My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 6 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 6. Jang-Hyun arrives at the camp of Qing Empire. He remembers he told Gil-Chae to go to Ganghwa Island. He promised to find her. Ryang-Eum remembers what he told Jang-Hyun that his song will work. He thought they will be killed if the song doesn’t work.

What Happens In My Dearest Episode 6?

My Dearest

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 6.

Jang-Hyun and Ryang-Eum walks around the camp. They find a place to rest. They get on knees to the banner of Khan when they see the banner. Ryang-Eum thinks Khan came. Jang-Hyun decides to go to take a look at Khan. Khan has meal in his tent. He hears the song.

Gol-Dae intends to go to stop the person from singing the song. But Khan stops Gol-Dae. The soldiers cry when Ryang-Eum sings the song. Gol-Dae shows up. He takes Ryang-Eum and Jang-Hyun to Khan’s tent. Ryang-Eum sings the song for Khan.

Khan wonders why Ryang-Eum’s song is so sad. Ryang-Eum explains to Khan that he felt sad when he thought about his dead friends. Khan mentions he didn’t bring the music to his camp. He tells Ryang-Eum that he enjoyed his show. Ryang-Eum gets on knees to Khan. He tells him that he feels honored.

But Khan sees the bottle Ryang-Eum takes. He walks to him and holds his chin. He smiles to tell him to sing for him each day. Ryang-Eum and Jang-Hyun walk out of Khan’s tent. Gol-Dae reveals Khan usually guards down when he sees the fighters of Chahar.

Jang-Hyun wonders how did Gol-Dae know they came from Chahar. Gol-Dae takes a look at the bottle Jang-Hyun takes. Jang-Hyun realizes that Gol-Dae recognized them because of the sand of Chahar. He mentions they were told that she would be luck if they take the sand.

But Gol-Dae’s smiling is frozen. He tells Jang-Hyun that he’s going to fine the truth. He lets his bodyguards take Jang-Hyun and Ryang-Eum away. Jang-Hyun and Ryang-Eum are tied up. The bodyguards find the money from Jang-Hyun’s body. They leave the cell.

Ryang-Eum worries that the bodyguards will find something out. Jang-Hyun comforts Ryang-Eum that the bodyguards like money. Ryang-Eum tells Jang-Hyun not to underestimate Gol-Dae. Gol-Dae shows up. He thinks Jang-Hyun and Ryang-Eum aren’t Mongolian.

Jang-Hyun tells Gol-Dae that he came from Joseon. He tells him that he wishes to join their army. Gol-Dae thinks Jang-Hyun has no shame because he’s going to attack his hometown. Jang-Hyun tells Gol-Dae that he was just a slave when he was in Joseon. He tells him that he hates Joseon.

But Gol-Dae wonders how did Jang-Hyun got the gold. Jang-Hyun reveals he found the gold after his master gave up him. Gol-Dae realizes that there’s more gold. Jang-Hyun admits it. He tells Gol-Dae that he knows where the gold is.

Jang-Hyun promises to take Gol-Dae to look for the gold if he releases him and Ryang-Eum. But Gol-Dae lets his followers hold the hammers. He mentions the late king of Joseon fooled him and Khan. He lets his followers beat Jang-Hyun and Ryang-Eum.

Ryang-Eum stops Gol-Dae. Gol-Dae realizes that Ryang-Eum is the one. He lets his followers tie Jang-Hyun up. He holds Ryang-Eum’s chin. He tells him to tell him the truth if he doesn’t want his friend to get hurt. Gil-Chae arrives at Ganghwa Island. She is bumped by someone. Her knife drops. She picks up the knife. She turns around and takes a look at the ship.

Gol-Dae tries to hurt Jang-Hyun’s toe. Ryang-Eum threatens to bite his tongue if Gol-Dae hurts his friend. Gol-Dae thinks the two didn’t tell a lie to him. He takes away the sand bottle. He asks Ryang-Eum to sing for Khan with his heart.

Gol-Dae leaves the tent with his followers. Ryang-Eum cries to wipe the blood off Jang-Hyun’s toes. Jang-Hyun smiles to praise Ryang-Eum. Yi-Rib walks into Crown Prince So-Hyun’s room. He reports to him that Jang-Hyun sent a letter to him. He hands over the letter to him.

What Happens to King Injo?

So-Hyun reads the letter. He learns that Jang-Hyun saw Khan. Jang-Hyun tells So-Hyun that Khan will win the battle because there’s no fear in the soldiers’ eyes. King Injo knows the coming of Khan. The chancellor of Joseon fears it because he worries that Khan will make them suffer.

King Injo decides to request a peace negotiation because he fears the battle. Ryang-Eum continues to sing for Khan. Khan thinks King Injo is a great king because King Injo sent a letter to him and he apologized to him. He decides to give an order to King Injo.

The chancellors of Joseon are against it after knowing Khan gave their king an order. They get on knees outside of King Injo’s palace. They ask their king not to accept the order. Bang Doo flees to the cave with Gil-Chae. She asks her if she’s sure that the place is safe.

SEE ALSO: My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 5 Recap & Ending Explained

Gil-Chae wishes the battle to end soon. Jong Jong worries that they will be killed because they heard the intruders will do something bad to the women if they defeat their kingdom. Gil-Chae is furious to stop Jong Jong. She’s upset when she lies in the bed.

Myung-Gil holds the letter of Khan. He reports to King Injo that Khan wishes Crown Prince to be the hostage of him. Sang-Heon walks into the palace. He takes over the letter from Myung-Gil. He tears up the letter. He tells the chancellors that he will treat the person as his enemy if he mentions to let their king to call Khan king.

Sang-Heon tells King Injo to reconsider his plan. He reminds him that he has to leave the fortress if he does so. Gol-Dae reports to Khan that King Injo has sent his son to them. Khan is happy to tell Gol-Dae to let King Injo leave his fortress.

But Gol-Dae tells Khan that the chancellors of Joseon didn’t allow King Injo to do that. Because those chancellors worried that King Injo will be like their late king. But Khan points out that King Injo should walk out of his fortress since he came.

The chancellors ask King Injo to punish Myung-Gil because they think the guy made their king be like that. King Injo wonder if he needs to leave his palace. Sang-Heon cries to tell King Injo that the people of Qing will catch him if he leaves his palace.

Myung-Gil swears not to let King Injo leave his palace. King Injo cries when he thinks about his fate. Myung-Gil visits Gol-Dae. He asks him not to let their king leave his palace since they have sent their crown prince to their place.

Gol-Dae is furious to yell at Myung-Gil after knowing King Injo refused to come out to welcome Khan. He swears to let King Injo pay it back. He tries to go to report it to Khan. But Myung-Gil stops Gol-Dae. He begs him and asks him to trust their king.

Khan wonders why the people of Joseon trusted King Injo. He decides not to see the envoy of Joseon if they don’t bring good news to him. King Injo asks the eunuch if he got any reply from Khan. The eunuch reports to King Injo that Khan refuses to see any envoy until King Injo walks out of his palace.

King Injo tells the eunuch not to serve him any chicken because he didn’t hear the voice of chickens. Jang-Hyun watches the tent of Khan. Ryang-Eum tells Jang-Hyun to leave with him because he thinks there’s nothing they can do.

But Jang-Hyun wants to end the battle. Ryang-Eum wonders why Jang-Hyun suddenly worried about Joseon. He asks him if So-Hyun trusts him. Jang-Hyun thinks it’s not important. He sees the cavalrymen. The general of Qing Empire arrives at the capital of Joseon. He asks King Injo to leave his palace.

Episode 6 of My Dearest ends with the general hearing the sound. Jang-Hyun goes to look for the sound. He finds Gil-Chae and the baby. He tries to leave. But he runs into the general. He tells him that it’s a cat. The general smiles because he thinks the cat cried like a baby. But he hears the cry of the baby.

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