Marry My Husband: Episode 13 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Marry My Husband: Episode 13. Ji-Won sends Ji-Hyeok to the hospital. She tries to follow him to the operating room. But the nurse stops her. Ji-Won has to cry outside. The doctor is going to operate on Ji-Hyeok when Ji-Hyeok is on the operating table.

Marry My Husband Episode 13 Recap: Hatred And Tears

Marry My Husband

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Marry My Husband: Episode 13.

Six days before the accident. Yu-Ra meets with Min-Hwan in the car. She thinks he’s very handsome. He laughs and he thinks they met before. She denies it and she reveals Ji-Won stole her fiance. Su-Min calls Hui-Suk when she’s at home. She blames her for bringing up the money.

She’s furious to hang up. She gets a call from Min-Hwan. He tells her that he has known that she got Ji-Won’s photos from the envelope. She takes a photo of the envelope. She sends the photo to him. He checks the photo. He finds out that Yu-Ra sent the photos to Su-Min with the name of her friend.

He believes that Yu-Ra is in anger because Ji-Won stole her boyfriend. He reminds her that shrimps are very smart. He doesn’t want to step in the fight of whales. He’s furious to get off her car. She follows him to get off the car.

She thinks she doesn’t know how big he ocean is as a shrimp. He’s furious to have her lean against her car. He tells her that he will bite her. But she tells him to beat Ji-Won. She persuades him to change his life with the chance. She lets her secretary give her business card to Min-Hwan. She leaves with her secretary.

Ji-Won gets in the elevator when she talks with someone over the phone. Min-Hwan gets in the elevator before the door closes. He grabs Ji-Won’s shoulders. He has her lean against the wall. He asks her how did she know Ji-Hyeok is the heir of U&K.

She tries to flee. But he has her lean against the wall again. He asks her when she planned it. She kicks him and she reminds him that she did it because he cheated on her. She picks up her phone and she flees. Ji-Won walks out of her company. Min-Hwan tails her.

Dong-Suk stops Ji-Won before she returns home. He reveals Ji-Hyeok asked him to come. He hands over the fried chicken to her. He gives his business card to her. He tells her that Ji-Hyeok is a good person. Min-Hwan watches them from his car. He recognizes Dong-Suk. He realizes that Ji-Won played with him. He plans to make her pay.

Yu-Ra’s followers take Min-Hwan to the gym where Yu-Ra is fighting with the boxer. Yu-Ra invites Min-Hwan to have a fight with her. But he rejects it. She reminds him that he needs some guts to take revenge. He takes off his suit. He intends to do boxing with her. But she lets him fight with her secretary.

Yu-Ra’s secretary defeats Min-Hwan with just one hit. Min-Hwan thinks the guy shouldn’t kick him because it’s boxing. But Yu-Ra tells him that there’re no rules for winning. She decides to work with him when she uses his tie to slap his face.

Suk-Joon hands over the papers to Ji-Hyeok. He thinks Ji-Won has been the richest women in Korea. He wonders why Ji-Hyeok prepared the future for the girl since they’ve broken up. Ji-Hyeok reveals he wishes Ji-Won to live well even if they cannot get together.

Yu-Ra reveals Ji-Won has 80 million won. Min-Hwan is shocked to get up from the floor. Yu-Ra’s secretary opens two suitcases. Min-Hwan sees the cash inside the suitcases. Yu-Ra tells Min-Hwan that she will pay him 100 times more than the cash if he kills Ji-Won. She reveals Su-Min and Ji-Won are sisters.

Ji-Won takes a look at Dong-Suk’s business card. She remembers the past of her and Ji-Hyeok. She cries to tell her father that she doesn’t know what to do. Min-Hwan returns home with the suitcase. He tells Su-Min that he has known that she used Ji-Won’s mother to trick Ji-Won.

He reveals Ji-Won has 80 million won. Su-Min is shocked. She remembers Ji-Won and Ji-Hyeok attended her wedding together. Min-Hwan reveals Ji-Won’s mother will get the money if Ji-Won dies. Su-Min doesn’t believe that Ji-Won’s mother will give the money to them. But Min-Hwan tells Su-Min that he knows her father is alive.

The loan sharks beat Su-Min’s father Man-Sik at his restaurant. They ask him to pay them 100 million won. Su-Min shows up after the loan sharks left. She asks Man-Sik about his wife. Hui-Suk shows up. Ji-Hyeok visits Yu-Ra. He hands over the papers to her. He tells her that she can control U&K because he has transferred the stock to her.

But she throws the papers to the table. She tells him that she doesn’t want to get lost. He mentions she doesn’t have feelings for him. He hears the sound. He walks into her room to look for the man. Yu-Ra is very happy after she found out that Ji-Hyeok is jealous.

But he asks her to stop what she’s doing when he hands over the papers to her. But she tells him that she doesn’t do anything. She returns the papers to him. She tells him that she wishes to marry him. He walks out of her house. He tears up the papers. He calls Suk-Joon. He asks him to look into something.

Yu-Ra returns to her room. Min-Hwan shows up. He worries that Ji-Hyeok caught them. Yu-Ra reveals Ji-Hyeok just gave her four trillion won. She swears to make Ji-Hyeok regret. She kisses Min-Hwan. Su-Min opens the bag. She shows the cash to Man-Sik and Hui-Suk.

She reveals it’s 150 million won. She tells the two that she will make them be rich. Man-Sik wonders where Su-Min got the money when he tries to grab the bag. But Su-Min reveals the cash was given by the boss who can bury them. She asks her father if he can do it.

Su-Min leaves her father’s restaurant. She calls Min-Hwan. She reports to him that her father agreed to do it. He tells the good news to Yu-Ra. She’s happy to give him a kiss. He leaves her house. She wonders why he trusts her after she slept with him.

Yu-Ra’s secretary reports to Yu-Ra that Ji-Won’s father’s death anniversary is this weekend. Yu-Ra decides to kill Ji-Won on that day. Ji-Won drives her car to her father’s grave. She cries to tell her father that she’s a fool. Ji-Hyeok returns to his room. He gets a call from Suk-Joon.

Suk-Joon reports to Ji-Hyeok that Ji-Won’s mother rented a dump truck. He thinks Ji-Won’s mother did it because she knows she will get the money if Ji-Won dies. Ji-Won returns to her car. She finds out that her phone is dead. She drives away.

Shin-Woo tries to tail Ji-Won. But his car breaks down. He reports it to Ji-Hyeok. Ji-Hyeok leaves his house. He drivers his car to go to save Ji-Won. He calls her but she doesn’t pick up his phone. He leaves a message to her that he was reborn like her. He confesses his feelings to her. He apologizes to her when he tears up. Ji-Won stops her car when there’re red lights. Man-Sik drives the dump truck to her. Ji-Hyeok drives his car to block Man-Sik’s dump truck. He’s hit by the dump truck. He passes out in his car.

We go back to the hospital. Ji-Won waits outside the operating room. Her phone is alive. She checks Ji-Hyeok’s message. She learns that he died in 2023. Hui-Suk is waiting for Man-Sik in the room with Su-Min. She wonders why her husband doesn’t pick up her phone. She thinks it’s an easy job to crash someone.

Su-Min wonders why Hui-Suk doesn’t care for her daughter. Hui-Suk reveals she thinks money is more important than her daughter. But Su-Min tells Hui-Suk that her father is a liar. She believes that her father will make Hui-Suk clean up the mess. Man-Sik returns. Su-Min realizes that her father failed.

Yu-Ra’s secretary returns when Min-Hwan is taking care of Yu-Ra’s hand. He reports to Yu-Ra that Man-Sik failed because of Ji-Hyeok’s showing up. She wonders why Ji-Hyeok appeared. He knows nothing about it. But he promises to look into it.

She thinks he plans to make her clean up his mess. She believes that Man-Sik would go to the hotel to see Su-Min. She asks his secretary to go to catch the man. Yu-Ra’s secretary leaves. Yu-Ra asks Min-Hwan to ask his wife to pretend nothing happened.

Su-Min is furious to throw a fit in the room. Min-Hwan stops her. She cries to tell him that her father ran away with the woman again. She blames Ji-Won. Min-Hwan tells his wife to listen to Yu-Ra. He lets her pretend not to know what her father did.

Han-Il arrives at the hospital with Hee-Yeon. The doctor reports to Han-Il that his grandson is getting the surgery. Han-Il takes a look at Ji-Won. Hee-Yeon waits outside. She cries because she worries that her older brother will die.

Ji-Won comforts Hee-Yeon that her older brother won’t die. She sees the follower reporting something to Suk-Joon. She follows them and she learns that Su-Min planned it. She wonders why Su-Min tried to kill her since she cannot get benefits from her death. Suk-Joon tells Ji-Won that Ji-Hyeok gave something to her.

Ji-Won waits outside the operating room. She tears up because she thinks he got Ji-Hyeok involved. The doctor walks out the the operating room. He reports to Han-Il that Ji-Hyeok doesn’t wake up. Han-Il cries to ask the doctor to save his grandson.

Ji-Won remembers Ji-Hyeok told her that he knows he would die. She watches him when he’s in his ward. She texts Su-Min. She asks her for a meeting up. Su-Min runs to see Ji-Won. Ji-Won asks Su-Min if she killed someone for money. Su-Min pretends to know nothing.

She cries to tell Ji-Won that she lost her baby because of her. But Ji-Won points out that Min-Hwan cannot have baby. Su-Min tries to show her ultrasound photo to Ji-Won. Ji-Won tells Su-Min not to tell lies to her. She grabs her neck. She asks her why she did it to her. Su-Min shakes off Ji-Won’s hands. She tells Ji-Won that she doesn’t wish her to be happy. She reveals her mother ran away with her father. She thinks Ji-Won doesn’t know it.

It flashes back. Su-Min sends a message to her father. She asks him to come to take her because she has known he had an affair with another woman. Su-Min’s mother opens the door. She tells Su-Min to go to see her father because she doesn’t like her.

Su-Min calls her father when she looks for him on the street. She sees her father leaving with a woman when he calls the woman princess. She knows the princess has a daughter. She steals Ji-Won’s wallet on the bus when Ji-Won falls asleep. She returns the wallet to her when Ji-Won is scolded by the convenience store owner.

Ji-Won takes Su-Min home. Su-Min finds out that the floor is warm when it’s cold outside. Su-Min reveals her father turned on the floor heating. Ji-Won’s father is happy to show up. He reveals he turned on the floor heating because he heard Ji-Won took her friend home.

Su-Min greets Ji-Won’s father Hyun-Mo. He shows the cakes he prepared for her. He gives the cash to her and Ji-Won. He leaves Ji-Won’s room. Ji-Won finds out that her father drew the heart shape drawing on the cash again. She leaves her room. Su-Min looks around the room. She sees Ji-Won and her father’s family photo. She thinks her friend owns everything. She decides to steal everything from Ji-Won.

Su-Min tells Ji-Won that she hates her because she’s happy all the time. She pushes her away. She tells her that she’s going to show the hell of life to her. She tries to leave. Ji-Won stops Su-Min. She tells her that she knew her father had an affair with her mother.

It flashes back. Su-Min tells Ji-Won that she misses her father. She tries to leave the school. But it’s raining outside. She sees the fathers coming to pick up their daughters. She tries to cover the rain with her bag. But Ji-Won shows up when she holds the umbrella for Su-Min. The umbrella is blown away by the wind. The two girls laugh to run in the rain when they holds each other’s hands. But Su-Min kills Ji-Won.

Ji-Won cries to tell Su-Min that she wished her to be happy before she passed away. But Su-Min doesn’t believe what Ji-Won said because Ji-Won dumped Min-Hwan on her. She yells at her when she thinks she took everything. Ji-Won tells Su-Min that she will send her to the hell. She leaves.

Ji-Won walks into the ward when Hee-Yeon is taking care of her older brother. She lets Hee-Yeon go home. Hee-Yeon leaves the ward. Ji-Won receives a message from Ju-Ran. Ju-Ran asks Ji-Won for a meeting up after she found out that her husband cheated on her.

Marry My Husband Episode 13 Ending

Suk-Joon parks his car in front of Ju-Ran’s restaurant. He wonders if he should let it go. He sees Ju-Ran walking away. He finds out that her husband is cheating on her. She tries to leave. But she’s tired. He parks his car on the street. He blocks her way.

SEE ALSO: Marry My Husband: Episode 12 Recap & Ending

She’s surprised to see him. He picks up her shoe and he lets her wear her shoe. He wonders why she ran away since she should beat her husband. He mentions her husband did it at her father’s restaurant. It makes her cry. She complains to him that she’s waiting for her husband.

Yu-Ra’s secretary reports to Yu-Ra that he’s going to go to catch Man-Sik and Hui-Suk. She praises him after she heard the good news. She takes a look at Eun-Ho’s photo. She has meal at Eun-Ho’s restaurant. She summons Eun-Ho. She wonders how did he know Ji-Hyeok.

Episode 13 of Marry My Husband ends with Min-Hwan arriving at the company. He finds out that Ji-Hyeok isn’t in the office. Su-Min gets Yu-Ra’s number from Min-Hwan’s phone when Min-Hwan falls asleep. Ji-Won takes care of Ji-Hyeok in the ward. She sees the heart shape on his neck. She cries to ask him not to leave her. She plays his recording. He wakes up and wipes off her tears. He confesses his feelings to her. She confesses her feelings to him as well when she sheds tears.

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