My Lovely Liar K-Drama: Episode 12 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for My Lovely Liar K-Drama: Episode 12. Eom-Ho takes off the guy’s mask. He finds out that he stabbed a wrong person. Do-Ha gets off the elevator. He sees Eom-Ho. Eom-Ho attacks Do-Ha. Do-Ha kicks off Eom-Ho’s knife when Sol-Hee opens the door. He lets her close the door.

What Happens In My Lovely Liar Episode 12?

My Lovely Liar

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for My Lovely Liar K-Drama: Episode 12.

Sol-Hee reports it to the police when Do-Ha is fighting with Eom-Ho. She takes the umbrella to attack Eom-Ho when he grabs Do-Ha’s neck. Her leg is hurt when she fights with him. Gang-Min shows up before Eom-Ho kills Do-Ha. He arrests Eom-Ho.

Eom-Ho is taken to the police station. The cop puts the knife on the table. He asks Eom-Ho if he used the weapon. Eom-Ho admits it. He asks the cop to lock him up. He thinks he will be released soon. He intends to stab Do-Ha again.

The cop mentions the person Eom-Ho stabbed is in the hospital. Gang-Min questions Sol-Hee. He learns that she called police. He blames her for coming out of her house. But she tells him that she wanted to help Do-Ha. He yells at her that Eom-Ho had a knife.

Gang-Min mentions what Do-Ha told him that Eom-Ho would only use the knife on him. He asks Do-Ha to explain it because Sol-Hee was in danger. Do-Ha doesn’t know how to explain it. Sol-Hee reminds Gang-Min that Do-Ha is a victim as well.

But Gang-Min disagrees to what Sol-Hee said because Do-Ha wasn’t hurt. Police Officer Hwang stops Gang-Min. Do-Ha takes a look at his hands. Young-Jae waits outside the operating room. Do-Ha joins Young-Jae. He asks him about Ethan.

Young-Jae asks Do-Ha if he actually killed Eom-Ji. Do-Ha denies it. Young-Jae wonders why Eom-Ho stabbed his brother. He tears up and feels guilty for not letting his brother see Do-Ha. The doctor walks out of the operating room. He tells Young-Jae that his brother will wake up soon.

Who Eom-Ho Stabs?

Sol-Hee finds Do-Ha. He feels guilty for ruining Young-Jae and Ethan’s life. But she tells him not to feel guilty because she thinks the one who stabbed Ethan should take the duty. But he points out that Eom-Ho carried the knife because of him.

Do-Ha agrees to what Gang-Min said that everyone was hurt except him. But Sol-Hee thinks Do-Ha was hard as well. She tries to join him when he plans to go to the recovery room. But her leg is hurt. Sol-Hee reveals her ankle was hurt when she fell to the floor.

Jae-Chan visits Deuk-Chan. He asks him to help him. He promises to come back to work. But Deuk-Chan points out that there’s no any position in the company. The secretary calls Deuk-Chan. She reports to him that there’re articles that Do-Ha killed a girl.

Jae-Chan tells Deuk-Chan that he will die if he doesn’t help him. But Deuk-Chan tells Jae-Chan to leave his office. Do-Ha carries Sol-Hee. She tells him that she’s fine. He tells her not to let herself in danger again. But she cannot promise it because she won’t live alone if he’s dead. He feels sorry for getting her involved.

Do-Ha calls a cab for Sol-Hee. He tells her to call him after she goes home. She’s surprised that he doesn’t join her. He reveals he has to wait until Ethan wakes up. She tells him that she will always support him. She gets in the cab.

Do-Ha walks into Ethan’s ward. Ethan gets up. Do-Ha asks Ethan about his feelings. Ethan feels good because Do-Ha arranged the room for him. Do-Ha thinks it was his mistake. But Ethan thinks he was punished. He reveals Moo-Jin told him to go to Do-Ha’s house.

It flashes back. Moo-Jin shows up when Ethan is crying. He mentions his group got disbanded. He tells him that he can recommend him to another group. He asks him to tail Do-Ha. But Ethan isn’t sure that the guy is Do-Ha or not. Moo-Jin tells Ethan that he cannot recommend him. He tries to leave. Ethan stops Moo-Jin.

Ethan thinks the group won’t let him join them. Because he’s old. Do-Ha promises to write a song for Ethan. But Ethan rejects it. Do-Ha tries to leave the hospital. But the reporters surround him. Do-Ha tells the reporters that he hid himself because they didn’t trust him. He tells them to continue to like his music.

How Does Do-Ha Know Eom-Ji Got Beaten by Her Father?

Sol-Hee takes Do-Ha to return to her cafe. He wonders why she came to the hospital. He mentions her ankle was hurt. But she worries about him because he has told everything to the reporters. He claims that he just told the truth to those reporters.

Sol-Hee learns that Do-Ha isn’t fine. He tells her that he wanted to know who killed Eom-Ji when he went to see the girl. He wants to catch the culprit. But Sol-Hee thinks it’s too dangerous. She tells Do-Ha to wait. But he rejects it because he doesn’t wish others to get hurt because of him anymore.

SEE ALSO: My Lovely Liar K-Drama: Episode 11 Recap & Ending Explained

The assemblywoman is furious to get into Yeon-Mi’s office. She blames Yeon-Mi for getting her involved her case. Yeon-Mi apologizes to the assemblywoman. She tells her that her son didn’t kill the girl. But the assemblywoman points out that people hate lies.

Yeon-Mi promises to prove her son’s innocence. But the assemblywoman tells Yeon-Mi to quit from the election. But Yeon-Mi wants to complete the election. But the assemblywoman tells Yeon-Mi that she doesn’t have a time to lose. She leaves her office.

Jae-Chan visits Do-Ha. He gets on knees to him and he asks him to help him. He mentions he helped him before. He reveals Eom-Ji’s father Yong-Guk took away Eom-Ji’s money and beat her. He’s surprised that Do-Ha doesn’t know that Yong-Guk came home.

It flashes back. Do-Ha brings the food to Eom-Ji when she just cried. He wants to enjoy the food with her at her house. But she tells him to go to another place with her. He notes that she just cried. He asks her what happened. She hugs him and tells him that she misses him.

Jae-Chan thinks Eom-Ji didn’t tell it to Do-Ha because he felt embarrassed. He thinks Eom-Ji wouldn’t die if her father didn’t beat her. Do-Ha asks Jae-Chan about the whereabouts of Eom-Ji’s father. Jae-Chan tells Do-Ha to give the money to him.

Episode 12 of My Lovely Liar ends with Doo-Mok helping Sol-Hee and Do-Ha get into the nightclub. Sol-Hee asks Doo-Mok about Yong-Guk. But he can only remember the faces of people. So she looks for Yong-Guk on her own. Do-Ha sees Jae-Chan. He wonders why he showed up at the place. Jae-Chan tells Do-Ha that he wanted to earn money from the place. He tells him a lie that he doesn’t know Yong-Buk is at the place. Jae-Chan reminds Do-Ha that he was the only one Eom-Ji had. He tells him a lie that he didn’t like Eom-Ji. Do-Ha sees Yong-Guk fighting with someone. He grabs his collar and asks him if he killed Eom-Ji.

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