My Demon: Episodes 9-10 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for My Demon: Episodes 9-10. God asks Gu-Won to make a choice between him and Do-Hee. She tells him that he needs to kill his lover if he wishes to get his powers back. It’s hard for him to make the decision. Because he loves Do-Hee deeply.

Does Gu-Won Become A Human?

My Demon

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for My Demon: Episodes 9-10.

Gu-Won becomes a human after he had a sweet night with Do-Hee. He goes out with her. But they run into the prosecutor Woo-Sun. Do-Hee wished to marry Woo-Sun because she thought he could help her. But he uses it to brag. He shapes himself into an outstanding man in front of the girl when he goes on a blind date with her.

Gu-Won finds Do-Hee in the garden of Cheon-Suk. He tells her to do anything she wants to do. But she mentions everyone she loves passed away. She worries that he will be killed as well. He tells her that he doesn’t care for it.

He walks to her and he hugs her to kiss her. She sheds tears when she closes her eyes. She kisses him back. It’s raining. Do-Hee tries to take Gu-Won away. Because she worries that the rain will hurt his wound. But he stops her and he holds her hand.

He uses his powers to stop the rain. She’s shocked when she sees the rain. He reveals his powers are back. She’s happy to hug him. She takes him home and she sleeps with him. Gu-Won wakes up in the morning. He strokes Do-Hee’s hair.

He realizes why humans became fools. Do-Hee wakes up. She finds out that Gu-Won is staring at her. She’s startled to use the cover to cover her face. She refuses to let him see her face. Because she’s shy. He tells her that he wishes to eat out. He reveals he’s a human now.

He takes her to the restaurant. She’s surprised that he didn’t book the whole restaurant. They see Woo-Sun bragging to the girl that he rejected Do-Hee. Gu-Won scolds Woo-Sun. Woo-Sun leaves the restaurant with the girl. Gu-Won plans to go to give a lesson to Woo-Sun so that Woo-Sun won’t badmouth Do-Hee.

But Do-Hee stops Gu-Won because she was the one who asked Woo-Sun to marry her. He’s surprised that she took the bad guy’s side. She tells the good news to him that she won’t work today. Bok-Gyu visits Gu-Won. He wonders if he’s sleeping.

Do-Hee sits on the bench with Gu-Won in the park. She leans her head on his shoulder. She reveals she doesn’t wish to work. She adds that she realized it after she fell for a demon. He gets a call from Bok-Gyu. Bok-Gyu reveals he’s outside Gu-Won’s house.

Why Do-Hee Gives Up Looking for the Killer?

Do-Hee planned to take over Mirae Group for catching the killer. But she gives up and she decides to give the company to Suk-Min. Because she gets the happiness after she fell in love with Gu-Won. She doesn’t wish to let it ruin her happiness.

But Gu-Won tells Bok-Gyu that he’s dating Do-Hee. He sees the couple biking. He bikes with Do-Hee. He walks her in the park. He reveals he doesn’t like God. Because God is his boss. He reveals demons used to protect humans. Do-Hee thinks Gu-Won is her guardian.

They leave the park. They don’t know someone is taking photos of them. Gu-Won goes to the cafe with Do-Hee. He takes over the drinks from the waitress. He thanks her. She’s surprised. Gu-Won joins Do-Hee. She’s not happy after knowing he treats her as a cat.

Su-Ahn takes photos of Gu-Won and Do-Hee. She’s very happy after she saw the photos. But she blames herself because she’s not Do-Hee’s photographer. She persuades herself that she comes to find the truth about Do-Hee. Do-Hee returns home with Gu-Won.

She is startled when she hears the music. She remembers the killer played the music when he tried to kill her. She finds out that the person is just a lady. Do-Hee enjoys the music at home. But Gu-Won changes the music. He dances with her. It makes her happy.

Su-Ahn wakes up in her car. She gives up following Do-Hee. Do-Hee gets a call from Da-Jeong. She goes to her office. She decides to sign the contract. Because she has decided to give up looking for the killer. But Gu-Won persuades her to take a look at the killer’s face. She agrees to it. But his power doesn’t work again. Seok-Hoon shows up.

Gu-Won complains that Seok-Hoon kept showing up. The colleagues watch Gu-Won. They think he has a secret. Seok-Hoon meets with Do-Hee. He asks her if she’s fine. He sees the demon mark on her hand. He mentions she refused to get a tattoo.

Episode 9 of My Demon ends with God telling Gu-Won that he needs to kill Do-Hee if he wishes to take back his powers. Seok-Hoon meets with Ga-Young. She finds out that he cares for Do-Hee. Seok-Hoon reveals Do-Hee is his family. He asks Ga-Young about Gu-Won’s identity.

Will Gu-Won Kill Do-Hee?

Gu-Won knows there will only one survive between him and Do-Hee. He won’t kill Do-Hee because he loves her deeply. So he decides to kill himself because it’s the only way to save his lover. Do-Hee doesn’t know the truth. She’s still in happiness when he accompanies her. She doesn’t know what it means when he says the world is going to end.

Ga-Young reveals Gu-Won is a demon. Seok-Hoon wonders why Do-Hee trusts Gu-Won since she knew Gu-Won is a demon. Ga-Young leaks that demons are good at bewitching humans. She adds that Gu-Won needs the demon mark on Do-Hee’s hand.

Se-Ra hands over the contract Do-Hee has signed to Suk-Min. She congratulates him. But he claims that the company belongs to him. It flashes back. Cheon-Suk takes Do-Hee home. She asks her to treat them as her family. Suk-Min shows up. He reaches out his hand to Do-Hee.

Do-Gyeong returns home. He finds out that his father Suk-Min is deleting the messages of him and the killer. Gu-Won returns home. He sees Do-Hee making the cake. He remembers God told him that he will get his powers back if Do-Hee dies.

Do-Hee is happy to show the cake to Gu-Won. He hugs her from her back. She thinks something happened to him. He denies it. So she asks him where he went. He reveals he went to the theater. He tries to go to buy a cake with her because he thinks the cake should be made by an expert.

But she claims that she’s an expert. She feeds him the cake. He tells her that the cake was made by an expert. She plans to feed him the cake again. But he stops her and he tells her that he doesn’t wish to ruin the masterpiece. It makes her believe that the cake isn’t good.

Gu-Won denies it. Do-Hee tastes the cake. She finds out that it’s salty. She watches the movie with him. She falls asleep. She asks him to stay by her side. But he rejects it because he’s going to go to a faraway place. She holds his hand. She tells him that she won’t give up him.

Are Gu-Won’s Powers Back?

Yes, Gu-Won’s powers are back when he saves Do-Hee from the burning convenience store. It seems that love is the way to help him get his powers back. But God fooled Gu-Won through telling him that love made him lose his power. It was just a test from God. She didn’t tell the truth to Gu-Won because she wanted to know how much he loves Do-Hee.

Episode 10 of My Demon ends with Suk-Min becoming a chairman in the end. He looks at Cheon-Suk’s seat. He asks her if she’s happy. He laughs. Gu-Won and Do-Hee are in the burning convenience store. Seok-Hoon calls the hospital. He asks the nurses and the doctors to come.

SEE ALSO: My Demon: Episodes 7-8 Recap & Ending Explained

Ga-Young tears when she looks at the burning convenience store. The two see Gu-Won carrying Do-Hee out of the fire. His cross turns into sliver color. Do-Hee wakes up in Gu-Won’s arms. She’s surprised that his powers are back. Gu-Won woke up in the fire. He climbed to Do-Hee when she passed out. He held her hand. The demon mark transferred to his hand. Gu-Won is happy to tell Do-Hee that his powers are back.

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