Moving K-Drama: Episodes 2-9 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for Moving K-Drama: Episodes 2-9. Mi-Hyun carries Bong-Seok to walk on the snow. They arrive at the restaurant. Mi-Hyun gets into the restaurant. She closes the door. The restaurant owner sees Mi-Hyun’s luggage. She complains to her that her luggage blocks the aisle.

What Happens In Moving Episode 2?

Moving K-Drama

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Moving K-Drama: Episodes 2-9.

Mi-Hyun cries to tell Bong-Seok that she’s tired. The barn owner takes Mi-Hyun to see his building. She pays the rent but she asks him not to come. She threatens to report him if he doesn’t agree to it. He agrees to it and leaves the building.

Mi-Hyun passes by the butcher’s shop. The butcher takes a look at Bong-Seok. He thinks he has a condition. Mi-Hyun blames the butcher for looking at her son. She tells her that her son isn’t disabled. The butcher’s son shows up when he carries the meat. He’s disabled.

The butcher gives the two candies to her son because he did a great job. He shares the candies with Bong-Seok. Mi-Hyun is on the way home with her son. She takes a look at the candies in her bag. She returns to the butcher’s shop.

Mi-Hyun apologizes to the butcher for what she said to her. The butcher realizes that Mi-Hyun misunderstood her stare. She explains to her that she just thought body is too crammed up. She tells her to look at herself in the mirror. Mi-Hyun returns home. She begins to train Bong-Seok. She hugs him after he did a great job.

Bong-Seok falls to the bed when Mi-Hyun is cooking. She asks him about his dream because the dream made his nose bleed. She tells him to eat the meat. But he rejects it and explains to her that he just banged his nose. He’s surprised that she prepared so a lot of food for him.

Episode 2 of Moving ends with Bong-Seok telling Hui-Soo that his mother is good at sewing. He asks her if she wishes him to ask his mother a favor. She rejects it and pays for the uniform. She walks out of the clothing store. She tells him that she’s hungry.

What Task Does Yong-Jun Give to Mi-Hyun?

The captain is flying the plane. He tells the passengers on the plane to fasten their seatbelts because they’re experiencing some turbulence. The kid sees a man flying in the clouds. But his father doesn’t believe what he said. The man lands the plane.

The man tells the captain to land it. He reveals there’s a bomb on the plane. He takes out his gun. He sees the kid from the window. The plane explodes. The man takes off his glasses. Moving finds out that he’s Doo-Sik. Mi-Hyun is in Yong-Jun’s office.

Yong-Jun reads Mi-Hyun’s resume. She learns that she was hurt when she did the task. He promises not to let her be hurt. He takes her to another room. He gives a task to her. He tells her to be close to the agent Doo-Sik. He thinks her beauty is a weapon.

Yong-Jun tells Mi-Hyun that she has to take the duty if she fails. She takes a look at Doo-Sik’s photo. She finds out that he’s very handsome. She gets in the elevator. Doo-Sik stares at her. She gets off the elevator. He doesn’t chase her. She thinks the task isn’t easy.

Doo-Sik sees Mi-Hyun who’s drinking coffee in front of the coffee machine. He walks to her. But she walks away. She smiles. Ju-Won takes Doo-Sik to see Yong-Jun. But Yong-Jun tells Doo-Sik to leave after he heard his report. Doo-Sik sees Mi-Hyun again after he shot. He walks to her.

Mi-Hyun gets the coffee from the coffee machine. She tries to leave. But Doo-Sik blocks her way. She greets him and asks him if they met before. He denies it and tells her that he saw her when she came around. She introduces herself to him. She tries to leave. But he stops her and asks her for the change.

Episode 8 of Moving ends with Mi-Hyun telling Doo-Sik that she agrees to what he said that an intentional failure isn’t a failure. She remembers she shot the door and let the spies flee. She thinks he didn’t like coffee. He admits it and tells her that he begins to like coffee.

How Does Mi-Hyun Know Doo-Sik Concealed A Secret from Her?

Mi-Hyun walks into her office. She gets a call from someone who tells her that Yong-Jun wants to see her. She walks out of her office. She hears the colleague blaming her for letting them walk on eggshells. She goes to see Yong-Jun.

Yong-Jun lets Secretary Kim to bring some water. But she breaks something. She’s scared to run out of his office. Mi-Hyun makes a cup of coffee for Yong-Jun. She hands over the coffee to him. He notes that she doesn’t have any coffee.

SEE ALSO: Moving K-Drama: Episode 1 Recap & Ending Explained

Mi-Hyun tells Yong-Jun that she’s fine because she doesn’t like coffee. He tastes the coffee and thinks it’s good. He asks her about her task. It flashes back. Doo-Sik tells Mi-Hyun that Yong-Jun won’t stand any failure. He tells her to continue her task because he wishes to see her.

Mi-Hyun reports to Yong-Jun that she ran her task well. He feels happy after he heard the good news. He promises to promote her. He asks her about Doo-Sik. But she doesn’t know what Doo-Sik likes. He realizes that Doo-Sik didn’t open his heart to her because he didn’t tell his secret to her.

Mi-Hyun asks Yong-Jun about Doo-Sik’s secret. But he lets her find it out on her own. He tells her that he wishes her to be close to Doo-Sik before she leaves. She walks out of his office and sees Secretary Kim. She tells her to make Yong-Jun’s coffee with three sugars and cream.

Mi-Hyun thinks Secretary Kim is alone. She cheers her up because she’s alone as well. It makes Secretary Kim tear up. Mi-Hyun tells Secretary Kim that crying is a weakness. She tells her to only cry when she’s upset. Secretary Kim nods. She bows to Mi-Hyun.

Mi-Hyun returns to her office. Woon-Kyu lets Mi-Hyun come to her. She asks her where she went. Mi-Hyun confesses to Woon-Kyu that she went to see Yong-Jun. Woon-Kyu thinks Mi-Hyun should report to her when she returned. Mi-Hyun points out that it was a personal meeting.

Woon-Kyu realizes that it was a top-secret task. She thinks Mi-Hyun was like a rat. Mi-Hyun intends to close the door because there’s many ears. But Woon-Kyu is against it because she thinks those people are insiders. She threatens to report it to Mi-Hyun’s leader.

Episode 9 of Moving ends with Mi-Hyun thinking what Doo-Sik said to her came from his heart even if he made fun of her. She opens the door of the balcony. She finds out that he’s floating outside when it’s raining. She wonders how did he know she’s there. She’s move to hug him. She kisses him.

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