My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 4 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 4. Jang-Hyun gathers with Yeon-Joon. Yeon-Joon invites Jang-Hyun to join the army. But Jang-Hyun rejects it. He claims that he just came to see if he could handle the horse.

What Happens In My Dearest Episode 4?

My Dearest

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 4.

The guy thinks Jang-Hyun isn’t a nobleman. He hears Jang-Hyun buying the nobility. But Yeon-Joon points out that Jang-Hyun gave them the horses. The guy thinks Jang-Hyun wants to impress the ladies. Goo Jam follows Jang-Hyun. He mentions he promised Jong Jong to join the army. He feels embarrassed.

Ryang-Eum arrives at the place. He thinks they should flee. Jang-Hyun tells Ryang-Eum that the intruders will choose the path. He stares at the path. Myung-Gil looks at outside. He tells King Injo to ask for reinforcement. But Sang-Heon thinks they shouldn’t trust the intruders.

Sang-Heon mentions Jingkang Incident. He tells King Injo to prepare for the battle. King Injo walks around the city wall. He trips. He tells the soldiers that they will defeat the enemies if the reinforcement comes. The soldiers are cheered up by King Injo.

Gil-Chae remembers Jang-Hyun showed up in front of her when she looks at Yeon-Joon. She wonders why she looked at Jang-Hyun. She thinks Eun-Ae saw it wrong. She asks Jong Jong if she agrees to what she said. But Jong Jong saw it as well.

Gil-Chae wonders why she looked at the man who doesn’t want to get married. She yells. Eun-Ae calls Gil-Chae. Gil-Chae runs out of her house. She finds out that Eun-Ae dressed up. Eun-Ae tells Gil-Chae that she treats herself as Yeon-Joon’s wife.

But Eun-Ae’s maid Bang Doo thinks Gil-Chae is Yeon-Joon’s wife. It makes Gil-Chae embarrassed. Eun-Ae tells Gil-Chae that she’s going to pray for Yeon-Joon. She asks her to join her. Gil-Chae feels cold when Eun-Ae prays. Yeon-Joon wakes up from the battlefield. He’s startled when he sees the dead bodies.

Soon-Yak cries when he lies on the ground. Yeon-Joon runs to Soon-Yak. He hugs him. Soon-Yak takes out Gil-Chae’s perfume pouch. His belly is bleeding. Yeon-Joon asks for a doctor. Soon-Yak mentions he had a chance because Yeon-Joon was engaged with Eun-Ae. He regrets for not confessing his feelings to Gil-Chae.

It flashes back. Soon-Yak shows the swing he fixed to Gil-Chae. She sits on the swing and asks him to push her. He pushes her and makes her happy. Soon-Yak thinks Gil-Chae doesn’t know that he has become a man. He passes away. Yeon-Joon cries when he hugs Soon-Yak.

The chancellor reports to King Injo that Qing Army killed all of the reinforcements. King Injo wonders why Qing Army attacked the reinforcements instead of the palace. Myung-Gil realizes that Qing Army plans to make them not have food to eat.

The soldier fears it after he lost his arm. Yeon-Joon holds the soldier’s hand to comfort him. The guy wants to go home because he thinks he has done his best. But Yeon-Joon wants to go to save King Injo. The guy has to follow Yeon-Joon.

Goo Jam wakes up. He finds out that Jang-Hyun is missing. He goes to look for him. He finds him. Jang-Hyun tells Goo Jam that Qing People are going to come because he heard the horses. He intends to inform other villages that Qing People has gotten into the village.

Jang-Hyun tells Goo Jam to hide in the place with Ryang-Eum. But he’s told that Ryang-Eum went to the village. Jang-Hyun intends to go to look for Ryang-Eum. He tells Goo Jam to go to raise the smoke signal. Ryang-Eum goes to the village to buy the knife. He remembers what Jang-Hyun told him that he lost the knife he gave him.

The villager is killed in front of Ryang-Eum. Ryang-Eum turns around. He sees Qing People killing villagers. He tries to flee. But the soldier of Qing Army catches him with the rope. He drags him to move when he rides the horse.

Jang-Hyun cuts off the rope and saves Ryang-Eum. Ryang-Eum wonders how did Jang-Hyun know he’s there. Jang-Hyun covers Ryang-Eum’s mouth with his hand. He takes a look at Qing People. He tries to take Ryang-Eum away. But Ryang-Eum stops Jang-Hyun. He mentions he lost his knife.

Jang-Hyun yells at Ryang-Eum that he didn’t ask him to buy him a new knife. He tells him to leave with him. Ryang-Eum thinks it wasn’t Jang-Hyun’s second time to save him. The ladies ask the god to save their men when they pray. Gil-Chae turns around. She sees the smoke signal.

What Happens to Song Chu and Yi Rang?

Gil-Chae remembers what Jang-Hyun told her to flee if she sees the smoke. She reports it to the chief. But he doesn’t believe what she said. She reveals the message was sent by Jang-Hyun. The villagers begin to pack their stuff.

SEE ALSO: My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 3 Recap & Ending Explained

Gil-Chae lets her follower to bury her shoes. Jong Jong blames Gil-Chae for caring for her shoes. Gil-Chae claims that the shoes are valuable. Qing People break into the village. They begin to kill the villagers. Hyeon Kyeom tells the ladies to protect themselves when they run into Qing People.

Hyeon Kyeom thinks the ladies should end their lives if they’re hurt by Qing People. But Gil-Chae stops Hyeon Kyeom. She takes Eun-Ae away. The chief tells Gil-Chae and Eun-Ae to get on the boat. But the chief’s grandson cries. Gil-Chae tells the chief to take his grandson to get on the boat. She thinks she can take another boat. The chief takes the people to leave.

Eun-Ae turns around. She wonders why she doesn’t see Yi Rang. Yi Rang returns to the village to look for his husband Song Chu. He sees the crows. He thinks the intruders are going to come. The intruders break into the village. They find out that the villagers have fled. They look for the silk.

The intruder finds the silk. But Song Chu shoots him. Boatman returns. Gil-Chae finds out that the boatman was killed. She decides to take another path. Yi Rang finds out that the intruder is going to hurt Song Chu. She tries to attack him from his back. But she’s stabbed by him.

Song Chu kills the intruder. He tries to go to take care of his wife. But he’s stabbed by the intruder chief. The intruder chief blames Song Chu for wasting his time. He tells other intruders to go to look for women and money. Yi Rang tries her best to hold Song Chu’s hand. He intends to go to invite a doctor.

Episode 4 of My Dearest ends with Gil-Chae having a dream that she appears on the beach. She leans her head on her lover’s back. She tells her that she knows he’s her husband. But she doesn’t know where he is. She cries to tell him that she’s tired.

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