My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 5 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 5. Jang-Hyun shows up in the woods. He takes the sword and asks Gil-Chae if she’s fine. She tells him to be careful. The bandit attacks Jang-Hyun. He hurts his arm.

What Happens In My Dearest Episode 5?

My Dearest

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 5.

Jang-Hyun kills the bandit. Gil-Chae covers her eyes with her hands because she’s scared. Jang-Hyun asks Gil-Chae if she was hurt. She nods and notes that his hand is bleeding. He remembers she called him “My Dear”. He smiles. The girl takes a look at Jang-Hyun. She tells another girl that she thought he was a coward because he didn’t join the army.

Gil-Chae thinks Jang-Hyun is a swindler. But the two girls like Jang-Hyun. The madam asks Jang-Hyun if he has Yeon-Joon’s message when she dresses his wound. He comforts her that the guy is fine. The madam Eun-Ae is shy. Jang-Hyun calls to Gil-Chae. He mentions someone called his husband.

Jang-Hyun thinks the one who called him so was Gil-Chae. But she yells at him and denies it. He asks the girl Jong Jong if she heard it as well. Eun-Ae tells him that she heard it. Gil-Chae is furious to walk away. Jang-Hyun follows her.

Jong Jong tries to follow Gil-Chae. But Goo Jam stops her. He thinks she’s not Gil-Chae’s maid. Jang-Hyun thinks Gil-Chae wishes him to be her husband. She claims that she wishes to be a nun if she has to marry him. But he tells her that he doesn’t plan to get married.

Gil-Chae realizes that Jang-Hyun has many lovers because of his plan. She tells him that she knows the secret. It makes him believe that she wants to marry him. She tells him that she didn’t intend to do so. She adds that it was an accident.

Jang-Hyun realizes that Gil-Chae remembered that she called him dear. He tells her not to be shy that she has feelings for him. He adds that he will think about it if she wishes him to marry her. She explains to him that she called him “My Dear” because he’s like Yeon-Joon. He’s lost to walk away.

Eun-Ae hands over the baby to Bang Doo. She wants to call the baby Dae-Bok. Goo Jam shows up. He thinks the baby is very beautiful. Gil-Chae returns to the camp with Jang-Hyun. She asks him what he’s thinking. He reveals he’s thinking about Yeon-Joon.

It makes Gil-Chae believe that Jang-Hyun is a petty guy. He tells her that Yeon-Joon knows there’re two ladies waiting for him. She thanks him for saving them. He catches the chance to ask for a kiss. She gets angry. He laughs to tell her that he’s not a serious man.

Jang-Hyun tells Gil-Chae that the serious feelings of her and Yeon-Joon are too much to him. He tells her that he wants to get is her warm lips. She’s startled to stand up. She tells him that she doesn’t want to be nice to him because he’s a good-for-nothing lowlife. She leaves.

Jang-Hyun sees the knife Gil-Chae left. He picks up the knife and takes a look at it. He guards her outside when she sleeps in the tent. He takes a look at the tent. Gil-Chae wakes up after she had a beautiful dream. She finds out that Jang-Hyun put his clothes on her.

Gil-Chae smiles. She opens the tent and sees Jang-Hyun putting someone on the horse. He tells Eun-Ae that he will leave the horse to her. He asks her to carry Bang Doo when he hugs the baby. Gil-Chae asks Jang-Hyun where he’s going to go.

Jang-Hyun tells the baby that Gil-Chae is scary. He returns the baby to Eun-Ae. He tells Gil-Chae that he needs to chase the enemies. He thinks she can protect herself. He returns the knife to her. He praise her and thanks her for mistaking him as Yeon-Joon.

Gil-Chae thinks Jang-Hyun teased her again. He gets on the horse and promises not to tease her again. He rides away. She grabs her knife tightly. Goo Jam follows Jang-Hyun in the woods. He worries about Jong Jong because her body is very weak.

What Happens to Yeon-Joon?

Jang-Hyun comforts Goo Jam that Jong Jong is very strong. They spot the refugees. Goo-Jam thinks the refugees are hungry. He recognizes Yeon-Joon from the refugees. Yeon-Joon is scared to pull out his sword. Jang-Hyun gives the food to Yeon-Joon and the soldiers.

Jang-Hyun mentions Se-Kyu’s army was defeated. Yeon-Joon tells Jang-Hyun that he’s going to go to save the king. He asks him to join them. But Jang-Hyun rejects it because he doesn’t want to save the king. He asks Yeon-Joon about Soon-Yak.

Ryang-Eum watches the young masters. He doesn’t expect that some of them were killed. He thinks they’re going to give their lives to the enemies. Jang-Hyun agrees to what Ryang-Eum said. He tells Yeon-Joon that he ran into Eun-Ae.

SEE ALSO: My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 4 Recap & Ending Explained

Jang-Hyun tells Yeon-Joon to give up king and protect Eun-Ae since he cares for the lady. But Yeon-Joon rejects it because he thinks King will protect his woman if he protects King. Jang-Hyun decides to go to the mountain with Yeon-Joon. But he still doesn’t want to save the king.

Gil-Chae returns to the village. She calls Bul-Kang. Jong Jong complains to Gil-Chae that she didn’t expect that she would do so when she cooks. She shows her hands to her. Gil-Chae asks Jong Jong if she wishes her to do so. She wants to beat her when Jong Jong asks her if she can do it.

Bang Doo shows up. She tells the girls that it’s smoking because they put the wet branches into the fire. Eun-Ae takes Bang Doo away. Jong Jong takes a look at the soup. She tells Gil-Chae that she didn’t eat it. He stops Gil-Chae when she wants to eat her food.

Bang Doo tells Gil-Chae to add the sesame oil to get rid of the terrible smell. But Gil-Chae yells at Bang Doo that they don’t have the oil. She thinks they’re going to starve to death. The general walks out of the tent. He sees the people.

Yeon-Joon greets the general. He tells him that he came after he received his message. The camp is under attack. The general asks Yeon-Joon if he can fight. Yeon-Joon admits it. He leaves with the general. Jang-Hyun thinks he should join the battle because he enjoys the fight. He leaves.

Goo Jam agrees to what Jang-Hyun said. He thinks the young masters are going to be killed. Ryang-Eum tells Goo Jam to leave the place if he doesn’t want to be hurt. Goo Jam claims that he’s a good fighter as well. Gil-Chae finds out that the guy is stealing her horse. She stops him.

The village chief tells Eun-Ae that they’re going to go to support the general. Gil-Chae tells him not to take away her horse. He has to leave with the villagers. Gil-Chae complains to Eun-Ae that those people just want to flee. But Eun-Ae tells Gil-Chae that she wants to join the general as well. She thinks Yeon-Joon is in the mountain with the general.

Jang-Hyun helps Yeon-Joon in the battle. Yeon-Joon’s leg is hurt. Gil-Chae cleans the mess when the wounded people cry. She cannot bear it. She tries to leave. But the doctor asks her to hold the wounded person when he treats his leg.

The wounded person cries to ask his mother to help him. Gil-Chae grabs his hand to comfort her. The doctor pulls the arrow out of the wounded person’s leg. The wounded person treats Gil-Chae as his mother when he holds her hand. She tells him that she’s not his mother.

Episode 5 of My Dearest ends with Gil-Chae looking at the moon. She remembers she asked Jang-Hyun why he wants to go to the place since he doesn’t want to save King. He tells her that he doesn’t want to see her crying. She mistakes that he doesn’t want to see her.

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