My Lovely Liar K-Drama: Episode 6 Ending Explained

This is the Ending Explained for My Lovely Liar K-Drama: Episode 6. Syaon is sad to sing when she lies on the couch. She remembers Do-Ha told her that he only treats her as his friend. She tells herself that he likes her. Do-Ha gets off the elevator without a mask. He avoids the people.

What Happens In My Lovely Liar Episode 6?

My Lovely Liar

Do-Ha goes to the convenience store to buy hangover drinks. Bo-Ro breaks into the convenience store. He asks Young-Jae to break the bill for him. He apologizes to him for bringing the trouble to him. He notes that Do-Ha is holding the cream bun. He realizes that he likes cream buns.

Bo-Ro tells Do-Ha that there’re better cream buns at his bakery. He hands over the cream bun to him. Do-Ha intends to enjoy the food at home. But Bo-Ro persuades Do-Ha to eat the cream bun at his bakery. Because he thinks the cream bun tastes better when it’s warm.

Do-Ha tastes the cream bun. He finds out that it’s delicious. Bo-Ro thinks Do-Ha is match for his bread because he’s very handsome. But he notes that he looks familiar. Do-Ha mentions Bo-Ro gave him two doughnuts. Cho-Rok walks into Bo-Ro’s bakery. She’s shocked when she sees Do-Ha.

Do-Ha leaves Bo-Ro’s bakery. Cho-Rok asks Bo-Ro about Do-Ha. She thinks Do-Ha is like a prince. Do-Ha visits Sol-Hee. She’s nervous to dress up. She tells herself to pretend not to remember anything. She opens the door and wonders why he visited her so early.

But Do-Ha points out that it’s noon. She remembers she slapped him. He hands over the hangover soup to her. He tries to leave. But she stops him and asks him about his face. He tells her not to worry about it. He asks her how to get rid of the food stain.

Hyo-Ryung tries to hand over the report to Gang-Min. But the chief cop takes the report. Police Officer Hwang mentions Hyo-Ryung is the most beautiful cop in the police station. He wonders why he saw her often. He thinks something happened to Hyo-Ryung and Gang-Min.

But Gang-Min denies it. He tells Police Officer Hwang to go to hit on Hyo-Ryung. Do-Ha watches the news. He remembers Sol-Hee told him that she watched football game alone. She visits him and brings the clothes to him. She tells him that she ironed his clothes.

Does Do-Ha Ask Sol-Hee Out?

Do-Ha asks Sol-Hee if she’s free tomorrow. She claims that she needs to work. He invites her to go to watch a football game with him. She’s very happy. Do-Ha gets a call from Jae-Chan when he’s throwing his trash into the trash can. But he screens his phone.

Jae-Chan stops Do-Ha before Do-Ha leaves. He blames him for screening his phone. Do-Ha thinks Jae-Chan came to see him for money. Jae-Chan mentions Do-Ha came to the company without a mask. He worries that the company will go bankrupt because of Do-Ha.

Jae-Chan think nobody will listen to the songs that were written by a murderer. Do-Ha refuses to give money to Jae-Chan because he thinks he shouldn’t accept money from a murderer. Deuk-Chan mistakes that he hit someone. He gets off his car to look into it. But he sees nobody.

Deuk-Chan gets back to his car. He sees Eom-Ho. He’s startled to drive. But he stops. Eom-Ho laughs. He thinks Deuk-Chan failed to kill him. Do-Ha calls Deuk-Chan. Deuk-Chan turns off his phone. Eom-Ho shows the newspapers to Deuk-Chan. He thinks the guy in the photo is Seung-Ju.

Deuk-Chan denies it. He tells Eom-Ho that the guy is just one of his songwriters. But Eom-Ho thinks Seung-Ju can write songs because Seung-Ju played piano. Deuk-Chan yells at Eom-Ho that classical piano music and K-pop are very different.

Eom-Ho tells Deuk-Chan that he came because he thought something looked fishy. He leaves because he has gotten what he wanted. Deuk-Chan calls Do-Ha. He tells him not to come to the office without calling him. Do-Ha explains to Deuk-Chan that he came to the company because he had no choice. He promises not to bring trouble to him.

Cho-Rok gives her flyers to the people. She notes that Sol-Hee’s cafe was closed. She thinks something looks fishy. She puts the flyer on Sol-Hee’s car. Cassandra walks out of the cafe with Chi-Hoon. She blames Cho-Rok for putting the flyer on the car.

Cho-Rok hears the client asking Sol-Hee to ask the spirit about it. She sneaks into the cafe to look for the spirit. Sol-Hee stops Cho-Rok. She asks her what she’s doing at her cafe. Cho-Rok explains to Sol-Hee that she came to give the flyer to her.

Sol-Hee tells Cho-Rok to leave. But Cho-Rok thinks Sol-Hee hid something. Cassandra drives Cho-Rok out of the cafe. Bo-Ro texts Cho-Rok. He tells her that Do-Ha came to his store. She runs to his bakery. She sees Do-Ha. She greets him. But he’s startled because she tried to take off his mask ever.

Cho-Rok thinks Do-Ha is very cute because he avoided her eye contact. She gives her flyer to him. She tells him to come to her store. He takes a look at the flyer. He finds out that her store is nearby the cafe. She’s surprised that he knows the cafe. She tells him not to go to the cafe.

Cho-Rok reveals there was a shrine inside the cafe. She thinks Sol-Hee is a shaman. But he doesn’t believe Sol-Hee is a shaman because he knows her well. Gang-Min goes to the cafe. He sees Sol-Hee smiling at him. He remembers she ran to him. He gave her a hug. Sol-Hee wondered how long Gang-Min waited for her. He took out the seaweed soup because he knew it’s her birthday.

Gang-Min tries to walk to Sol-Hee. But he sees Do-Ha giving the bread to Sol-Hee. He has to leave. Hyang-Sook meets with the rich widower at the restaurant. He tells her that he became a vegetarian because of his wife. He asks her if she’s a vegan as well.

Gang-Min’s hand is hurt when he catches the culprit. Sol-Hee dresses up to see Do-Ha. He takes a look at her clothes. He thinks she doesn’t look like that she’s going to go to watch a soccer game. She explains to him that she needed to dress up for work.

Sol-Hee wonders why Do-Ha wore good clothes as well. He confesses to her that he wants to win her heart. She’s very happy. The two go to the pub. They find out that the pub is closed. They go to O-Baek’s bar to watch the soccer game. O-Baek thinks the two are on a date because Sol-Hee smiles.

How Does Do-Ha Know Sol-Hee Can Hear Lies?

Gang-Min tries to call Sol-Hee. But he gives up the mind. Sol-Hee meets with her client in the gym. But she sees Hyang-Sook. Sol-Hee gives Hyang-Sook out when Hyang-Sook plays tennis with her client. Hyang-Sook asks Sol-Hee to give her an in. But Sol-Hee rejects it.

Hyang-Sook tells Sol-Hee that she wants to play a tennis game with her. She tells her to give her an in if she wins. Sol-Hee plays the tennis game with Hyang-Sook. Hyang-Sook loses and she trips. The rich widower goes to care for her.

The rich widower hands over the water to Hyang-Sook. His daughter asks Hyang-Sook about her late husband’s death anniversary. Hyang-Sook tells a lie to the rich widower’s daughter. Hyang-Sook thinks the rich widower’s daughter paid Sol-Hee. She promises to pay Sol-Hee three times more if she marries the rich widower.

But Sol-Hee blames her mother to turn her father’s birthday into his death anniversary. Hyang-Sook explains to Sol-Hee that it was too sudden. She thinks she won’t see her husband. But she tells a lie to Sol-Hee. The rich widower’s daughter tells Hyang-Sook that she wishes her father to find his true love. She asks her if she loves her father. Hyang-Sook tells the rich widower that she loves him. But Sol-Hee knows her mother told the poor old man a lie.

Do-Ha notes that it’s raining. Sol-Hee reports to the rich widower’s daughter that Hyang-Sook fooled her father. The rich widower’s daughter thanks Sol-Hee for protecting her family. She hands over the cash to her. Hyang-Sook visits the cafe. She yells at Sol-Hee and asks her to open the door.

Sol-Hee opens the door. Hyang-Sook breaks the stuff at the cafe. She’s furious to scream. Do-Ha comes to the cafe. He sees the umbrella Hyang-Sook threw away. Hyang-Sook blames Sol-Hee for ruining her marriage. Sol-Hee points out that the rich widower’s daughter would hire another person even if she didn’t do the job.

Sol-Hee mentions Hyang-Sook told a lie to the rich widower. Hyang-Sook admits it. She thinks Sol-Hee earned money easily. Sol-Hee yells at her mother that she wishes to give her ears to her. She asks her if she loves her. But Hyang-Sook thinks Sol-Hee is scolding her.

Sol-Hee laughs. She thinks her mother hates her. Hyang-Sook tries to throw the stuff to Sol-Hee. But she sees Do-Ha. She laughs after she realized that her daughter is dating the guy. She tells Do-Ha that Sol-Hee is a shaman. Sol-Hee throws a fit to her mother.

Episode 6 of My Lovely Liar ends with Hyang-Sook leaving the cafe. Sol-Hee walks out of her cafe. Do-Ha holds the umbrella for her. He explains to her that he eavesdropped the talk because he worried about her. But she doesn’t want to talk with him. He asks her to accept the umbrella. But she shakes off the umbrella. She complains to him that she couldn’t date a guy because of her ability. She tells him that she can hear lies from truth.

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