Love Next Door Episode 2 Recap: Stars

This is the recap for Love Next Door Episode 2. We go to a pork belly store. Seung-Hyo and Seok-Ryu become students. They clean the grills at the store. Seung-Hyo doesn’t want to wash the grill. Seok-Ryu finds out that he didn’t wash the grill well.

Love Next Door Episode 2

Seung-Hyo complains it to Seok-Ryu that the guy promised to take him to someplace nice. But she thinks the place is very nice. Because she can smell the smell of the meat. The guy brings more grills to them. He leaves. We find out that it’s the place outside the restaurant.

Seung-Hyo takes a look at his watch. He tries to leave. Seok-Ryu hugs his leg for stopping him. She takes him to a stationery store. She picks the stars. He blames her for buying the useless stuff with the money she earned from her part-time job.

She asks him to go out with her. He realizes that she’s going to take him to do a cleaning corpses job. She thinks it’s a great idea. Mi-Sook is at home. She goes to the kitchen. She’s going to make breakfast. She finds a present from the rice cooker.

She reads the note and she learns that the present was bought by her daughter Seok-Ryu. The present is a gold brooch. She wears the brooch and she goes to Seok-Ryu’s room. She finds out that the girl is sleeping in the bed. She’s very happy.

We return to the present. Mi-Sook walks into Seok-Ryu’s room. She sees her daughter sleeping on the floor. She’s furious to close the door. The box falls to the floor. It wakes Seok-Ryu up. She looks at the stars on the ceiling.

Seung-Hyo takes a bath at home. He gets changed and he turns on the TV. The anchor reveals there will be a meteor shower. Geun-Sik watches the news as well. He turns off the TV after his wife asked him to come to eat. Seok-Ryu runs downstairs when Geun-Sik asks Mi-Sook about Seok-Ryu.

She reveals she slept like a baby. She’s happy after she found out that her mother made her the stew she likes. But she notes that she didn’t prepare the rice for her. So she goes to get the rice on her own. Mi-Sook walks to Seok-Ryu. She asks her if what she said last night is true.

It flashes back. Seok-Ryu gets on knees to her parents in the living room. Mi-Sook tells her daughter that she doesn’t believe that she cheated. But Seok-Ryu claims that she has another side her mother doesn’t know. Mi-Sook believes that Seok-Ryu has a plan after she brought the trouble. But Seok-Ryu tells her mother that she wants to sleep. It makes Mi-Sook angry.

We return to the kitchen. Seok-Ryu admits it to her mother what she said is true. Mi-Sook disallows Seok-Ryu to eat. Dong-Jin shows up without wearing shirt. Seok-Ryu scolds her younger brother. But he shows his body to her. She covers her eyes.

Someone rings the doorbell. Dong-Jin walks to the door. He finds out that the person is Seung-Hyo through the CCTV. He sees Mo-Eum then. He goes to get dressed. Seung-Hyo and Mo-Eum walk into the room. Seung-Hyo brings a present. He ignores Seok-Ryu and he joins Mi-Sook.

Mo-Eum checks Seok-Ryu’s tongue. She asks her if she’s fine and she hugs her. Mi-Sook is furious to ask Mo-Eum if she thinks she would beat Seok-Ryu to death. Mo-Eum mentions Mi-Sook almost broke Seok-Ryu’s leg. Seung-Hyo hands over the present the pumpkin porridge to Mi-Sook.

She thinks he’s the only one who cares for her. But Geun-Sik claims that he passed out. Mi-Sook lets the guests have breakfast. Seok-Ryu complains that her mother starves her. Mi-Sook ignores her daughter. Mo-Eum shares her rice with Seok-Ryu.

But Seung-Hyo refuses to share his rice with Seok-Ryu. Mi-Sook asks Dong-Jin to come to eat. But he skips the breakfast because he thinks the carbs and the sodium are dangerous. Seok-Ryu mentions the dishes are healthy. But Dong-Jin knows nothing about it as a trainer. She thinks he failed the test because of it.

But he tells her that she’s a pest. She’s furious to grab his hair. He grabs her hair and they have a fight. Mi-Sook stops her children. She leaves the kitchen with anger. She goes to the basement and she plays the drum kit. The people think she’s good at everything.

Mo-Eum joins Seok-Ryu in the bathroom when Seok-Ryu is brushing her teeth. She yells at her and she asks her why she resigned. Seok-Ryu blames Mo-Eum for rubbing salt in her wound. She realizes that her mother told her to do so. Mo-Eum admits it.

She follows her to her room. She mentions she’s a perfectionist. She grabs her shoulder and shakes her when she asks her why she came back. But Seung-Hyo reminds Mo-Eum that she’s late. She leaves. Seung-Hyo tells Seok-Ryu that she will go to the hell if she gives up herself.

But she thinks she’s in the heaven when she lies on the floor. She lets him come to her. She catches the chance to strangle him. Mi-Sook shows up. She hits Seok-Ryu from her back. She saves Seung-Hyo. He reports it to her that Seok-Ryu tried to kill him. She lets Seok-Ryu take the rice cakes to Seung-Hyo’s office. Seung-Hyo is moved after knowing Mi-Sook bought him rice cakes.

Na-Yoon is in her office to enjoy Seung-Hyo’s photo. Myeong-U shows up. He complains it to her that the client always changes his mind. He finds out that she’s sorting out Seung-Hyo’s photos. Seok-Ryu shows up with Seung-Hyo. Myeong-U mistakes her for the client.

She explains it to him that she just came to give rice cakes. He realizes that she’s Seung-Hyo’s childhood friend. He invites her to come to their opening. Na-Yoon brings the juice to Seok-Ryu. She asks her about Seung-Hyo’s history since she has known the guy for a long time.

Seok-Ryu takes us to a hot day in summer. She runs into a boy Seung-Hyo who looks shy. He hides behind his mother. It makes her want to help him. Seung-Hyo’s mother leave Seung-Hyo in Seok-Ryu’s house because she needs to go to work.

Seok-Ryu begins to look after Seung-Hyo. She puts the crown on his head and she builds a castle for him. She helps him wash hands and she gives the food to him. She takes him to see her friends. She asks them to be nice to the boy. They play game together.

We return to the present. Seok-Ryu thinks she raised Seung-Hyo. He disagrees when he shows up. He tells his colleagues that the girl is a liar. He reveals Seok-Ryu was a lunatic.

Seung-Hyo brings another story about the first encounter. Seok-Ryu tries to shake hand with Seung-Hyo when she asks him about his name. But he thinks she’s dirty. She ruins his castle and she breaks into the bathroom when he pees. She gives beans to him even if she knows he doesn’t like beans. She steals his piggy bank.

Na-Yoon walks out of the meeting room with Myeong-U. She mentions Seok-Ryu acted childish. He thinks the two are close friends because they went to same bathroom. He gets a call from someone. He’s shocked. Mi-Sook walks on the street after she bought groceries.

She passes by the fruits store. The women talk about Seok-Ryu. They mention the girl was fired. They think Mi-Sook bragged. Mi-Sook joins them. She threatens the fruits seller that she wants to shred something. She walks into Jae-Sook’s store. She sits on the chair with anger.

She complains it to Jae-Sook that the people badmouthed her. Jae-Sook thinks Mi-Sook shouldn’t beat Seok-Ryu outside. She reveals Hye-Sook invited the Hee Sisters to her son’s grand opening. Mi-Sook wonders why Hye-Sook invited the snooty women.

Jae-Sook mentions Hye-Sook told the women about her son’s office at the class reunion. Mi-Sook blames Hye-Sook for blabbing about it. Jae-Sook mentions what Mi-Sook said that her son-in-law is an international lawyer. Mi-Sook scolds Jae-Sook.

Seok-Ryu lies on the rooftop to enjoy the sunset. She sees the onion and she cooks an onion cake. Mo-Eum shows up. She sees what Seok-Ryu is doing. She applaud. Seok-Ryu reveals she learned the skill when she was overseas. Mo-Eum calls Seung-Hyo. She asks him to come. But he rejects it. Mo-Eum asks Seok-Ryu is she has any drink.

Mi-Sook drinks wine at her restaurant. She persuades Geun-Sik to have a talk with their daughter. But he rejects it. She has a fight with him. She thinks he always avoids the problem. She leaves the restaurant. He confesses that he didn’t dare to ask Seok-Ryu about it because he thought Seok-Ryu broke off the engagement because of him.

Seung-Hyo shows up when Seok-Ryu is having a talk with Mo-Eum. Mo-Eum isn’t happy after knowing the guy didn’t bring any drink. She goes to buy drink. Seok-Ryu tells Seung-Hyo that she knows he’s very busy.

It flashes back. Myeong-U interrupts Seok-Ryu and Seung-Hyo. Seung-Hyo returns to his office. He learns that the townhouse project is delayed. He realizes that he won’t get paid. But he brings up that he has another project. But Myeong-U tells him that the company plans to pay them next year.

We come back to the present. Seok-Ryu knows something happened to Seung-Hyo. But he reminds her that the cake is burning. The cake is burned. He volunteers to cook one for her. But it hurts her pride. She claims that she’s House Cook Master.

He wonders how long she’s going to hold out. He believes that her mother and Mo-Eum will keep asking her about it. It makes her believe that he wants to know the truth as well. He tells her that he’s not interested in it at all. He persuades her to confess it to Mi-Sook. Because Mi-Sook is her mother. She’s close to him. She asks him if her mother told him to do so. She strangles him.

Mi-Sook is in her room. She calls her son-in-law. But the guy doesn’t pick up her phone. She walks out of her room. She runs into Seok-Ryu who runs downstairs. Seok-Ryu notes that her mother just called someone. She follows her to the kitchen. She asks her if she’s going to to to the grand opening.

Mi-Sook admits it. She learns that her daughter is going to go to the grand opening. She goes to take the bowl. Seok-Ryu catches the chance to steal Mi-Sook’s phone. She finds out that Mi-Sook called her ex-boyfriend. She yells at her when she mentions what she said that she and the guy are over. Seok-Ryu erases the guy’s number. She places the phone on the table.

Seung-Hyo walks Myeong-U on the street. He’s studying the papers. He plans to sue the company who didn’t pay them the design fee. But Myeong-U thinks they don’t have any hope because the fee wasn’t written in the contract. She persuades Seung-Hyo not to build their office.

He sees the reporter who they’re going to meet. We find out that the reporter is Dan-Ho. The guy persuades the old lady to leave the road. Because he thinks it’s too dangerous. But she doesn’t want to give up the paper boxes. He helps her pick up the paper boxes. Seung-Hyo joins him.

Dan-Ho recognizes Seung-Hyo. They push the paper boxes to the junkyard for the old lady. Myeong-U is waiting for them at a cafe. The two guy walk out of the junkyard. Seung-Hyo mentions the old lady needs to do the job each day. He thinks the life is tough. Seok-Ryu is on the bus. She opens the window.

It flashes back. We go to the United States. Seok-Ryu is fired in the company. The colleagues don’t like her because they think she’s conceited. She returns home and she cries in her room. She holds her phone and she leaves a message to her fiance Hyeon-Jun that she needs him. We go to another scene. Seok-Ryu finds her fiance from a party. She sees him kissing a girl.

We return to the present. The bus driver asks Seok-Ryu to get off the bus. Because it’s the last stop. She gets off the bus. But she gets in the bus again. She still sits on the same seat. Dan-Ho interviews Seung-Hyo and Myeong-U at a cafe. He wonders why the two left the big company. Seung-Hyo reveals he did it because he wanted to do the project on his own. But he regrets it now. He gets a call from someone. He leaves the cafe.

Kyung-Jong returns home when Hye-Sook is reading magazine on the couch. He tells her that he will come back the day after tomorrow. He reveals he has a seminar. She reminds him that his son has a grand opening. He promises to send flowers to Seung-Hyo. He asks her about her assignment. It makes her think he wants to get rid of her.

Seok-Ryu walks on the street in the evening. She passes by the flower store. She’s interested in the pomegranate tree. She takes the plant home and she runs into Seung-Hyo. She hands over the tree to him as a present for the grand opening.

He intends to throw the plant away. She hints at him that the pomegranate tree symbolizes abundance. She tells him that the company will shrivel up if the leaf falls. He tries to return the tree to her. He thinks she can give the tree to him tomorrow. But she tells him that she won’t go to the opening. She returns to her house.

Mi-Sook is looking for her brooch in the morning. She tells Seok-Ryu that she wants to wear the brooch to the grand opening. Seok-Ryu opens the drawer to look for the brooch. She finds out that her mother didn’t use the cosmetics she bought her.

Mi-Sook explains it to her daughter that she wants to use it in a special moment. But Seok-Ryu yells at her that the cosmetics are about to expire. Hye-Sook leads her sisters to the grand opening. The sisters are shocked after they saw the grand opening.

Mi-Sook praises Seung-Hyo. But he introduces Myeong-U as his boss to her. Myeong-U mistakes Mi-Sook for Seung-Hyo’s mother. Mi-Sook has to introduce Hye-Sook to the guy. Seung-Hyo asks Mi-Sook about Seok-Ryu. Hee Sisters show up. Hee Sisters and Sook Sisters have a meeting up.

Yeong-Hee asks Mi-Sook about her daughter’s marriage. But she’s told that the engagement was called off. Hee Sisters give Mi-Sook a hard time when the lady tries to cover up the wedding case. Hye-Sook takes Mi-Sook’s side. She thinks her sister can change her mind.

Seung-Hyo is outside his office. He has a talk with his father over the phone. His father apologizes to him for not coming to the grand opening. Seok-Ryu sees it when she shows up. She greets Seung-Hyo. Mi-Sook is in the restroom. She hears Hee Sisters badmouthing her. They think Mi-Sook wanted to use her daughter to go to the glory of her life. But she fails after her daughter failed.

Seung-Hyo takes Seok-Ryu to his office. But she wants to leave after she says hello to her mother. He lets her stay at the party. He goes to get some food for her. Mi-Sook walks out of the restroom. She sees Seok-Ryu. Seok-Ryu is happy to see Mi-Sook that she found her brooch.

Mi-Sook puts the brooch into her pocket. She tells Seok-Ryu to leave because she worry that people will talk about them. Seok-Ryu learns that her mother feels shame when she’s with her. Hee Sisters show up. Mi-Sook introduces her daughter to them. She tells them that Seok-Ryu is looking for a better job.

Seok-Ryu is furious to return to her room. She thinks Mi-Sook is a liar when Mi-Sook walks into her room. But Mi-Sook tells Seok-Ryu that she didn’t tell a lie. She asks her to return to the United States. Seok-Ryu learns that her mother doesn’t wish her to come back so she got rid of her room.

Mi-Sook has a fight with Seok-Ryu. She throws her suitcase to the first floor. She tells her that she’s his pride. But Seok-Ryu only wants to be Mi-Sook’s daughter. She’s furious to run out of the house. Seung-Hyo runs into her. He tails her to the playground. He tells her that she’s like a ghost.

He climbs to the jungle gym with her. She finds out that he’s not a kid anymore. He mentions she wanted to eat the clouds and stars. She raises her hand and she reveals she thought she can reach the sky if she grows up. But she found out that she cannot do that even if she has grown up.

It’s raining. Seung-Hyo only buys an umbrella. Seok-Ryu has to share the umbrella with him. She laughs when she remembers he cried after she gave up him at the playground. He drops his umbrella. He persuades her not to pretend to laugh when she wants to cry. She cries.

Mi-Sook carries Seok-Ryu’s suitcase to Seok-Ryu’s room. She tries to put the cover on the floor. But the brooch drops. She cries to put on the brooch. The rain stops. Seok-Ryu knows Seung-Hyo heard the fight of her and Mi-Sook. She asks him to forget it.

She’s surprised that she still hates her mother at the age. He points out that she hates her mother because she likes her mother. She sees the shooting star. She tells him that there was a shooting star in the sky. He believes it until another shooting star appears.

They make a wish to the shooting star. Seung-Hyo tells Seok-Ryu that he just wished his company not to fall. He reveals he didn’t get design fee. She plans to go to the company to ask for the design fee for him. But he persuades her to go the the food stall with him. They leave the playground.

Mi-Sook walks into Seok-Ryu’s room. She finds out that her daughter isn’t in the room. Seok-Ryu walks on the street with the papers. Na-Yoon walks into Myeong-U’s office. She reports to him that she convinced the client. He’s very happy. They find out that Seung-Hyo isn’t in the office. They call him.

Seok-Ryu returns home. Geun-Sik persuades her to have dinner when Mi-Sook is working in the kitchen. But Seok-Ryu claims that she’s not hungry. She returns to her room and she finds out that the room is brand new. She runs to the kitchen. She asks Mi-Sook what happened to her room. Geun-Sik reveals Mi-Sook asked Seung-Hyo to do it.

It flashes back. Mi-Sook calls Seung-Hyo. She asks him to redecorate Seok-Ryu’s room. She thinks the girl deserves a room. He agrees to it and he begins to redecorate the room. He doesn’t pick up Na-Yoon and Myeong-U’s phones.

We return to the present. Seok-Ryu is very happy after knowing what her mother did for her. She thinks Mi-Sook should let her know about it. Mi-Sook points out that Seok-Ryu is missing when she looked for her in the morning. She gives the dishes to her.

Seok-Ryu is surprised that her mother cooked the expensive dish for her. Geun-Sik feeds her the food. Dong-Jin returns home. He joins his family to eat. Seok-Ryu walks into her room. She turns off the light and she’s going to sleep in the bed. But she sees the stars on the ceiling.

SEE ALSO: Love Next Door Episode 1 Recap: Courage

She calls Seung-Hyo and she asks him about the stars on the ceiling. He mentions the embarrassing moment that she was rejected by the senior. She opens the curtains and she’s surprised to see him. She learns that he lives there. Seok-Ryu tried to reach the paper star. But she fell. Seung-Hyo caught her. They fell to the bed together. He was shocked when she looked at him.

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