Lovely Runner: Episode 1 Recap

This is the recap for Lovely Runner: Episode 1. The people watch the eclipse outside. They’re excited. Im Sol lies in her bed in the ward. She sees the eclipse as well. Sun-Jae is happy to go to the radio station with his band members.


Lovely Runner: Episode 1

The member sees the star Kwon Yuri in the lobby. He asks her to autograph on his back. The manager lets the members get into the radio room. They pay their respect to the workers. We return to the ward. Im Sol’s mother Bok-Soon clips nail for Im Sol but she hurts her thumb.

She breaks the glass before she leaves the ward. Im Sol picks up the shard. The DJ Seung-Yeon calls Im Sol when she plans to let her have a talk to Sun-Jae. But Im Sol doesn’t want to talk with Sun-Jae. So Seung-Yeon intends to give a present to Im Sol.

Im Sol throws a fit to Seung-Yeon. She thinks she doesn’t know her feelings that she lost her legs. She throws away the phone. Sun-Jae asks Im Sol not to give up herself. It makes her cry. Bok-Soon shows up. She doesn’t know what happened to Im Sol. She hugs her to comfort her.

Im Sol wakes up in the room. We see many Sun-Jae’s photos in her room. Im Sol chases her grandmother because the old lady took away her watch which she plans to give it to Sun-Jae. Bok-Soon helps Im Sol take back the watch. They mentions the concert of Sun-Jae.

The concert is going to begin. Sun-Jae has a fight with the manager Seok-Hyun. He doesn’t want to make the movie. He thinks he won’t regret. Im Sol is going to go to the concert. She gives Sun-Jae’s photo a fly kiss before she goes out.

Im Sol’s friend Hyun-Joo gives Im Sol a ride. She reveals she prepared a present for her. Im Sol takes out the present. She finds out that the present is a album. She sees Sun-Jae’s photo from the album. She learns that she and Sun-Jae were in same school.

Im Sol gathers with her junior. They’re going to go to eat after they took photos in front Sun-Jae’s photo. But she hears In-Hyuk’s fans wishing Sun-Jae to leave the band because they know the star is going to go to make a movie. Im Sol glares at the fans because she thinks they’re spreading rumor. She gets a call from the film company. The guy wants to interview her because she applied a position. She’s excited to leave.

Sun-Jae walks into the dressing room. The members aren’t happy when they see him. Im Sol rides the wheelchair to the company. But she sees the stairs. She gets rejected because there’s no elevator. She goes to the concert. But the concert begins.

Im Sol begins the worker to let her in. The worker agrees to it. She wishes to take a look at Im Sol’s ticket. But Im Sol doesn’t find the ticket from her bag. She remembers the ticket dropped on the bus when she got on the bus. Sun-Jae walks to the stage. He begins to sing. Im Sol supports him from outside. He sings a song which isn’t on the list. She tears up when she listens to the song.

The concert ends. Im Sol isn’t out from Sun-Jae’s song. It’s snowing. She tries to leave. But someone bumps her. Her phone drops. She picks up the phone and she finds out that it’s broken. Sun-Jae returns to the dressing room. In-Hyuk grabs Sun-Jae’s collar when he intends to have a fight with him. Sun-Jae tells In-Hyuk that he wishes to be alone. In-Hyuk leaves with others.

Im Sol is going to go to the bus stop. But her wheelchair is dead. She cries because she feels cold. Sun-Jae passes by. He gets off his car with an umbrella. He walks to Im Sol and he holds the umbrella for her. He intends to give her a ride after he found out that she’s his fan.

But her friend Hyun-Joo shows up. Sun-Jae gives his umbrella to Im Sol. She gives him a present. He jumps into the pool from his house. She sees the message and she learns that he’s sent to the hospital. She’s on the way to go to the hospital.

But her watch drops from the bridge. She gets into the water to take her watch when the doctor announces the death of Sun-Jae. Im Sol gets the watch but she sees the news that Sun-Jae is dead. She cries when she thinks he should be alive. She grabs the watch and she activates the switch of the watch. She finds out that she’s in the classroom when she wakes up. The teacher punishes her to stand up because she had a dream in the class. She’s shocked after she found out that her legs are there.

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