My Demon: Episode 2 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for My Demon: Episode 2. Gu-Won finds out that he can use his demon power when he holds Do-Hee’s arm. Do-Hee passes out in his arms. She has a nightmare that Gu-Won takes away her demon power. She wakes up from the nightmare.

Does Cheon-Suk Conceal A Secret from Do-Hee?

My Demon

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for My Demon: Episode 2.

Gu-Won takes care of Do-Hee when she’s in the ward. He comforts her that her nightmare is over. Da-Jeong reveals she took Do-Hee to the hospital after Gu-Won contacted her. Do-Hee is surprised that Gu-Won cares for her when he persuades her to rest.

Da-Jeong leaves the ward. Gu-Won shows the true side of him. Because he doesn’t need to pretend to be Do-Hee’s ex-boyfriend. He tells Do-Hee that he’s going to catch the killer. He reveals he’s not fine when he points at the demon mark on her arm.

She takes a look at the demon mark. She mistakes that it’s a tattoo sticker. She tries to go to remove the tattoo. But Gu-Won stops her. He claims that the tattoo belongs him when he grabs her wrist. She tries to slap him. But she finds out that she cannot move.

He releases her wrist. He gets slapped. He blames her for stealing his skill since he saved her. Da-Jeong shows up with the doctor. The doctor checks Do-Hee’s eyes. He tells her that she’s fine. The cop Kyung-Soo walks into Do-Hee’s ward.

He introduces himself to Do-Hee. He’s surprised to see Gu-Won. Do-Hee tells Gu-Won to leave. Kyung-Soo thinks the two will get married because they went on a blind date. But the two deny it. Gu-Won gets a call from Bok-Gyu. He leaves the ward and he returns to his office.

He finds out that Gu-Won is sitting on his chair to read his book. He chases him and takes his book back. He wonders how did he found the book since he concealed it. He tells him not to touch his book. He puts the book into the safe.

Bok-Gyu realizes that Gu-Won will burn away if he cannot get new deal. Gu-Won throws Do-Hee’s business card to Bok-Gyu. He asks him to look into the lady. Bok-Gyu mistakes the Gu-Won has feelings for the girl after he saw her. But Gu-Won tells Bok-Gyu that the girl is a thief.

Bok-Gyu notes that Gu-Won’s tattoo is gone. He thinks he’s different. But Gu-Won denies it. Bok-Gyu pours the water to Gu-Won. He finds out that he lost his power. He realizes that he will be burned away. He mentions he needs to pay for his car.

Gu-Won claims that he didn’t lose his powers. He explains to Bok-Gyu that he just lent his powers to someone. He plans to go to meet with his client. Bok-Gyu worries about it because he worries that Gu-Won cannot deal with the client.

Gu-Won claims that he’s a demon. He thinks it will be a simple task. But he’s thrown away by the client Du-Hwan. Du-Hwan spits out the gum. Gu-Won blames Du-Hwan for doing it. He reminds him that it’s hard to clean the gum. Du-Hwan claims that he doesn’t owe Gu-Won anything.

He lets his followers beat Gu-Won. Gu-Won jumps off the window to flee. He tells Du-Hwan that he will come back. Da-Jeong reports to Do-Hee that she prepared a new car for her. She believes that Do-Hee and Gu-Won’s meeting was a fate.

But Do-Hee thinks Gu-Won is making a deal. She believes that she won’t get any benefits from the deal. She finds out that the stock dropped. She decides to go to her office. She remembers what the killer told her that he wants to kill her for Cheon-Suk.

She decides to go to see Cheon-Suk. Kyung-Soo takes a look at the photo of the killer. He believes that he will catch the killer. The killer takes off his mask. He tries to grab Do-Hee’s photo. But someone visits him. He goes to open the door.

He sees the house owner. The house owner claims that the house belongs to him. He tries to get into the house. But the killer rejects it. The house owner sees the blood on the killer’s hand. The killer explains to the house owner that it’s just some kind of makeup. He lets him in. He closes the door.

Do-Hee walks into Cheon-Suk’s ward when Cheon-Suk is going to leave the ward. She wants to help her take care of her stuff. But Cheon-Suk knows Do-Hee is very busy. She reveals she has known the stock of her company dropped. She wants to help her. But Do-Hee rejects it.

Cheon-Suk returns home. She takes care of the flowers. Do-Hee persuades Cheon-Suk to take a break. But Cheon-Suk that she has the pills. She’s very happy after she found out that the flower is going to bloom. Do-Hee asks Cheon-Suk if she concealed something from her.

Cheon-Suk denies it. Do-Hee chooses to trust Cheon-Suk. Seok-Hoon shows up. He feels happy after knowing Cheon-Suk left the hospital. Do-Hee complains to Seok-Hoon that Cheon-Suk refused to take a break. Cheon-Suk explains to Seok-Hoon that the plants are her hope.

Do-Hee mentions Cheon-Suk’s son Suk-Min did something good. Seok-Hoon hands over the earning report to Cheon-Suk. But she doesn’t praise him. He wants to leave with Do-Hee. Cheon-Suk tells the two to marry each other. But Do-Hee rejects it.

How Does Seok-Hoon Know Do-Hee Went On A Blind Date?

She walks out of the garden with Seok-Hoon. She thinks he drove to the place. He puts his car key into his bag. He tells a lie to her that he didn’t drive. He wishes to drive her. She thinks it’s a good idea. She agrees to it. But she sits on the back seat.

She notes that he’s not happy. She asks him what happened. He denies it and he notes that Da-Jeong is very happy. She thanks him for doing the job for her. She asks Do-Hee if she wants to repay Gu-Won. Do-Hee agrees to Da-Jeong’s plan.

She reveals she went on a blind date with Gu-Won. Seok-Hoon stops the car because he’s shocked. It makes Da-Jeong’s nose bleed. She glares at Seok-Hoon. She switches the seat with him. She begins to drive. He wonders if she’s fine. She thinks she will be fine if she drives.

He apologizes to her. Do-Hee comforts Seok-Hoon. She thinks he was shocked after he heard she went on a blind date. He wonders why she went on a blind date. He worries that she’s going to marry Gu-Won. She denies it and she reveals Cheon-Suk told her to do so.

He tells her that he doesn’t want to get married like her. She ties the tie for him. He wants to buy her stock to help her. But she rejects it because she thinks she can resolve the problem. Gu-Won reads the demon book. He finds out that there’s no way to get his tattoo back. He calls Bok-Gyu. He asks him if he looks into Do-Hee. Bok-Gyu reports to Gu-Won that Do-Hee’s parents passed away. Do-Hee arrives at the company. Da-Jeong mentions Do-Hee didn’t get dumped.

Gu-Won is in his office. Bok-Gyu reports it to him that Do-Hee was a top student when she was in the school. She created Mirae F&B and the company was bought by Mirae Group. Gu-Won takes a look at the drinks of Mirae F&B. Do-Hee gets off the elevator. She walks into the meeting room.

The employees say good morning to her. But she doesn’t think so because they just lost 260 billion won. The employee Min-Soo claims that they released the rebuttal articles. But she points out that it didn’t work. She tells the employees that the dinosaurs were killed because they didn’t do a good job. Da-Jeong walks into the meeting room. She reports to Do-Hee that she got Su-Ahn’s schedule. Do-Hee leaves the meeting room.

Gu-Won learns that Do-Hee is single. Do-Hee returns to her office. She tells Da-Jeong that she wants to drive alone. But Da-Jeong is against it. She brings up that Do-Hee almost got killed yesterday. Do-Hee tells Da-Jeong that it wasn’t her mistake. Da-Jeong leaves her office.

Bok-Gyu asks Gu-Won about his plan. Gu-Won decides to bewitch the lady. Su-Ahn shows up in the clothing store after she got changed. The guy thinks she’s gorgeous. She looks herself in the mirror. She believes that Mirae F&B is in chaos. He reveals the company lost twenty percent.

She’s very happy and she plans to send some flowers for comforting the poor girl. Do-Hee rejects it when she drinks coffee on the couch. Su-Ahn is surprised to see Do-Hee. Do-Hee claims that she’s shopping. We find out that she wears some dress as Su-Ahn.

Su-Ahn gets changed. Do-Hee tells her that she worries about her. She throws some Su-Ahn’s photos to her. We find out that Su-Ahn sleeps with a man in the car in the photos. Do-Hee tells Su-Ahn that she’s interested in her as well.

She tells her that love isn’t a sin. Su-Ahn learns that Do-Hee is threatening her. Do-Hee denies it. She gets a call from Gu-Won. He’s driving. He asks for a meeting up. He reveals he’s sick. She tells him to come to the department store. She claims that she doesn’t have any time. She hangs up. He reveals he’s the one who runs out of time.

Do-Hee threatens Su-Ahn that she will report her case to Cheon-Suk. She reveals there’s no secret between her and Cheon-Suk. She promises to keep the secret if she cleans the mess. She leaves. Cheon-Suk is in the church to pray. She tells Father Michael that she worries that the girl won’t forgive her.

He asks her to confess the truth. We see a phone on the ground. It’s ringing. The one who calls the phone is Do-Hee. The gasoline flows to Cheon-Suk’s foot. The car explodes in front of her. She’s blown away. Her leg is hurt. We return to the present. We see a crutch. Cheon-Suk tears up when she prays.

Bok-Gyu is in Gu-Won’s office. He sits on his chair when he eats the apple. He wonders if his boss made it. He thinks his boss is good at bewitching people.

It flashes back. Bok-Gyu burns charcoal in the house when he lies on the bench. She cries. We find out that it’s a restaurant. Gu-Won walks into the restaurant. He gives the soul sales contract to Bok-Gyu. He tells him that he will get 2,000 stores if he signs the contract.

Bok-Gyu decides to sign the contract because he doesn’t want to be a small business owner anymore. He asks Gu-Won for the ink pad. But Gu-Won stabs Bok-Gyu’s finger with his goose feather pen for getting the blood. It reminds Bok-Gyu the past that he passed away after he ate the fish. He was sent to hell and he was chased by the fish officers. Bok-Gyu is furious to beat Gu-Won.

We comes back to the present. Bok-Gyu wonders how Gu-Won will bewitch the girl since he lost his powers. Ga-Young approaches Bok-Gyu. She wonders why Gu-Won lost his powers when she eats the apple. He tries to tell her the truth. But he sees her. She stabs the apple with the knife. She asks him to confess.

SEE ALSO: My Demon: Episode 1 Recap & Ending Explained

Episode 2 of My Demon ends with Do-Hee walking on the street. She watches the news. She finds out that Tae-Jun was killed in the restroom. The man who rides the motorcycle rushes to her. He pours the sulfuric acid to her. Gu-Won blocks the sulfuric acid with his body.

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