My Demon: Episodes 3-4 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for My Demon: Episodes 3-4. Do-Hee becomes the heir after Cheon-Suk passed away. She’s asked to get married within one year. She chooses Gu-Won. But he doesn’t want to marry her. He’s beaten by the thugs because he’s a ordinary person without her help.

My Demon Episode 3 Recap

My Demon

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for My Demon: Episodes 3-4.

Do-Hee walks on the street. Someone pours the sulfuric acid to her. Gu-Won blocks the sulfuric acid with his body. Do-Hee worries him when she sees the injuries on his body. But he heals himself when he grabs her hand with the demon mark.

Do-Hee notes it. She’s shocked. Gu-Won admits to her that he’s a demon. She takes a look at the demon mark on her hand when she’s at the police station. The cop reveals the liquid was sulfuric acid. He thinks Do-Hee was targeted. He asks her if she suspected someone.

She remembers Tae-Jun tried to tell something to her. But he was killed in episode 1. Do-Hee doesn’t tell it to the cop. The homeless woman appears in the police station. She tells the cop not to be rude to her. The cop hands over the tea to Gu-Won. But Gu-Won doesn’t intend to drink the tea.

The homeless woman shows up in front of Gu-Won. It startles him. She drinks up his tea. She tells him that he’s going to die. Do-Hee leaves the cop Kyung-Soo’s office. Gu-Won is waiting for her. He leaves the office with her. Kyung-Soo sees the two off. He believes that the two are going to get married. The homeless woman shows up behind Kyung-Soo. She thinks the fate of Gu-Won and Do-Hee are going to begin.

Gu-Won drives Do-Hee. He thinks his demon mark would be burned if he didn’t show up. He reveals he’s the demon who makes deals with humans. She asks him to be her bodyguard. She reminds him that he needs her power. He refuses to be her bodyguard. But he does what the bodyguard does.

The killer watches the two. He’s furious to return home. He touches Do-Hee’s photo on the wall. Gu-Won realizes that he will lose his power if Do-Hee is killed. But he doesn’t want to be her bodyguard because he’s a demon. Bok-Gyu reads the demon book. It shows that demons should protect humans.

He worries that Do-Hee will tell others that Gu-Won is a demon. But Gu-Won knows people won’t believe what Do-Hee says. Do-Hee sends a message to Gu-Won. She threatens him that she will remove the demon mark if he refuses to be her bodyguard.

Do-Hee is at home. She remembers Gu-Won saved her two times. She watches the news that Tae-Jun killed himself. She calls Cheon-Suk. She cares for her company. She reveals her employee Tae-Jun called her but he killed himself in the restroom.

How Does My Demon Episode 3 End?

Episode 3 of My Demon ends with Suk-Min asking the bodyguards to take away Do-Hee. But the lawyer tells Suk-Min that Do-Hee needs to stay at the funeral of Cheon-Suk. He reveals Cheon-Suk gave all of her money to Do-Hee. But Do-Hee is asked to get married within one year.

My Demon Episode 4 Recap

Do-Hee walks to Gu-Won. She asks him to marry her. She takes out the wedding ring. But he rejects her in front of the people. He follows her to leave the funeral. Se-Ra returns to the study with Suk-Min. She decides to sue Do-Hee.

But Suk-Min points out that the lawyer supports Do-Hee. Se-Ra finds out that the two kids hide under the desk. She’s startled by them. She chases them out of the study. Suk-Min takes a look at her mother’s glasses on the desk. He remembers Cheon-Suk sent him to prison when he begged her for her mercy.

He decides to follow his mother’s order. Do-Gyeong goes to Cheon-Suk’s garden. He steps on the butterfly. Do-Hee is in the car with Gu-Won. She tells him that her proposal was a mistake. But he doesn’t care for it. He turns on the music.

But Do-Hee finds out that all of songs Gu-Won played were marriage songs. She’s upset. He takes her home. She’s furious to get off his car. But she leaves a letter. She returns home. She thinks she didn’t hurt because she didn’t wish to marry him.

But she blames him for hitting on her. He hears what she says when he tries to ring the doorbell. He learns that she plans to take him to the wedding. He plans to give the letter to her. But he runs away. Someone rings the doorbell. Do-Hee mistakes that it’s Gu-Won. But she sees Seok-Hoon.

Do-Hee thinks she needs to be the chairwoman to find the mastermind. She believes that she will be fine if she catches the culprit. She thinks she should take duty for the death of Cheon-Suk. She admits to Seok-Hoon that Gu-Won was the one she went on the blind date with.

She reveals she chose Gu-Won believes he saved her many times. Gu-Won returns to his office. Bok-Gyu is waiting for him. He asks Gu-Won about the food at the funeral. Gu-Won reveals Do-Hee made a proposal to him. Seok-Hoon lies on Do-Hee’s couch. He tells her that he wishes to protect her.

But she asks him to leave. He asks her for her phone. He adds himself as her emergency contact. Ga-Young walks into Gu-Won’s office with a sword. She thinks Gu-Won was the man Do-Hee made a proposal to. He gets a call from Do-Hee. She asks him for a meeting up.

SEE ALSO: My Demon: Episode 2 Recap & Ending Explained

He goes to see her. He finds out that she wears a sunglasses in the evening. She shows the news to him that she made a proposal to him. She asks him why he rejected her. He explains to her that he wishes to be single. He tells her to go to look for another man.

How Does My Demon Episode 4 End?

Episode 4 of My Demon ends with Do-Hee rushing to Gu-Won when he’s beaten by the thugs. He grabs her hand and he hugs her. He recovers. He asks her if she knows how to tango when the killer films them. He dances with her when he fights with the thugs.

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