My Demon: Episodes 7-8 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for My Demon: Episodes 7-8. The killer stabs Gu-Won when Do-Hee is arrested. Do-Hee comes to the hospital to save Gu-Won. She thinks he was hurt because of him. She gives up Mirae Group. He looks for her after knowing it.

My Demon Episode 7 Recap

My Demon

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for My Demon: Episodes 7-8.

Do-Gyeong notes that some people are tailing him. He walks to the room. Do-Hee asks Gu-Won to take her away when she reaches out her hand to him. But she finds out that he cannot use his power. He kisses her when Do-Gyeong shows up.

Gu-Won explains to Do-Hee that he did it for not letting Do-Gyeong see her face. She accepts the explanation. She walks out of the room with him. She finds out that Do-Gyeong is missing. Gu-Won gets the group photo of him and Do-Hee from the machine.

He makes an excuse that he shouldn’t let Do-Gyeong see the photo. He takes away the photo. Do-Hee opens the locker. She and Gu-Won find out that the locker is empty. They wonder if Do-Gyeong took away the stuff. The homeless woman shows up behind them. She tells them that she knows where the stuff is. But Gu-Won doesn’t believe what she says. He takes Do-Hee to leave the subway station.

Gu-Won holds the flower to test his power. The flower blooms. He thinks his power is fine. But the flower is wilted after he left. Gu-Won and Do-Hee follow Do-Gyeong to his house. Gu-Won plans to get into the house with Do-Gyeong. Do-Hee turns around. She finds out that he’s looking at her eyes. She’s against the plan. Because she thinks it’s too dangerous.

Do-Gyeong returns home. Se-Ra mentions his father asked her about what he’s doing. She tells him to go to see a doctor. But he rejects it. Gu-Won thinks Do-Hee should take duty for what he lost his power. But she talks back and she claims that she didn’t enjoy the kiss.

He carries all of his stuff to her house. She drives him out of her house with the stuff. Da-Jeong tells Do-Hee that it’s marriage. She reveals she got married before. Do-Hee thinks marriage is crazy. Bok-Gyu carries Gu-Won’s suitcases into the trunk.

Do-Hee calls Gu-Won. She asks him to come back. But he rejects it because she told him to stay with his stuff. She gets angry and she decides not to call him. She sees the box he left. Bok-Gyu reveals Ga-Young disappeared after she heard Gu-Won got married. He asks Gu-Won to go to persuade Ga-Young. But Gu-Won rejects it. He tells Bok-Gyu to leave.

Do-Hee takes out Gu-Won’s stuff from the box. Cheon-Suk shows up. She thinks Do-Hee and Gu-Won are family. But Do-Hee tells Cheon-Suk that Gu-Won cannot replace her. She gets a call from Seok-Hoon. He asks her for a talk about Gu-Won when he holds Gu-Won’s photo.

How Does My Demon Episode 7 End?

Episode 7 of My Demon ends with Gu-Won getting a call from Da-Jeong. Da-Jeong tells Gu-Won that Do-Hee was arrested. He runs out of his company. But someone bumps him. The person apologizes to him. Gu-Won finds out that he was stabbed by the person.

My Demon Episode 8 Recap

The killer tries to kill Gu-Won. But he’s stopped by Bok-Gyu. The mask of the killer drops. Gu-Won sees his real face. The killer flees. Gu-Won passes out. Kyung-Soo meets with Do-Hee at the police station. He reveals he arrested her because his leader told him to do so.

He tells her that she will be released soon. The cop breaks into the room. Do-Hee takes a look at him. She asks Kyung-Soo to let her leave after knowing Gu-Won was stabbed. Gu-Won is sent to the hospital. Ga-Young cries. Do-Hee and Seok-Hoon are on the way to the hospital.

The doctor walks out of the operating room. He tells Ga-Young that he failed to save Gu-Won because he lost too much blood. She begs him to save Gu-Won. Do-Hee walks into Gu-Won’s ward. She sees him lying in the bed. Ga-Young throws a fit to Do-Hee. She thinks it was her mistake.

Bok-Gyu stops Ga-Young. He takes her to leave Gu-Won’s ward. Do-Hee lets Gu-Won grab her hand. But he doesn’t wake up. She cries and she thinks it’s too late. He wakes up and hugs her. Ga-Young comes back. She sees Gu-Won hugging Do-Hee. She’s furious to walk away.

The homeless woman looks at the moon. She finds out that Do-Hee saved Gu-Won. She reveals Do-Hee will be hurt because of what she did. Do-Hee leaves the ward with Seok-Hoon. She promises Gu-Won that she will come back soon. Ga-Young tries to stroke Gu-Won’s face.

But he calls Do-Hee. Bok-Gyu shows up. He reveals Gu-Won doesn’t recover. Do-Hee returns to the police station with Seok-Hoon. Kyung-Soo is waiting for her. Gu-Won has a nightmare that he burns away. Bok-Gyu wakes Gu-Won up. Gu-Won asks Bok-Gyu about Do-Hee.

Do-Hee is released. She walks out of the the police station. Da-Jeong comes to pick Do-Hee up. She reports to her that Gu-Won is awake. The thugs wild dogs come to the hospital to protect Gu-Won. They call him boss. But Gu-Won tells the thugs to stay away from him.

Do-Hee shows up with Da-Jeong. The thugs calls Do-Hee the boss’s wife. She walks into Gu-Won’s ward. She takes care of Gu-Won. He tells her that he wishes to go home because he thinks she’s his best treatment. The colleagues cry after knowing Gu-Won got stabbed.

SEE ALSO: My Demon: Episodes 5-6 Recap & Ending Explained

But Da-Jeong tells them that Gu-Won is fine. Do-Gyeong gets a message from the killer. The killer reports to Do-Gyeong that Gu-Won has seen his face. He worries that Gu-Won will come to get him. The killer returns home. He’s scared. Gu-Won returns home with Do-Hee. He holds her hand when he lies in the bed with her.

How Does My Demon Episode 8 End?

Episode 8 of My Demon ends with Seok-Hoon telling Gu-Won that Do-Hee gave up Mirae Group for him. Gu-Won returns home to look for Do-Hee. But she’s not at home. He calls her. She doesn’t pick up his phone. He finds out that she left her phone at home.

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