend.

How Does Qin Shiyue Know Zheng Shuyi Has No Feelings for Yu You?

Only for Love

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Only for Love Chinese Drama: Episode 20.

Zheng Shuyi gets a call from her mother. She’s happy to tell her mother that she had a great day. Her mother Madam Wang tells her to get along well with Yu You. Zheng Shuyi isn’t happy. She tries to hang up. Madam Wang stops Zheng Shuyi.

She mentions she just talked with Dean Chen. She reveals Dean Chen supported Zheng Shuyi and Yu You. She tells Zheng Shuyi go to to the exhibition with Yu You. But Zheng Shuyi wants to talk about it later. She hangs up. She goes to her room. She looks at herself in the mirror.

She finds out that her makeup is very little. Shi Yan leaves her house. Qin Shiyue texts Shi Yan. She tells him that she has booked the tickets of the exhibition. He wants to send the money to her. She complains to Only for Love Chinese Drama Episode 20 that Yu You’s message is so polite.

Shi Yan returns home. Qin Shiyue thinks there’s something good happening to him. She asks him to tell the good news to her. But he tells her not to care for it. She sees the lipstick mark on his lips. He tells her to rest early. He returns to his room. She’s surprised that he was kidding to her after she tricked him.

He walks out of his room. He greets her when she’s having breakfast. She goes to the magazine. Zheng Shuyi greets her as well. Qin Shiyue wonders why everyone is very happy. Yi Yang reads the interview of Shi Yan when he’s on the plane. He finds out that the reporter was Zheng Shuyi.

Nan Nan walks into the office. She complains to Zheng Shuyi that she didn’t sleep well because of the house leaking. She reveals she has no place to stay because her house needs to be redecorated. She notes that Zheng Shuyi wore eyeliner.

Guan Ji has a meeting with Shi Yan. He finds out that Shi Yan is smiling. Yu You thinks Shi Yan is in a good mood. Guan Ji asks Shi Yan to share the good thing he encountered. Zheng Shuyi is having lunch. She gets a message from Shi Yan.

Shi Yan asks Zheng Shuyi if she had lunch. She takes a photo of her food. She sends the photo to him. She tells him that she’s enjoy full meal. But he thinks she didn’t eat well. He promises to provide good food for her. She’s happy to agree to it.

Qin Shiyue joins Zheng Shuyi. She mistakes that she’s talking with Yu You. Zheng Shuyi denies it. She claims that she just treats Yu You as her friend. Qin Shiyue is happy to tell Zheng Shuyi that she’s not suitable for Yu You. She recommends the little uncle to her.

Zheng Shuyi thinks Qin Shiyue is match for Yu You according to what Qin Shiyue said. Qin Shiyue is very happy. Bi Ruoshan walks out of her company. Guan Ji is waiting for her. She tells him that she made an appointment with someone.

He asks her to have dinner with him because he wishes to tell something to her. The colleague passes by. She smiles to greet Bi Ruoshan. She walks away because she thought Guan Ji is Bi Ruoshan’s boyfriend. Bi Ruoshan gets in Guan Ji’s car.

What Happens to Kong Nan and Chen Sheng?

Guan Ji takes out the roses. Bi Ruoshan takes over the roses from him. Chen Sheng walks Nan Nan. He calls her Reporter Kong. He reveals he asked her about it after he knew she wanted to rent a house. She feels happy after she heard the good news. She tells him to call her Older Sister Nan.

But he’s shy. She tells him to call her Kong Nan instead. He takes her to see the house. She worries that the house will be expensive. He promises to talk about it with his classmate. She looks around the house. She likes the house very much.

But she thinks the price is too expensive. Chen Sheng’s classmate tells Kong Nan that they can talk about the price. He reveals Chen Sheng has tangled him. Chen Sheng coughs. His classmate understands what he means. He laughs.

Kong Nan and Chen Sheng leave Chen Sheng’s classmate’s house. Kong Nan thanks Chen Sheng for helping her. She tries to leave. He says goodbye to her. But she turns around. He explains to her that his classmate likes to be kidding. She wonders if he has no feelings for her.

He tells her that he wishes her to be his girlfriend. She reminds him that she’s older than him. She mentions her mother asked her to get married. She tells him that she doesn’t have time to play with a younger brother. She asks him to have a plan to get married with her if he wants to get together with her. He agrees to it. She tells him to have dinner with her.

Zheng Shuyi texts Shi Yan. She asks him if he had dinner. He denies it. Chen Shen brings the dinner to Shi Yan. Zheng Shuyi asks Shi Yan if he received the dinner. He thanks her for buying him the dinner. Guan Ji has dinner with Bi Ruoshan at the restaurant.

He tells her that he wishes to watch movie with her. But she wonders what’s their relationship. He cannot give the answer to her. She decides to leave. She tells him not to take her home. She tells him to think about what he wants.

Episode 20 of Only for Love ends with Zheng Shuyi asking Chen Sheng to let her see Shi Yan. He reveals Shi Yan just left. Shi Yan drinks at home. He receives a message from Zheng Shuyi. Zheng Shuyi tells Shi Yan that she’s going to visit him.

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