One and Only Chinese Drama: Episode 15 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for One and Only Chinese Drama: Episode 15. Huai Yang comes to say goodbye to Zhou Shengchen. He reveals he has prepared the carriage for her. He adds that the two generals will send her to Yong City.

One and Only Chinese Drama: Episode 15 Recap

One and Only Chinese Drama

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for One and Only Chinese Drama: Episode 15.

But Huai Yang wishes to see the kid of Gao family. She reveals Pingqin Prince told it to her. She adds that Pingqin Prince told her the truth when he comforted her. She wishes to see the kid. But Zhou Shengchen worries that the kid will find the truth if Huai Yang goes to see him.

She mentions she has seen all of his students. She asks him to tell her which student is the kid. But he tells her that he won’t tell it to anyone because he was asked by his best friend. Huai Yang thanks Zhou Shengchen for Gao family.

She realizes that he avoided her for two days for the girl. He admits it. Cui Shiyi runs into Xiao Yan. She wonders why he’s outside the archery range. She sees Huai Yang. Huai Yang promises to put down her ambition. She tells Zhou Shengchen to take care of himself. She leaves.

Zhou Shengchen is surprised that the guy wishes to guard the deer house. The guy tells Zhou Shengchen to let him make the decision. Xiao Yan wonders where deer house is. The guy reveals the deer house is at the border. Cui Shiyi comes to see the guy Xie Yun.

She wonders why he doesn’t stay in West State. He tells her to respect his choice. She tells him not to go to deer house because there’re many enemies. He claims he’s born to fight with enemies because he’s a general. She tells him not to pretend to be tough.

He rejects it. She gets angry. He smiles to tell her not to show her anger to him because he’s not her future husband. He tells her to go to pack the stuff for him if she has time. Zhou Shengchen helps Xie Yun walk in the field.

He worries that he cannot bear it because the place is colder than West State. Xie Yun comforts Zhou Shengchen that he can bear it. The general arrives. He greets Zhou Shengchen. He finds out that Xie Yun lost one of his legs. Xie Yun asks the general if he thinks he cannot guard the border with one leg.

Sun Changjie promises to accompany Xie Yun. The guy reminds Sun Changjie that he’s his soldier. He wonders when he followed his brother. Sun Changjie reveals he decides to stay at the place after he saw the Great Wall. The guy reminds Sun Changjie that the place is different from West State. He asks him if he won’t regret.

Sun Changjie claims that he won’t regret. Zhou Shengchen gives Xie Yun to Sun Changjie after knowing Sun Changjie wishes to follow Xie Yun. He gives the bow which cavalry used to Cui Shiyi. He reveals the arrow of cavalry is very light. He hands over the arrow to her.

Feng Xiao brings the present to Xie Yun. She reveals she made the present on her own. He thinks she begins to care for her. She tells him not to talk nonsense. She believes that he will come back. She tells him not to be lazy. He agrees to it. But he asks her not to bring trouble.

He reminds her that nobody is going to help her if someone reports her. She complains to him that the woman reported her after she helped her. He thinks she shouldn’t break the man’s fingers. She promises to guard the border with him if she makes mistakes again.

He wishes her to make mistakes early. Emperor wakes Liu Zixing up. He finds out that his hand is very cold. He mentions he and his master are sick. He thinks there’s nothing making him happy. Liu Zixing thinks Emperor should be happy because he’s going to be a father. Emperor mentions the baby will be the crown prince if he’s born.

One and Only Chinese Drama: Episode 15 Ending

Episode 15 of One and Only Chinese Drama ends with Xiao Yan asking Cui Shiyi to accompany Zhou Shengchen. He goes to handle the funeral of Xie Cong. She follows Zhou Shengchen when he’s going to go to feed horses. She hurts her ankle.

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