Love of Nirvana Episode 2 Recap: Simple Girl

The doctor Zi Ming saves Jiang Ci. He thinks the girl will wake up after two days. Pei Yan thanks Zi Ming. He lets him go to take a break. We go to Jiang family village ten years ago. Jiang Ci opens the window of her house. She cleans the house.

Love of Nirvana Episode 2

Jiang Ci’s master Qiao Yan returns home. Jiang Ci pretends to study. Qiao Yan walks into the room. She asks Jiang Ci if she read the chapter well. Jiang Ci lets Qiao Yan drink the water. She brings the no bitter porridge to her. She asks her if the taste is like the taste she drank.

Qiao Yan drinks the porridge. She reveals she doesn’t remember the taste. But Jiang Ci doesn’t believe it. She mentions what Qiao Yan said that she will never forget the taste she drank in Moon Fall. Qiao Yan tells Jiang Ci that she knows she’s filial.

Jiang Ci promises to let Qiao Yan to taste the no bitter porridge. Qiao Yan thinks Jiang Ci ruined the flowers and the grass in the mountain. Jiang Ci denies it. She claims that the flowers and the grass are her friends. She mentions she cooked it and she gave it to the villagers.

She thinks she gave the flowers and the grass the life value. She asks her master if she heard any big news from the capital Qingkang. She mentions the envoy of Wei Kingdom is going to arrive in Qingkang. She adds that Emperor let Jianding Marquis hold a celebration for welcoming the envoy.

SEE ALSO: Love of Nirvana Episode 1 Recap: Dancer

Qiao Yan learns that Jiang Ci wants to go to attend the celebration. She’s against it. Jiang Ci persuades Qiao Yan that she wishes to taste all of the food in the world. But Qian Yan thinks Jiang Ci doesn’t know the danger of Martial Arts world.

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