My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 3 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 3. Soon-Yak tells the villagers that the intruders caught their king. The villagers are shocked after they heard the bad news. Yi Rang pours Song Chu a drink after they got married.

What Happens In My Dearest Episode 3?

My Dearest

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for My Dearest K-Drama: Episode 3.

Jang-Hyun walks into Yi Rang and Song Chu’s wedding room. Song Chu worries that the intruders are going to come. Jang-Hyun comforts Song Chu that the intruders won’t come so fast because they just caught their king. He tells him to enjoy the wedding night.

Song Chu wonders why Jang-Hyun is nice to him when Jang-Hyun is going to leave. Jang-Hyun tells Song Chu that he deserves it. He walks out of his house. He sees the elderly man telling the ladies to hide away. He sees the kid crying when he calls his father.

Jang-Hyun takes a look at Ryang-Eum. The kid disappears. Ryang-Eum drinks with Jang-Hyun in the room. He asks him why he was scared. Jang-Hyun drinks the wine. He tells Ryang-Eum that he’s going to flee. But Ryang-Eum doesn’t believe Jang-Hyun will do so.

Ryang-Eum thinks the intruders won’t leave like they did ten years ago. Jang-Hyun tells Ryang-Eum that the situation has changed because the intruders caught their king. He smiles. He thinks the battle won’t end even if he cries. He lies on the floor. He mentions Ryang-Eum is a good singer.

The messenger arrives at the school. He reads King Injo’s order. King Injo tells the scholars to join the army. The court official goes to see the general of Qing army. The general gives the court official a hug. He asks him if the two guys are actually King’s brother and the minister.

The court official admits it. He’s killed by the general. The general tells the two guys to go to report it to King Injo. The minister reports to King Injo that the general wished the crown prince to be the hostage. Sang-Heon tells the king not to accept it.

Gil-Chae has a sweet dream that she asks her lover to kiss her. She wakes up from the dream. She joins the people. Yeon-Joon tells the people to go to save King Injo with him. Jang-Hyun thinks Yeon-Joon needs a singer. He spots Gil-Chae who tears up.

Bang Doo wonders why Eun-Ae cries. She wants to cry as well. Jang-Hyun walks to Gil-Chae. He asks her why she cries. He points at Yeon-Joon and thinks he wishes some people to join him. Gil-Chae agrees to what Jang-Hyun said. He thinks Yeon-Joon isn’t like Jang-Hyun who just wants to flee.

Jang-Hyun wonders how did Gil-Chae knew it. She tells him that his ugly face told it to her. She thinks he only cares for himself no matter what happens to the nation. The people join Yeon-Joon. Goo Jam wants to join the people.

But Jang-Hyun stops Goo Jam. The kid wants to join the army as well. It makes the people laugh. Soon-Yak asks Jang-Hyun if he’s going to join the army. But he rejects it. Gyo-Yeon thinks Jang-Hyun refused to join the army because he’s not healthy.

But Jang-Hyun tells Gyo-Yeon that he’s healthy. He thinks they shouldn’t go to save the king since he fled. The people blames Jang-Hyun. Jang-Hyun smiles to tell the people to go to save their king. He takes a look at Gil-Chae. He walks away.

The ladies want to embroider their names on their lovers’ clothes. Gil-Chae wants to do it for Yeon-Joon as well. But she finds out that Bang Doo is looking at her. Goo Jam packs the stuff for Jang-Hyun. He asks him if he actually wants to flee.

Jang-Hyun admits it. He tells Goo Jam to fold his clothes well. He thinks there will be one staying since all of the men joined the army. Jang-Hyun waits for Gil-Chae. He blocks her way when she intends to leave. He tells her that he’s going to run away. He asks her to leave with him.

What Present Jang-Hyun Gives to Gil-Chae?

But Gil-Chae doesn’t want to flee. She tries to leave. Jang-Hyun reminds her that the people who joined the army will be killed. But she believes that her hero Yeon-Joon will defeat the enemies. But he asks her if Yeon-Joon can be alive if he encounters to real fighters.

Gil-Chae watches the people training. She remembers what Jang-Hyun asked her if those people can be alive if they encounter the real fighters. Yeon-Joon walks to Gil-Chae. He wonders why she’s there. She asks him if he prepared enough.

Yeon-Joon admits it. He reveals he’s going to leave after the training. But they’re lack of horses. She tells him not to join the army. She worries that he will be killed because he only knows to study. But he points out that the king is locked up in Namhan Fortress. He wants to die with pride.

SEE ALSO: My Dearest K-Drama: Episodes 1-2 Recap & Ending Explained

Gil-Chae tells Eun-Ae to go to persuade her fiance to give up on joining the army because she worries that her fiance will be killed in the battlefield. She asks her if she wishes her lover to be killed. The two ladies cry when they think about the death scene of Yeon-Joon.

Eun-Ae hugs Gil-Chae. She wipes off her tears. She agrees to what her said that Yeon-Joon will be killed. She goes to persuade Yeon-Joon. Gil-Chae watches the two. She thinks Eun-Ae did a great job. She sees Yeon-Joon off. She thinks the two had a good talk.

Gil-Chae asks Eun-Ae if she had a good talk with Yeon-Joon. Eun-Ae nods. Gil-Chae mistakes that Yeon-Joon won’t join the army. But Eun-Ae tells Gil-Chae that she’s going to get married with Yeon-Joon. She thanks her. Gil-Chae cries to return home. She feels bad when she thinks about Yeon-Joon is going to marry Eun-Ae.

Jong Jong reminds Gil-Chae that men care for the fish that they caught. Gil-Chae agrees to what Jong Jong said. She believes that Yeon-Joon will confess his feelings to her if she marries someone. She meets with Soon-Yak in the woods.

Gil-Chae asks Soon-Yak if he’s going to leave with the army. He admits it and swears to cut off the enemy’s head. It startles her. She mentions Yeon-Joon is going to marry Eun-Ae. She thinks he’s very stupid. He asks her to marry him in front of his parents. It makes his mother pass out. The girl is sad to run away after she heard Soon-Yak’s confession. Gil-Chae smiles when she thinks about Yeon-Joon’s unhappy face.

Episode 3 of My Dearest ends with Gil-Chae telling Soon-Yak not to be hurt before he leaves. Eun-Ae takes Jang-Hyun to see Gil-Chae. She tells Gil-Chae to give something to Jang-Hyun. But Gil-Chae doesn’t give anything to Jang-Hyun. He gives a present to her. She opens the present. She finds out that the present is a knife. She thinks he played a trick to her again just like what he did to other women.

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