One Piece Live Action Episode 1: Luffy Eats the Devil Fruit

In the episode 1 of One Piece Live Action, Shanks dresses Luffy’s wound. He thinks he was very luck that he didn’t hurt his eyes. But Luffy tells Shanks that he targeted his eyes. Shanks mentions what Luffy told him that he’s touch.

Luffy Eats Up the Devil Fruit

One Piece Live Action

Luffy admits it. He tells Shanks not to stitch his wound well. Because he wants to show his scar to everyone. But Shanks tells Luffy that scars cannot help him be a man. Luffy asks Shanks to let him be a pirate of his ship. He intends to show his face in his wanted poster.

But Shanks tells Luffy that his ship has an anchor. Luffy is furious to kick Shanks’s treasure. He finds a box from the treasure. He opens the box and finds the devil fruit. He smells the devil fruit. He eats the devil fruit up. The guy walks into the bar. Shanks gives his wine to him. But the guy breaks the glass.

Shanks cleans the glass. The guy has to leave. It makes Shanks’s team members laugh. Luffy blames the people for their laughing. He thinks Shanks shouldn’t let the guy bully him. But Shanks points out that the guy just spilled a drink on him.

Luffy thinks Shanks should give the guy a lesson. But Shanks doesn’t want to use his powerful to resolve the problem. He thinks a man should be good. But Luffy tells Shanks that he’s not a man. Shanks mentions what he told Luffy that he’s not ready. Luffy is furious to leave. Shanks holds Luffy’s hand to stop him. He finds out that he can stretch his arm. He releases him. Luffy trips. Shanks asks Luffy about what he did.

Luffy tells Koby that he ate the Gum Gum Devil Fruit. He reveals he can turn his body into rubber. He shows it to him. He tells him that they’re going to go to Grand Line. But Koby points out that they need a map. He regrets for leaving Alvida.

Koby tells Luffy that he wants to be a dumb. Luffy slaps Koby. Koby has to confess to Luffy that he wants to be a Marine. Luffy promises to help Koby achieve his dream because they shared a meal. He intends to go to the Marine base to get the map. He wants to take a break before he does it. He tells Koby not to worry about it.

Nami wakes up from the coat. She asks the two guys to help her. She reveals she was robbed by the pirates. But the guys go to her boat to take her treasure. They find out that the box is empty. Nami catches the chance to take the two’s ship. She takes out her map. She smiles.

Zoro Protects the Little Girl Rika

Luffy and Koby arrive in Shells Town. Luffy takes a look at the wanted posters. He doesn’t expect that there were so many pirates. But Koby is scared to step back when he sees the wanted posters. Luffy takes Koby to the restaurant. He tells him that he’s going to catch a bird to fly into the base.

Koby tells Luffy to lower his voice because there’re many marines at the restaurant. Zoro shows up. He puts Mr. 7 on the chair. He buys himself and Mr. 7 drinks. The young Marine walks to Nami. He wants to buy her a drink. But she chooses the old one.

The little girl brings the rice balls to Zoro. He learns that she made the rice balls on her own. He asks her about the brown stuff. She leaks that it’s chocolate. The little girl Rika bumps the guy. He’s furious to step on the rice ball.

Rika apologizes to the guy. He tells her that he won’t forgive her next time. But Zoro picks up the rice ball. He tastes the food and tells Rika that it’s very delicious. It makes her smile. Zoro tells the guy to apologize to Rika.

The guy laughs to ask Zoro if he knows who he is. Zoro thinks the guy is a shithead Marine. The Marine is furious to pull out his sword. He tells Zoro that he needs one of his swords. Zoro beats the Marine. Other Marines come to help the Marine.

The old Marine plans to help the Marine. But he’s stunned by Nami. Zoro catches the Marine. The Marine asks Zoro for his mercy. He tells him that his father Captain Morgan is going to give everything he wants to him. Zoro takes the Marine to see Captain Morgan.

Zoro Is Arrested by Captain Morgan

Captain Morgan is going to arrest Zoro. But Zoro tells Captain Morgan that the first one who touches him will be killed. The Marine thinks Zoro doesn’t respect him. But Captain Morgan beats his son. He tells Zoro that he wishes him to join him.

But Zoro rejects it. Luffy thinks of Zoro’s fight. He thinks Zoro is great. Koby is surprised that Zoro saved the little girl. Luffy thinks there’re good people in Marines. He thinks Koby will be a good Marine. Koby realizes what Alvida said is right that he knows nothing about the world.

Luffy thinks he needs some helpers to steal the map. Koby mistakes that Luffy wishes him to seal the map for him. Luffy denies it. But he asks Koby to drive the boat for him. Captain Morgan’s son goes to see Zoro. He laughs when he sees Zoro getting tied up.

Zoro tells Captain Morgan’s son that he’s going to get him to beg him if he gets down. But Captain Morgan’s son doesn’t believe that his father will let Zoro leave. He tells Zoro that he will be dead in the yard. Nami follows the Marines to get in the base.

Luffy shows up from the sewer. He sees Zoro and recognizes him. He wonders how did Zoro get arrested since he’s a powerful swordsman. Zoro tells Luffy that he gave up himself. Luffy thinks Zoro had his reasons to do that. He mentions he protected the little girl. He thinks he’s a good man.

Luffy introduces himself to Zoro. He invites him to join his crew. Zoro laughs. He wonders why Luffy thinks he’s going to join him. Luffy mentions Zoro is a good fighter. He thinks their team will be great if Zoro joins him. But Zoro tells Luffy that he’s a pirate hunter.

Zoro tells Luffy that he promised someone to be a great swordsman. Luffy goes to untie Zoro. But Zoro tells Luffy that he won’t join him even if he saves him. Luffy tells Zoro that it’s fine. He gets into the sewer and asks him to close the stuff for him.

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