Moving K-Drama: Episode 13 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for Moving K-Drama: Episode 13. Ju-Won begins his office life after the black team got disbanded. He gets off the bus and finds out that he left the bag on the bus. He fails to catch the bus.

What Happens In Moving Episode 13?


Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Moving K-Drama: Episode 13.

Ju-Won sighs. His wife Ji-Hee thinks he left his bag on the bus again. She smiles to ask him come to her. She returns home with him. He takes a look at their wedding photo. He lets her take his arm. He walks her just like they got married.

Ju-Won eats barbecue with Ji-Hee. She thinks she should drink wine when she eats the meat. He wonders why she didn’t buy wine. She explains to him that she doesn’t want to drink alone. He mentions she drinks wine like water. He brags that he never got drunk.

Ju-Won asks Ji-Hee about the feelings when she’s drunk. She reveals she drank because she wanted to forget bad things. He tells her that he wishes to get drunk. She realizes that he encountered hard time when he worked. He tells her that he thinks his work is too simple.

Ju-Won tells Jin-Hee that he wishes to have worth to the world. She puts the barbecue into his mouth. She tells him that he has worth to her. It makes him cry. She thinks he doesn’t have to worry about it since they own each other. She tells him to go to do the things he wants to do.

Ju-Won drinks at the bar. He returns home. Jin-Hee gives him a hug after knowing he’s not drunk. Yong-Jun shows up when Ju-Won is working. He thinks the job doesn’t suit him. He tells him that he’s going to give him a chance. Jin-Hee tells Ju-Won to come home to eat the barbecue. But she finds out that he’s ready for the fight.

How Does Yong-Jun Know North Korean Has Powerful Agents?

Ju-Won goes to the mountain with the soldiers to catch the North Korean spies. The commander brings the noodles to Ju-Won. He tells him to wear the shoes because he worries what he wears will bring trouble to their team. The soldiers run into Rae-Hyuk when they search the North Korean spies.

Rae-Hyuk tells the soldiers that he’s an agent of NIS before they shoot him. Rae-Hyuk feels happy for seeing Ju-Won when he takes him to his tent. Ju-Won wonders if Rae-Hyuk has an ability or not. Rae-Hyuk denies it. He tells Ju-Won that he’s good at investigating. He tells him to follow him.

Ji-Hee returns home. She finds out that the fridge is full of meat. She puts the meat she just bought into the fridge. Rae-Hyuk finds the traces of the spies. He tells the soldiers to go to catch the spies. Ju-Won tries to follow the soldiers.

But Rae-Hyuk stops Ju-Won. He tells him that he found something strange in the tracks. He adds that one of the guards is powerful. Ju-Won is furious to grab Rae-Hyuk’s collar after knowing he used the soldiers to deal with the spies. He goes to save the soldiers.

The soldiers encounter the spies. The commander is killed. The spy Chan-Il pushes rocks to the soldiers. Many of them are killed. Ju-Won rushes to Chan-Il. He fights with him. Chan-Il defeats Ju-Won. He tells him that he will come back to take revenge. He escapes.

Ju-Won returns to the camp. He looks at the shoes the commander gave him. Rae-Hyuk shows up. He asks Ju-Won if he encountered the strange guy. He regrets for not catching the spy. But he thinks it’s enough to rebuild the organization.

But Ju-Won tells Rae-Hyuk that he will kill him if he sees him again. He leaves. Ji-Hee tears up when she watches the news. Ju-Won returns home. He finds out that his wife fixed the light. She hugs him from his back when he unties his shoes. She tells him that she feels happy that he came back.

Yong-Jun meets with Mark. He blames him for North Korean has powerful agents. He rebuilds the Black Team. He lets Ju-Won be the captain. The team members treat Ju-Won as their captain. But Jincheon thinks he should be the captain.

Is Ji-Hee Dead?

Jincheon shakes hands with Ju-Won. He explains to him that he cannot control his power. He ruins his hand. Ju-Won heals his hand. He tells Jincheon that he’s very luck. Ju-Won is going to go on a business trip. Ji-Hee stops him. She tells him that she wishes to have a daughter to look after him.

SEE ALSO: Moving K-Drama: Episode 12 Recap & Ending Explained

Episode 13 of Moving ends with Ji-Hee thinking it was her mistake. She reminds Ju-Won the day they met. She cries. He hugs her and takes her to their room. They have a baby. The baby grows up. She becomes a beautiful little girl. Ji-Hee and her daughter have an accident. Ji-Hee is dead. Her daughter is wounded. Ju-Won goes to see his wife. He promises to take care of their daughter Hui-Soo.

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